Make WordPress Core



22:24 Ticket #23186 (Standards Change Proposal) closed by cportwood
maybelater: I can certainly agree with that.
22:04 Ticket #23186 (Standards Change Proposal) created by cportwood
Now that PHP includes namespaces I think it would be good if standards …
20:13 Ticket #23185 (Hyphens surrounded by non-breaking spaces are not texturized) created by redsweater
Thanks to Ticket #8161, a single hyphen or double hyphen surounded by …
19:29 Ticket #23184 (Twenty Eleven/Twelve: Mismatched lines in GitHub Gists) created by obenland
GitHub Gists are displayed with the code and line numbers misaligned, …
18:15 Ticket #23183 (Single Page Application/OData API) created by cportwood
I am interested in helping out. Are there any plans to move to a …
18:03 Ticket #23182 (Offset error if the first item in an admin menu is a separator) created by phill_brown
There are a few ways you can get to this error, but the easiest way …
17:43 Ticket #23181 (Clear Notice from reset_header_image() method in Custom_Image_Header class) created by wpsmith
If you take the following steps you will receive a notice for …
17:24 Ticket #23180 (Introduce get_plugin_part) created by wonderboymusic
To anyone who uses "plugins" to package components that contain UI …
15:40 Ticket #23179 (New avatar related option - use gravatar only for registered users) created by mark-k
The use of gravater is problematic because there is no attempt to …
13:07 Ticket #23178 (Screen reader shortcut links generated by _render() from WP_Admin_Bar ...) created by Marko-M
Screen reader related links generated by _render() from WP_Admin_Bar …
10:16 Changeset [23297] by dd32
Core Update: Fix a issue which caused automatic upgrades from 2.7 to …
09:50 Ticket #23177 (Automatic upgrade from 2.7 to 3.5 fails with bad path) created by dd32
I've just had a report of the Automatic Upgrade failing for a 2.7 -> …
07:57 Ticket #23176 (Inserting media with multiple newlines in caption breaks HTML) created by jonieske
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open add media dialog in editor to insert image …
03:00 Ticket #23175 (Make get_home_path() return consistent slashes) created by SergeyBiryukov
As noted in ticket:23073:40, get_home_path() doesn't …
02:49 Ticket #15132 (Post Status Transitions Codex out of date regarding post statuses) closed by DrewAPicture
fixed: Updated the screenshot and tweaked some of the language and example.
00:16 Ticket #16455 (if MULTISITE constant not defined error message "One or more database ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov


21:08 Ticket #16181 (Hide Personal Options section via CSS) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #12295.
20:42 Ticket #16233 (Custom taxonomy archive returns 404 when it contains only custom post types) closed by wonderboymusic
fixed: Fixed here: [21855]#L2220
20:04 Ticket #23174 (Complete register_post_status() API) closed by nacin
duplicate: It's not that #12706 is trying to do too much. Based on three years of …
19:26 Ticket #14618 (Proposal: Standardize WP Responses to JS Requests as JSON) closed by scribu
duplicate: Duplicate of #23099.
19:07 Ticket #23174 (Complete register_post_status() API) created by danielbachhuber
register_post_status(), introduced in r12719, isn't fully …
19:05 Ticket #23173 (Don't cache arrays of query results in a single cache bucket) created by ryan
We have started using one cache bucket per query with passive …
17:05 Ticket #23172 (Media Library - Rename the default "Images" in dropdown to something ...) created by
I have a group of about 6 people on my team and after the upgrade to …
13:36 Ticket #23158 (jQuery UI Slider enqueue in admin breaks admin button styles) closed by tigusigalpa
worksforme: sorry, really, jquery-ui.toggleSwitch script error..
13:08 Ticket #22853 (Hyperdb redirects to wp-admin/install.php with no read servers up) closed by vnsavage
wontfix: Hi, Thanks for the report. In general you can use the plugins trac: …
12:21 Ticket #23171 (Add oEmbed support) created by sennza
Given the number of meetups people are doing around the world I think …
12:07 Ticket #23170 (PHP Notice On _remove_theme_support() function) created by alex-ye
I create a ticket about this bug in #22246 but as I test the PHP …
10:54 Ticket #22998 (Add Open Graph protocol support) closed by rmccue
wontfix: Agreed on plugin territory.
08:35 Ticket #23169 (Introduce register_post_status_for_object_type) created by kovshenin
Similar to what register_taxonomy_for_object_type does with taxonomies.
08:32 Ticket #23168 (Introduce remove_post_status) created by kovshenin
Plugins and themes should be able to remove the default post statuses …
08:10 Changeset [23296] by markjaquith
Resolve DOCUMENT_ROOT symlinks and standardize Windows slashing for …
08:08 Tickets #23073,​23104 batch updated by markjaquith
fixed: In 23295: […]
08:08 Changeset [23295] by markjaquith
Resolve DOCUMENT_ROOT symlinks and standardize Windows slashing for …
06:25 Ticket #23138 (TinyMCE not expanding to full height in Firefox) closed by azaozz
invalid: This looks like a bug in Firefox' contenteditable rather than in …
06:10 Ticket #23139 (Insert/Edit Link adds unwanted paragraph when the link takes up the ...) closed by azaozz
duplicate: Duplicate of #22888, already fixed for 3.5.1.
06:09 Ticket #23114 (Links created in Visual Editor are removed by Text Editor) closed by azaozz
duplicate: Duplicate of #22888 (already fixed for 3.5.1). If that still happens …
05:17 Ticket #21748 (get_pagenum_link() returns URL with pagination base for a singular ...) closed by wonderboymusic
duplicate: Duplicate of #4463. This is insane - I patched 2 different tickets …
04:56 Ticket #23167 (Cache incrementors for get_pages) created by nprasath002
Make use of a caching incrementor and get pages from their individual …
04:46 Ticket #23166 (Post/Page slug collision) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #13459.
04:39 Ticket #23166 (Post/Page slug collision) created by AKTed
If you create a page with the same slug as a post or vice versa, …
02:25 Ticket #23165 (Admin validation errors on form nonce element IDs (_wpnonce)) created by bpetty
The wp_nonce_field() method has a design flaw in that the name
00:40 Ticket #23164 (Theme update screenshot are squished.) created by cochran
In the update admin screen the theme screenshots are squished to 64px …


23:35 Ticket #23163 (3.6 Network Admin Help Text) created by DrewAPicture
One of the Doc team's action items …
22:48 Ticket #23162 (Allow to call parent_dropdown() for an arbitrary post) created by charliespider
parent_dropdown() can no longer be used outside of the loop, such as …
21:56 Ticket #23157 (Custom header in twenty twelve theme not pluggable/filterable) closed by toscho
invalid: No need to make this function pluggable. Just remove it in your child …
21:01 Ticket #16206 (Comment text not marked as required) closed by SergeyBiryukov
20:51 Ticket #22246 (PHP Notice On _remove_theme_support() function) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: This ticket was closed on a completed milestone. Please open a new one.
20:48 Ticket #23161 (Filters for the image crop position) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #19393.
20:45 Ticket #23161 (Filters for the image crop position) created by sergej.mueller
For a adjustable assignment of the crop start position. Usage to make …
20:45 Ticket #22246 (PHP Notice On _remove_theme_support() function) reopened by alex-ye
As I test the PHP notice is still exists even after Nacin patch …
20:10 Ticket #23160 (Better 404 page for created by bradparbs
Right now, if you get a 404 on, there isn't really much. …
19:46 Ticket #23159 (Add Words Counter In The Excerpt Metabox) created by alex-ye
Hi WordPress Lovers :) , WordPress 3.6 fouces on "Content Editing" a …
19:01 Ticket #23158 (jQuery UI Slider enqueue in admin breaks admin button styles) created by tigusigalpa
I has a problem when i integrate jQuery UI slider in admin scripts …
18:31 Ticket #12915 (When uploading a file, remaining disk space has too many digits.) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #19067.
17:57 Ticket #22295 (wp_convert_bytes_to_hr(): annoying notice if 0 bytes and deprecated or not?) closed by F J Kaiser
duplicate: Replying to SergeyBiryukov: > The patch on #19067 does …
17:33 Ticket #23157 (Custom header in twenty twelve theme not pluggable/filterable) created by adamrice
Child themes cannot cleanly alter the header styling output from the …
17:31 Ticket #23156 (twenty twelve custom header not pluggable/filterable by child themes) closed by adamrice
17:29 Ticket #23156 (twenty twelve custom header not pluggable/filterable by child themes) created by adamrice
Child themes cannot cleanly alter the header styling output from the …
16:43 Ticket #23155 (Fire update_blog_public action from update_blog_status()) created by ryan
The update_blog_public action is fired from update_blog_public() but …
14:28 Ticket #23154 (Media library won't display images when there's broken attachment parents) created by viniciusmassuchetto
When debug is enabled and there's a problem getting the parent of an …
14:22 Ticket #23143 (Change user "website" profile field to "Web Profile page") closed by helen
wontfix: Since we do not (and should not) enforce that the "website" field …
12:45 Ticket #23153 (Delete schedule date/time when changing an article from Scheduled to ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #8368, #16068, #17143, #18565
12:39 Ticket #23153 (Delete schedule date/time when changing an article from Scheduled to ...) created by bi0xid
If you have a post scheduled ( post_status=future ) and you change it …
12:10 Ticket #23143 (Change user "website" profile field to "Web Profile page") reopened by toscho
Sorry, closed this accidentally as fixed. My bad. :) A core …
12:09 Ticket #23143 (Change user "website" profile field to "Web Profile page") closed by toscho
fixed: Replying to mark-k: > What is the use case for having that …
05:38 Ticket #23151 (get_attachment_template() doesn't follow the pattern of its ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Turned out to be a duplicate of #15337.
01:37 Ticket #17888 (Problems with build in Cronjob Schedule - is this a bug?) closed by SergeyBiryukov
worksforme: No traction in 19 months. There were some changes to cron in 3.3 and …
00:57 Ticket #23137 (xmlrpc wp.uploadFile) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #20984.
00:25 Ticket #21077 (Add support for custom ports in multisite site addresses) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #15936.


22:34 Ticket #23152 (Twenty Twelve: Excessive CSS classes in functions.php) created by TomasM
There is navigation part in twentytwelve_content_nav function: […] …
22:14 Ticket #23151 (get_attachment_template() doesn't follow the pattern of its ...) created by rulatir
The get_attachment_template() function in template.php is implemented …
20:50 Ticket #23150 (Sanitize the class passed to wp_list_bookmarks() and allow passing an array) created by ryan
The class argument to wp_list_bookmarks() could use some sanitization. …
19:46 Ticket #23149 (YouTube Embedding is incorrect for https:// URLs) created by Otto42
Reference: #18719, #20102, Conversation from 9-19-2012: …
19:25 Ticket #23148 (Add hook in wp_ajax_save_attachment for additional attachment fields) created by griffinjt
As of now, wp_ajax_save_attachment only looks for the attachment …
19:17 Ticket #18719 (YouTube Embedding Fails for https:// URLs) closed by nacin
fixed: As this ticket was closed as fixed on a completed milestone, please …
19:06 Ticket #18719 (YouTube Embedding Fails for https:// URLs) reopened by Otto42
Update: This is still not correctly fixed. Although the https URL is …
18:36 Ticket #23147 (Twenty Twelve: Proper padding to floating images with caption) created by TomasM
Floating image with caption isn't padded well. We would have to change …
17:32 Ticket #23146 (When current user email change requested, pending message shows on ...) created by bananastalktome
As a superadmin in a multisite environment, if I go to edit my profile …
17:17 Ticket #23145 (Editing images only regenerates built in image sizes and not custom ...) closed by markoheijnen
duplicate: Duplicate of #19889.
17:10 Ticket #23145 (Editing images only regenerates built in image sizes and not custom ...) created by hexpen
Steps to reproduce: 1. Add image sizes using add_image_size (both …
16:19 Ticket #23144 (Non writeable uploads folder may result in URLs to existing ...) created by eskapism
When using wp_get_attachment_url() the returned url may fall back to …
16:04 Ticket #23140 (WordPress giving too much info to end users on DB error) closed by AKTed
invalid: Thank you for the clarification, Sergey. I feel much better now. When …
15:24 Ticket #23143 (Change user "website" profile field to "Web Profile page") created by mark-k
WordPress have almost all the tools in place to support 3-link google …
13:04 Ticket #23142 (Make it possible to "stem" an arbitrary prefix with the Template ...) created by rulatir
Please expose the template hierarchy "stemming" logic for theme …
12:49 Ticket #23141 (Add autocomplete="off" to all inputs that have a value) created by alexvorn2
On refresh in the browser - old data is filled in the inputs, …
12:01 Ticket #23140 (WordPress giving too much info to end users on DB error) created by AKTed
My host recently had a short MySQL outage and the apparently stock …
04:18 Ticket #19395 (Comment notifications are sent to post authors without checking blog ...) closed by nacin
duplicate: Duplicate of #23136.
04:18 Ticket #23136 (Do not notify the post author about comments if they are no longer a ...) reopened by nacin
I don't think this is so clear-cut. This had an existing ticket, …
04:03 Ticket #23136 (Do not notify the post author about comments if they are no longer a ...) closed by markjaquith
fixed: In 23294: […]
04:03 Changeset [23294] by markjaquith
Do not notify the post author about comments if they are no longer a …


20:49 Ticket #23139 (Insert/Edit Link adds unwanted paragraph when the link takes up the ...) created by JboyJW
In the TinyMCE editor, select an entire paragraph of text and click …
19:27 Ticket #23138 (TinyMCE not expanding to full height in Firefox) created by GeraldS
In Firefox the TinyMCE does not use the full height of the edit area, …
19:01 Ticket #23137 (xmlrpc wp.uploadFile) created by lyfeway
version: 3.5 File: wp-include/functions.php Line: 1718 …
18:45 Ticket #23136 (Do not notify the post author about comments if they are no longer a ...) created by ryan
wp_notify_postauthor() should not notify the post author of comments …
16:21 Ticket #23135 (Filter for Block Elements in wpautop()) created by luehrsen
This addresses the need to exclude certain block elements (iframe, …
15:15 Ticket #23070 (Generated robots.txt file with privacy on should have Allow: /robots.txt) closed by joostdevalk
wontfix: I've emailed someone at Google, this is clearly a bug in the fetch as …
11:10 Ticket #23134 (Pagination not working in custom post type homepage when there are no posts) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #22299. pre_get_posts hook should be used instead. …
08:47 Ticket #23134 (Pagination not working in custom post type homepage when there are no posts) created by kcssm
Hello, This is quite confusing to put into words. So I have made a …
08:33 Ticket #23133 (Display a warning in the admin if cron tasks fail due to blocked HTTP ...) created by prb22public@…
I recently upgraded my very simple WP site to 3.5 where the following …
03:59 Changeset [23293] by nacin
Ensure we wp_die() at the end of an ajax action. see #23055.


22:05 Ticket #23132 (wp_timezone_override_offset() has noticeable performance hit) created by Rarst
While wandering through XHProf generated callgraph of my test stack I …
20:33 Ticket #23131 (icontag is not escaped in gallery_shortcode()) created by macbrink
in the gallery_shortcode() function, only the itemtag and the …
14:40 Ticket #23130 (nav_menu and custom taxonomies) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #21369.
14:34 Ticket #23129 (delete user link causes assign posts page to hang if a large number of ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #19867, #20769
14:08 Ticket #23130 (nav_menu and custom taxonomies) created by dmikam
I found out that in case when you have some custom taxonomies, their …
13:25 Ticket #23129 (delete user link causes assign posts page to hang if a large number of ...) created by commentluv
if a delete user link is clicked, the delete user page where you …
07:47 Ticket #17609 ('View post' link shown even when post type can't be viewed on the front-end) reopened by Jesper800
This is actually not fixed. Viewing the fix, …
06:05 Ticket #23128 (Twenty Twelve: "Post Author" included as hCard names in comments) created by BrazenlyGeek
When Twenty Twelve output comments made by the author of the post …


22:56 Ticket #23127 (Media Upload hangs on Crunching on too big image sizes.) created by clubdesign
If the uploaded file is too big for the Max Memory Limit Setting, then …
17:04 Ticket #23126 (Use tab instead of space + tab for indentation) created by dimadin
Keeping wp_initial_constants() with WP coding standards.
07:31 Changeset [23292] by nacin
3.5.1-beta1. Hopefully short-lived.
05:04 Ticket #23125 (update check error) closed by nacin
invalid: This is simply an fopen() failure, which happens sometimes. (If it …
04:59 Ticket #23125 (update check error) created by alexvorn2
Warning: fopen( …
04:00 Changeset [23291] by nacin
Whenever we have compat fields to render, send a dummy menu_order …
03:50 Ticket #22868 (broken compat attachment attributes save) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23290: […]
03:50 Changeset [23290] by nacin
Whenever we have compat fields to render, send a dummy menu_order …
02:35 Changeset [23289] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.5.1-alpha-23289.
02:33 Changeset [23288] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23288.
02:13 Ticket #23071 (Arrows in sort-2x.gif are too big and overlap) closed by ryan
fixed: In 23287: […]
02:13 Changeset [23287] by ryan
Fix the sprite positioning for HiDPI sorting arrows. props lessbloat. …
02:11 Ticket #22954 (Consistent nav menu panel tabs) closed by ryan
fixed: In 23286: […]
02:11 Changeset [23286] by ryan
Nav menu item selection lists no longer need to be specifically …
02:02 Ticket #22815 (Gallery Editing Sometimes Shows Wrong Images) closed by ryan
fixed: In 23285: […]
02:02 Changeset [23285] by ryan
Media: Properly reset the "add to gallery" library to ensure it …
01:04 Ticket #23124 (WPMU restrictions on usernames) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #17904.
00:57 Ticket #23124 (WPMU restrictions on usernames) created by chriscct7
WPMU is far more restrictive than WP on usernames. Is there a reason …
00:56 Changeset in tests [1183] by joehoyle
Added missing test image for WP_Image_Editor_GD


23:31 Changeset [23284] by nacin
Don't unnecessarily re-render the attachment details view when editing …
23:29 Ticket #23054 (Cursor position after editing media library attachment details) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23283: […]
23:29 Changeset [23283] by nacin
Don't unnecessarily re-render the attachment details view when editing …
23:29 Ticket #23123 (ms-files.php: 304 Not Modified includes Content-Length with filesize) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Duplicate of #18043.
23:27 Ticket #23102 (Thumbnails and medium-sized images always show unconstrained ...) closed by ryan
fixed: In 23282: […]
23:27 Changeset [23282] by ryan
Media: Pass thumbnail and medium sizes to …
23:24 Ticket #23123 (ms-files.php: 304 Not Modified includes Content-Length with filesize) created by v-media
Here are the HTTP headers that are got from the server when you …
22:52 Ticket #23021 (Last-Modified header always set to 1970... when it is blank. Make ...) closed by ryan
fixed: In 23281: […]
22:52 Changeset [23281] by ryan
Try not to send Last-Modified, even with an empty value. Some servers …
22:36 Changeset [23280] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.5.1-alpha-23280.
22:34 Changeset [23279] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23279.
20:54 Changeset [23278] by azaozz
Taxonomy postbox: fix toggling with "Choose from the most used tags" …
20:53 Ticket #23112 (Taxonomy meta box: choose_from_most_used not working if more than one ...) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 23277: […]
20:53 Changeset [23277] by azaozz
Taxonomy postbox: fix toggling with "Choose from the most used tags" …
20:13 Ticket #23101 (RTL on visual editor) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23276: […]
20:13 Changeset [23276] by nacin
Restore TinyMCE dropdowns to their 3.4 appearance in RTL. Merges …
20:11 Changeset [23275] by nacin
Restore TinyMCE dropdowns to their 3.4 appearance in RTL. props helen. …
20:10 Ticket #22956 (Unpredictable template loading when multiple post types are involved) closed by nacin
20:10 Ticket #22835 (link-search-field float (RTL-Arabic)) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23274: […]
20:10 Changeset [23274] by nacin
RTL fixes for internal linking. props SergeyBiryukov, helen. merges …
20:08 Changeset [23273] by nacin
Media: Restore 3.4 behavior by consulting the old-school DB options …
20:07 Ticket #22841 (Media uploader has issues with defaults for align/link/size) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23272: […]
20:07 Changeset [23272] by nacin
Media: Do not update attachment display user settings when a single …
20:05 Changeset [23271] by nacin
Ensure that get_archive_template() only loads a post type archive …
20:03 Ticket #22817 (New Media: Image isn't auto-selected after uploading featured image) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23270: […]
20:03 Changeset [23270] by nacin
Media: Automatically select uploading attachments in single-select …
20:02 Ticket #22843 (_wpMediaViewsL10n localization variable written to html doc twice in ...) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23269: […]
20:02 Changeset [23269] by nacin
Limit the execution of wp_enqueue_media() to once per page. Prevents …
20:01 Ticket #22930 (Gallery re-order not working in WP 3.5, Update Gallery button just ...) closed by nacin
fixed: In 23268: […]
20:01 Changeset [23268] by nacin
Media: Check that a router region exists before attempting to access …
19:51 Changeset [23267] by ryan
Try not to send Last-Modified, even with an empty value. Some servers …
17:49 Ticket #23122 (inline doc improvements in WP_Filesystem_Direct and WP_List_Table) created by bananastalktome
A pass over WP_Filesystem_Direct and WP_List_Table classes to …
17:39 Changeset [23266] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.6-alpha-23266.
17:26 Ticket #23121 (Correct inline doc return value for WP_Filesystem_Base::gethchmod) created by bananastalktome
Minor correction for inline docs in WP_Filesystem_Base::gethchmod()
16:28 Ticket #23120 (There should be indication that widget settings have been saved) created by
There's currently no confirmation that adding a widget or changes to a …
14:52 Ticket #23119 (UX Improvements to nav-menus.php) created by lessbloat
There are some UI issues with nav-menus.php that have been around for …
10:56 Changeset in tests [1182] by joehoyle
Add some tests for WP_Image_Editor_GD, specifically testing image …
10:13 Ticket #23118 (Remove spaces between parentheses in function calls without arguments) closed by westi
fixed: In 23265: […]
10:13 Changeset [23265] by westi
Tighten our braces. Fixes #23118 props evansolomon.
09:24 Ticket #23118 (Remove spaces between parentheses in function calls without arguments) created by evansolomon
I noticed there were a few spots with weird spaces in function calls. …
08:52 Changeset [23264] by nacin
Media: Pass thumbnail and medium sizes to …
08:28 Changeset [23263] by koopersmith
Media: Properly reset the "add to gallery" library to ensure it …
08:02 Changeset [23262] by nacin
Media: Restore 3.4 behavior by consulting the old-school DB options …
08:01 Changeset [23261] by koopersmith
Media: Do not update attachment display user settings when a single …
07:08 Changeset [23260] by koopersmith
Media: Check that a router region exists before attempting to access …
06:44 Changeset [23259] by koopersmith
Media: Automatically select uploading attachments in single-select …
06:30 Ticket #23117 (permalink failed on IIS7 and Reserved Proxy for wordpress 3.5) created by romeoqngo
it seems to work fine on local but get into a canonical redirect loop …
05:53 Ticket #23116 (Media GalleryEdit Controller should have an option to hide gallery settings) created by nd987 (from /wp-includes/js/media-views.js, …
05:22 Ticket #23115 (Refactor to accept an array of attachment ...) created by nd987
In /wp-includes/js/media-editor.js, line 175, the …
00:22 Changeset in tests [1181] by kurtpayne
Fixing the location detection for jQuery from [23183]. This will now …
00:04 Ticket #23114 (Links created in Visual Editor are removed by Text Editor) created by bgom9021@…
Links created in Visual Editor are not shown in Text Editor and any …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.