Make WordPress Core



23:34 Ticket #21604 (xmpp should be in the default list of allowed protocols) created by ethitter
XMPP (Jabber, et al) being a fairly popular standard for instant …
22:20 Changeset [21533] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: add flexible-header tag back into style.css, in …
21:45 Ticket #21603 (Add ability to delete multiple menu items) created by wphound
When working with a menu in the Admin, if you need to delete a lot of …
21:31 Ticket #21602 (redirect_canonical can lead to infinite loop on index navigation if ...) created by sreedoap
The function redirect_canonical in wp-includes/canonical.php …
21:28 Ticket #21260 (Twenty Twelve: Block Quotes) closed by SergeyBiryukov
21:28 Ticket #21260 (Twenty Twelve: Block Quotes) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
21:23 Ticket #21536 (Better editor background) closed by azaozz
wontfix: Wontfix, see [21532].
21:21 Changeset [21532] by azaozz
Revert [21495]. Discussed in dev-chat: it's better if the themes …
21:02 Ticket #21601 (Introduce WP_User::has_prop_val() magic method) created by wpsmith
When using WP_User::has_prop( $key ), I believe the expectation is …
20:12 Ticket #4794 (xml-rpc should identify encoding) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21531]: […]
20:12 Changeset [21531] by ryan
Specify the encoding in IXR_Server::output(). Props solarissmoke, …
19:24 Ticket #21600 (Reduce calls to sanitize_title_with_dashes in register_(post_type|taxonomy)) created by ocean90
Follow-up: #21593 If #21593 goes in, the post type/taxonomy name is …
19:10 Ticket #21599 (wp-admin post-screen: Make metabox visibility filterable) created by pampfelimetten
We are using wp as a cms and we want to influence the visibility …
19:02 Ticket #21598 (Update default button styles in core) created by lessbloat
Wondering if it's time to put the pill button to rest... ;-)
18:58 Changeset [21530] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.5-alpha-21530.
18:40 Changeset [21529] by azaozz
Add :focus style to all links, use JS to blur() them on click so the …
18:33 Ticket #19448 (Encoding errors in AJAX responses) reopened by ryan
Should send() even do the header() call if DOING_AJAX? admin-ajax.php …
18:30 Ticket #21597 (WordPress Importer $base_url index failed) created by lightningspirit
When XRS file without the site url tag is imported, it throws a …
18:17 Ticket #19448 (Encoding errors in AJAX responses) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21528]: […]
18:17 Changeset [21528] by ryan
Specify the charset in WP_Ajax_Response::send(). Props …
18:15 Changeset in tests [972] by ryan
Ajax response tests for #WP19448. Props kurtpayne
18:13 Ticket #21596 (enhance wp_get_archives to support post types) created by jjminkle
I needed to populate an option list of a form with the titles of …
17:54 Ticket #21595 (get_blog_post() and get_blog_permalink() create duplicate caches that ...) created by ryan
Both of these copy per blog information to global caches and never …
17:50 Ticket #21594 (Allow fetching unfiltered allowed mime types list) created by ryan
In #11668, do_enclose() gained mime type checking. It uses …
16:48 Ticket #17117 (WordPress serves up wrong MIME type for Office 2007 downloads) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21527]: […]
16:48 Changeset [21527] by ryan
Fix MS Office mime types. Group the mime list in …
16:34 Ticket #11988 (VERP does not work) closed by bpetty
invalid: Since no-one else bothered, I went ahead and submitted a ticket to fix …
16:21 Ticket #21593 (register_taxonomy() doesn't fail when taxonomy name too long) created by psbook
The 'taxonomy' field of the 'term_taxonomy' table is VARCHAR(32), ie …
16:07 Ticket #21577 (Twenty Twelve: IOS Zoom bug) closed by lancewillett
16:06 Ticket #21308 (wp.getPost(s) missing fields) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21526]: […]
16:06 Changeset [21526] by ryan
Return post_parent, menu_order, guid, and post_mime_type from …
16:05 Changeset [21525] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: remove initial-scale value from viewport meta element …
16:03 Ticket #21459 (Cleanup switch_to_blog() and restore_current_blog()) reopened by ryan
Might do ms_is_switched() to wrap the switched bool.
15:58 Ticket #21587 (Twenty Twelve: Minor formatting difference) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21524]: […]
15:58 Changeset [21524] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: s/"/'/ in array notation, props JarretC. Fixes #21587.
15:56 Ticket #21459 (Cleanup switch_to_blog() and restore_current_blog()) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21523]: […]
15:56 Changeset [21523] by ryan
Fix phpdoc for switch_to_blog() and restore_current_blog(). Props …
15:34 Ticket #21246 (Missing @since for _wp_get_user_contactmethods()) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21522]: […]
15:33 Changeset [21522] by ryan
Add @since for _wp_get_user_contactmethods() and …
15:32 Ticket #21582 (Correct @since values for wpdb properties) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21521]: […]
15:32 Changeset [21521] by ryan
Update @since for various wpdb properties. Props SergeyBiryukov. fixes …
14:57 Ticket #14280 (add_filter should accept an array of tags) closed by scribu
wontfix: Marked #21591 as dup. I don't see this: […] as a significant …
14:54 Ticket #21592 (TinyMce Bug - delete image with keyboard) created by asannad
In post editor, when trying to delete an image using keyboard delete …
14:51 Ticket #21591 (Allow passing array of hook names to add_filter and add_action) closed by scribu
duplicate: #14280
13:26 Ticket #21591 (Allow passing array of hook names to add_filter and add_action) created by joehoyle
One thing I wish I was able to do is pass multiple hooks to …
13:21 Ticket #21590 (Adding a link category through the add link screen is broken) created by yoavf
Broken since r21205
12:19 Ticket #21589 (get_term_feed_link without filter for tag archive) created by andrea.r
In function get_term_feed_link, located in …
07:59 Ticket #21588 (Inconsistencies in the Codex - using the "old" header) created by darrenmeehan
As per a lot of sites now on I think it would add to the …
06:54 Ticket #21587 (Twenty Twelve: Minor formatting difference) created by JarretC
Just a small fix, not sure why double quotes were being used instead …
05:56 Changeset [21520] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: selector for navigation menu should style the menu list …
05:37 Ticket #21531 (Twenty Twelve: Stop the navigation slide animation when clicking the ...) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21519]: […]
05:37 Changeset [21519] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: stop nav slide animation when clicking the button …
05:30 Ticket #21530 (Twenty Twelve: Wrong alignment of image captions on attachment pages) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21518]: […]
05:30 Changeset [21518] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: fix centering of image captions on image attachment …
05:25 Ticket #21503 (Twenty Twelve: Long words still getting hidden in overflow in widgets) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21517]: […]
05:25 Changeset [21517] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: better fix for long words getting hidden in widgets, …
05:08 Ticket #21440 (Twenty Twelve: verify IE7, IE8, and IE9 support) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21516]: […]
05:08 Changeset [21516] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: move IE8 styles to specific IE selector, props …
05:03 Changeset [21515] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: editor RTL style fixes props yoavf, see #21441.
02:59 Ticket #21586 (Telling register_post_type to not support anything) created by sc0ttkclark
As the use of WP becomes more complex, post types are getting used in …
02:57 Ticket #21585 (Gallery preview in the visual editor) created by azaozz
Display preview of the gallery in the visual editor.
00:34 Ticket #21584 (Allow to create more networks) created by alexvorn2
After creating a multisite installation allow users to create their …


22:34 Ticket #21583 (Improve discoverability and visual design of Screen Options and Help Panels) created by chexee
The Screen Options and Help panels are not very discoverable and, in …
21:32 Ticket #21582 (Correct @since values for wpdb properties) created by SergeyBiryukov
||$num_rows||existed in 0.71, declared as var in [13314] (3.0)|| …
21:24 Ticket #21581 (Add orderby meta_value to WP_User_Query) created by wpsmith
For some reason, we cannot easily order the WP_User_Query() by …
20:58 Changeset [21514] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.5-alpha-21514.
20:34 Changeset [21513] by nacin
@since for wpdb's result property. props SergeyBiryukov. see #21533.
20:31 Changeset in tests [971] by nacin
wpdb tests for [WP21512] and #WP18510.
20:26 Ticket #18510 (Class properties dbpassword, dbname, dbhost and dbh are undefined in wpdb) closed by nacin
fixed: In [21512]: […]
20:26 Changeset [21512] by nacin
Add magic set, isset, and unset to wpdb. props pento. These magic …
20:22 Ticket #21533 (Error suppression in wp-db is lame: Part 2) closed by nacin
fixed: [21511]
20:21 Changeset [21511] by nacin
Eliminate error suppression for mysql_free_result() and only call it …
19:57 Ticket #21580 (check_and_publish_future_post() should set global $post) created by MattyRob
The above function check to see if posts with a 'future' post type are …
19:37 Changeset [21510] by azaozz
Stop Chrome from applying outline to DIVs that have tabindex="-1", see …
19:37 Ticket #21579 (Canonical links in paged comments should point to themselves) created by beaulebens
Currently, the rel=canonical links inserted into posts/pages always …
19:29 Ticket #21439 (Correct wp_update_user() @return value) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21509]: […]
19:29 Changeset [21509] by ryan
Update wp_update_user() phpdoc to reflect a possible return of …
19:24 Tickets #21130,​21433 batch updated by ryan
fixed: In [21508]: […]
19:24 Changeset [21508] by ryan
Fix display issues in the custom header screen when height is not …
19:10 Ticket #21578 (Introducing term_metas) closed by nacin
duplicate: A "term_id" is not actually unique to a term in the general sense. It …
19:10 Ticket #14787 (Introduce get_edit_user_link()) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21507]: […]
19:10 Changeset [21507] by ryan
Use admin_url() instead of get_edit_user_link() in wp-login.php since …
19:07 Ticket #21512 (Notice undefined variable $user when posting comment without cookies set) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21506]: […]
19:07 Changeset [21506] by ryan
Add isset() check to avoid notice. Props c3mdigital. fixes #21512
18:58 Changeset [21505] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.5-alpha-21505.
18:39 Ticket #21194 (Delete attachment AJAX fails when EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS is set to 0 days) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21504]: […]
18:39 Changeset [21504] by ryan
Remove post type from post nonces. Fixes attachment deletion when …
18:38 Changeset [21503] by nacin
Fix WP_Theme's get_template_directory_uri() method. props batmoo. see …
18:37 Changeset in tests [970] by nacin
Basic tests for wp_get_theme()'s contents. see #WP21549.
18:34 Ticket #21578 (Introducing term_metas) created by hughwillfayle
In pur work with WordPress we search for many solutions to have term …
18:32 Ticket #20992 (Modify instruction text on custom header screen) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21502]: […]
18:32 Changeset [21502] by ryan
Better instruction text on custom header screen. Props jane, …
17:20 Ticket #21577 (Twenty Twelve: IOS Zoom bug) created by bradthomas127
Testing with iPad2 5.1.1 i noticed i was getting the iOS zoom bug on …
16:22 Ticket #13351 (Auto-generated Password Nag) reopened by TomAuger
Just had this happen twice with two fresh installs from trunk …
15:51 Ticket #21567 (Useless condition for advanced-cache.php inclusion) closed by ocean90
15:06 Ticket #21576 (wp_nav_menu: Don't return markup, when no menu item is set) created by obenland
Having assigned an empty menu to a location can be assumed to be the …
15:01 Changeset in tests [969] by ryan
get_post() filter test
10:56 Ticket #21575 (Media Uploader Featured Image) closed by SergeyBiryukov
08:46 Ticket #21575 (Media Uploader Featured Image) created by fanderzzon
When I use the regular media uploader for post types I can browse for …
08:27 Ticket #21574 (mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #21533
08:23 Ticket #21574 (mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource) created by arena
Hello Since 08/08 11:00 am Paris time (France), a new warning in my …
07:32 Ticket #21573 (NOBLOGREDIRECT interfering with 404 errors) created by bungeshea
When the NOBLOGREDIRECT constant is defined, 404 pages on the main …
07:14 Ticket #21535 (Featured images no longer appear after wordpress update) reopened by ajay423
I have Tried Deactivating all the plugins and activating them again, …
05:09 Ticket #21572 (Unnecessary function argument for display_rows) created by cojennin
display_rows($posts = array()) in …
00:49 Ticket #21571 (Add support multiple comment types in get_comments) created by borkweb
Custom comment types are a nice way to categorize comments, however, …


23:39 Ticket #21560 (images not showing if inside a folder named advertising) closed by SergeyBiryukov
23:39 Ticket #21560 (images not showing if inside a folder named advertising) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
23:38 Ticket #21560 (images not showing if inside a folder named advertising) closed by chico3001
fixed: Mmm i didnt saw the adblock comment... Yes you're right... ADP …
23:32 Ticket #21560 (images not showing if inside a folder named advertising) reopened by chico3001
steps to recreate: 1.- create a folder images/advertising 2.- Upload …
22:29 Ticket #21570 (is_email_address_unsafe() is too aggressive) created by mdawaffe
Adding "" as a banned email domain in Network Admin -> Settings …
21:19 Changeset in tests [968] by ryan
Expect the links table to be empty since #WP21521
21:18 Ticket #21569 (Filter gallery styles with access to $attr) created by betzster
Currently you can replace the entire output, but that's all or nothing …
21:07 Changeset in tests [967] by ryan
Pinking shears
21:06 Changeset in tests [966] by ryan
Set the time limit to unlimited so all tests have time to run. Props …
20:38 Ticket #21568 (Update Services_JSON External Library) created by bpetty
This is an update of Services_JSON used both for compatibility for …
20:37 Ticket #21567 (Useless condition for advanced-cache.php inclusion) created by bilalcoder
Invalid condition in wp-settings.php …
18:06 Ticket #21566 (Remove obsolete compat fallback for mb_substr()) closed by bpetty
invalid: Sorry, just realized this was re-added not too long ago since mbstring …
17:52 Ticket #21566 (Remove obsolete compat fallback for mb_substr()) created by bpetty
mb_substr() has been defined in PHP since version 4.0.6. This …
17:28 Ticket #21565 (Enable byte-range requests) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Plugin issues should be reported on support forums using the Support …
17:27 Ticket #21565 (Enable byte-range requests) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
17:15 Ticket #21565 (Enable byte-range requests) closed by aldrichb
16:19 Ticket #21565 (Enable byte-range requests) created by aldrichb
I installed podpress to be able to have a podcast feed through my …
16:18 Changeset [21501] by nacin
Hide the link manager from the UI on upgrade, if the site has no …
16:10 Ticket #21564 (Avoid method redefinitions in docs by using unique method names for ...) created by bpetty
API documentation generators include all source files even if, in …
15:55 Changeset [21500] by nacin
Stop adding default links and the 'Blogroll' link category on install. …
15:15 Ticket #21563 ("Save as" button disappearing on edit/new post screens) created by F J Kaiser
When switching "visibility" from "public" to "private", the "Save as …
14:12 Ticket #21562 (Twenty Twelve: improve navigation to be mobile-first and not rely on ...) created by cfinke
When loading Twenty Twelve on an iPhone, the "Show navigation" button …
13:57 Ticket #18136 (WordPress Adding Spurious </p>) reopened by singpolyma That's the input as showing on my WP …
12:48 Ticket #21558 (easy way to disable filtering for specific tag in the excerpt) closed by ocean90
duplicate: #12084
11:58 Ticket #21559 (class-pop3 enhancements) closed by bilalcoder
11:30 Changeset in tests [965] by SergeyBiryukov
Apply [963] to the multisite config file. see [925]. see #101.
11:02 Ticket #21561 (is_page_template() doesn't work in admin edit page screen) closed by SergeyBiryukov
wontfix: get_page_template_slug() indeed makes more sense in this case.
10:13 Ticket #21561 (is_page_template() doesn't work in admin edit page screen) created by l3rady
Take this use case scenario: I want to show a meta box on the page …
10:02 Ticket #21522 (Custom posts query does not work on index with paged var) closed by SergeyBiryukov
10:02 Ticket #21522 (Custom posts query does not work on index with paged var) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
09:59 Ticket #21522 (Custom posts query does not work on index with paged var) closed by adrian7
fixed: Thanks @ocean90 it worked like a charm. Here's the code I used: […]
08:49 Ticket #21560 (images not showing if inside a folder named advertising) closed by SergeyBiryukov
invalid: Could be a firewall or antivirus extension as well. As noted above, …
06:23 Ticket #21560 (images not showing if inside a folder named advertising) created by chico3001
Im making a new custom theme, but when i put those images inside the …
06:04 Ticket #21556 (Function to return value of an array element taking the array and a ...) closed by markoheijnen
wontfix: I do believe some recent versions of PHP do allow this but as …
00:15 Ticket #21559 (class-pop3 enhancements) created by bilalcoder


22:10 Changeset in tests [964] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix shortcode_unautop() tests on Windows environments. see [371]. see …
21:01 Ticket #21558 (easy way to disable filtering for specific tag in the excerpt) created by hatul
I think there should be an easy way to prevent the filtering of …
20:40 Changeset in tests [963] by SergeyBiryukov
Explicitly exclude closure test for PHP 5.2 to prevent a parse error. …
20:39 Changeset in tests [962] by SergeyBiryukov
Fix parse error in PHP 5.2. see [952].
20:06 Ticket #21557 (Duplicate term slug) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #5809, #6211
19:57 Ticket #21557 (Duplicate term slug) created by robertoentringer
Case: - add custom taxonomy-1 - - add term-a - add custom taxonomy-2 …
18:17 Ticket #20704 (New hook: login_init_xmlrpc) closed by markoheijnen
wontfix: I'm fine that you only need a hook that passes only the username. …
16:36 Ticket #21556 (Function to return value of an array element taking the array and a ...) created by gkb6891
PHP has a syntactical issue with a construct like the following: …
16:28 Ticket #18136 (WordPress Adding Spurious </p>) closed by SergeyBiryukov
worksforme: There are still excess </p> tags in the linked post, but I couldn't …
11:59 Ticket #21555 (Deprecate wp_create_thumbnail()) created by obenland
11:06 Ticket #21554 (Problem with determining e-mail charset in wp-mail.php) created by mighty_mt
In wp-mail.php the charset of the incoming e-mail message is …
00:24 Ticket #21553 (Remove dupe/deprecated code from sites.php) created by wonderboymusic
current_user_can( 'manage_sites' ) is called at the top of …


22:12 Ticket #21552 (Move option sanitization in network/settings.php to sanitize_option) created by wonderboymusic
When Networks settings are saved in …
21:43 Ticket #15401 (Twenty Ten sidebars should have helpful descriptions) reopened by nacin
Replying to lancewillett: > Replying to [comment:4
21:25 Ticket #21432 (Deprecate *_blog_option()) reopened by nacin
ryan and I would still lean toward deprecating _blog_option(). We'd …
21:15 Ticket #14519 (Random Twenty Ten Default Header) closed by nacin
20:57 Ticket #21479 (Twenty Twelve: hide category and tag output in post meta if only 1 term) reopened by nacin
This looks like it would be running extra queries on the frontend. We …
19:59 Ticket #21551 (Press This Structural Rewrite) created by georgestephanis
This is a ticket to tidy up and abstract some of the Press This code …
16:32 Ticket #21550 (Plugin changelog truncation can break site layout) created by JohnLamansky appears to truncate plugin changelogs after a certain …
15:39 Ticket #21549 (Typo in WP_Theme::get_template_directory_uri) created by batmoo
$theme_root should be $theme_root_uri Looks like a …
12:11 Ticket #21359 (htmlspecialchars() in wp-db.php is a small vulnerability) closed by SergeyBiryukov
10:50 Ticket #21548 (Wrong mysql_set_charset() params order in wp-db.php) closed by dd32
10:37 Ticket #21548 (Wrong mysql_set_charset() params order in wp-db.php) created by gubnota
Potential SQL injection vulnerability found in wp-includes/wp-db.php …
04:04 Ticket #21547 (Enable 'delocalization' of scripts) created by gkb6891
I created a patch to enable developers to 'delocalize' a script they …
03:07 Changeset in tests [961] by scribu
test if the post is actually filtered
02:58 Changeset [21499] by bumpbot
Compress scripts/styles: 3.5-alpha-21499.
02:36 Ticket #20980 (Remove unused images) closed by azaozz
fixed: In [21498]: […]
02:36 Changeset [21498] by azaozz
Remove unused images, props helenyhou, coffee2code, ocean90, fixes #20980


21:44 Ticket #21546 (Site Settings page is a hot mess) created by wonderboymusic
I found out just how bad this page is when debugging an issue related …
20:37 Ticket #21544 (Custom Taxonomy terms tree view not displayed correctly in backend) closed by helenyhou
duplicate: Duplicate: #10982, and many others. Behavior now alterable using a …
20:37 Ticket #21545 (deprecate "language" option in Multisite) created by wonderboymusic
This option is used nowhere in the code. Multisite's equiv of WPLANG …
20:31 Ticket #21544 (Custom Taxonomy terms tree view not displayed correctly in backend) created by jdenkers
When adding a Custom Taxonomy to a Post Type, there is a problem with …
20:15 Ticket #21515 (No custom header support in theme == Fatal error: Call to a member ...) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21497]: […]
20:15 Changeset [21497] by ryan
Avoid fatal error in the customizer when the current theme doesn't …
18:45 Ticket #21543 (Add a show_metabox parameter to register_taxonomy) created by wycks
Currently when registering a taxonomy we have the $show_ui param, …
18:20 Ticket #21541 (Image caption in the visual editor not integrating proper html code) closed by azaozz
invalid: You have listed the old and the new format for the image caption …
18:10 Ticket #21542 ( notifications don't support UTF-8) created by SergeyBiryukov
See the screenshot.
17:24 Ticket #21541 (Image caption in the visual editor not integrating proper html code) created by Gouri
The image caption that I add in the visual editor is not getting …
17:15 Ticket #21540 (Add support for responsive video embeds) created by obenland
By wrapping the html content of a video embed with a container (incl. …
16:36 Ticket #21524 (No translation in ajax file) closed by markoheijnen
invalid: I tested it and it works. It seems you do something wrong. I did …
15:41 Ticket #19231 (Older Oembed post meta data not being removed on Post Update) closed by obenland
invalid: Embed cache gets deleted on 'save_post'. Please reopen if the issue …
15:37 Changeset in tests [960] by ryan
Test passing stdClass and WP_User to wp_update_user(). see #WP21429
15:36 Ticket #21429 (wp_update_user() and wp_insert_user() should accept WP_User) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21496]: […]
15:36 Changeset [21496] by ryan
Allow passing stdClass and WP_User to wp_insert_user() and …
15:23 Ticket #19789 (Media options screen - misunderstanding) closed by obenland
invalid: The logic is correct here. In …
13:53 Ticket #21539 (category_description filter not applied to Description field on ...) created by StephenCronin
The category_description filter is not applied to the Description …
11:58 Ticket #21538 (wp_get_attachment_image_src() is misnamed) created by rulatir
The function wp_get_attachment_image_src is misnamed. The name …
11:24 Ticket #21537 (Email address sanitisation mangles valid email addresses) created by westi
If you change your email address to one including an ampersand then we …
07:11 Changeset [21495] by azaozz
Better editor background, take one, see #21536
06:41 Ticket #21535 (Featured images no longer appear after wordpress update) closed by knutsp
worksforme: Featured images on posts works perfectly in WordPress 3.4.1, also …
06:04 Ticket #21536 (Better editor background) created by azaozz
When the editor body has max-width (most newer themes set that) the …
05:12 Ticket #21535 (Featured images no longer appear after wordpress update) created by ajay423
The issue we faced is when the current version of WordPress was …
02:12 Ticket #21534 (Walker: has_children is only set if $args[0] is an array) created by betzster
You can't depend on has_children because it doesn't get set if …
00:01 Ticket #21533 (Error suppression in wp-db is lame: Part 2) created by Viper007Bond
Previously: #15402 This was fixed in [16321] however that was built …


23:20 Ticket #21532 (Update jQuery version to 1.8.0) created by tw2113
jQuery 1.8.0 final was released on August 9th, 2012. Worth considering …
23:02 Ticket #21531 (Twenty Twelve: Stop the navigation slide animation when clicking the ...) created by Jayjdk
In Twenty Twelve, clicking the "Show navigation" button many times in …
21:44 Ticket #21527 (post_type_supports(), no arguments case) reopened by obenland
21:39 Changeset in tests [959] by bpetty
Added Phing build file configured to build phpunitreport static HTML …
21:09 Ticket #21503 (Twenty Twelve: Long words still getting hidden in overflow in widgets) reopened by obenland
[21477] works for the sidebar, it doesn't work for the homepage …
20:53 Ticket #21530 (Twenty Twelve: Wrong alignment of image captions on attachment pages) created by obenland
When in attachment view, styles to center the image caption get …
20:41 Ticket #21440 (Twenty Twelve: verify IE7, IE8, and IE9 support) reopened by obenland
Replying to lancewillett: > From chellycat in #21486 > > …
20:39 Ticket #20089 (Visual editor messes up links in headers) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: This is fixed in trunk (probably after TinyMCE update in [21228]).
20:23 Ticket #21528 (A tag bug with NAME and HREF parameter) closed by ocean90
duplicate: #20089
19:22 Changeset [21494] by potbot
POT, generated from r21492
19:22 Changeset [21493] by potbot
POT, generated from r21492
19:17 Ticket #21527 (post_type_supports(), no arguments case) closed by bilalcoder
18:42 Changeset [21492] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: pinking shears for header.php
18:31 Ticket #17996 (Twenty Eleven: allow content-single.php to be overridden for post formats) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21491]: […]
18:31 Changeset [21491] by lancewillett
Twenty Eleven: allow content-single.php to be overridden for post …
18:23 Ticket #21129 (Add a link to Twenty Eleven Theme Options from the Admin Bar ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
18:21 Ticket #16500 (twentyten_continue_reading_link() should be pluggable) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21490]: […]
18:21 Changeset [21490] by lancewillett
Twenty Ten and Eleven: *_continue_reading_link() should be pluggable, …
18:20 Changeset [21489] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: make twentytwelve_is_categorized_site() pluggable, see …
18:09 Ticket #15401 (Twenty Ten sidebars should have helpful descriptions) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: Closing as wontfix, newer default themes have much better explanatory …
18:07 Ticket #13466 (twentyten loop.php code formatting indent + long lines) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: I think it's OK to close this as wontfix, we are two default themes …
18:06 Ticket #14797 (Twenty Ten Theme - issue with Parent/child in navigation menu) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: Unfortunately not an apparent fix for this issue, it's common to all …
18:05 Ticket #21529 (Improve multisite variables for WordPress multisite) created by tobias
Currently, WordPress suggest those variables to be used for a …
18:04 Ticket #14005 (Twenty Ten theme: title and tagline lengths) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: Prefer not to change this now since it could break layouts and …
17:58 Ticket #20478 (Twenty Eleven: Gallery Thumbnail Images Overflow Content Width) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21488]: […]
17:58 Changeset [21488] by lancewillett
Twenty Eleven: fix gallery thumbnail image overflow, props chellycat. …
17:55 Ticket #19734 (Default theme (twentyeleven) missing styles for select) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: I think it's better to leave select styling to browsers so that …
17:50 Ticket #18374 (Twenty Eleven: don't underline unclickable nav menu items) closed by lancewillett
invalid: Closing as invalid since navigation menu links in Twenty Eleven do not …
17:32 Ticket #21491 (Twenty Eleven: Long URLs left in comments overflow content area) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21487]: […]
17:32 Changeset [21487] by lancewillett
Twenty Eleven: fix long URLs in comments overflow content area, fixes …
17:26 Ticket #21528 (A tag bug with NAME and HREF parameter) created by matthewvb@…
I'm noticing a bug using a tags using 3.4.1. Tried on a few sites …
17:22 Ticket #21474 (Twenty Ten: code readability in twentyten_comment) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21486]: […]
17:22 Changeset [21486] by lancewillett
Twenty Ten: code readability in twentyten_comment, props kovshenin, …
17:13 Ticket #21480 (Twenty Twelve: use FitVids to resize videos in small screens) closed by lancewillett
wontfix: Replying to obenland: > * With PHP/CSS: Providers added …
16:29 Changeset in tests [958] by ryan
switch_to_blog() restore_current_blog() tests
16:28 Changeset [21485] by ryan
switch_to_blog() and restore_current_blog() housekeeping. …
15:47 Ticket #21527 (post_type_supports(), no arguments case) created by bilalcoder
At line 1388 in wp-includes/post.php when checking for …
13:17 Ticket #21432 (Deprecate *_blog_option()) closed by ryan
fixed: In [21484]: […]
13:17 Changeset [21484] by ryan
Move get_current_blog_id() to load.php so it is available during …
12:29 Ticket #21526 (get_post_type_capabilities() assumes $args->capabilities is an array) created by wpsmith
get_post_type_capabilities() assumes $args->capabilities is an array …
09:41 Ticket #21525 (wp_list_pages: current page css fails with custom post types) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #17590
09:27 Ticket #21525 (wp_list_pages: current page css fails with custom post types) created by martin.czerwi
In a customer project I used a custom post type 'products' for …
04:08 Ticket #10364 (Usability problem on the Widgets admin interface) reopened by cfinke
Most entry-level users don't know that dragging something to the edge …
02:29 Ticket #21524 (No translation in ajax file) created by Ninos Ego
I've got some ajax files in my theme. In that I have included the …
01:19 Ticket #17195 (Lazy load $wp_query->found_posts) closed by scribu
invalid: Actually, lazy loading found_posts isn't really possible since the …
01:13 Ticket #21523 (Add additional escaping to credit.php) created by Viper007Bond
/wp-admin/credits.php doesn't fully escape all of the data that it …


21:19 Ticket #21432 (Deprecate *_blog_option()) reopened by ryan
[…] Looks like the blog option functions are being called before …
20:31 Ticket #18510 (Class properties dbpassword, dbname, dbhost and dbh are undefined in wpdb) reopened by nacin
I chatted about this with pento after [21473] landed. I think it is …
19:21 Ticket #21522 (Custom posts query does not work on index with paged var) created by adrian7
As I said in this forum topic: …
19:10 Changeset [21483] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: fix bypostauthor styling, probs obenland and …
19:07 Ticket #21517 (Password protected posts have too long lifespan) closed by Viper007Bond
duplicate: #21466 is pretty similar to this and has a patch (although maybe not …
18:04 Ticket #21440 (Twenty Twelve: verify IE7, IE8, and IE9 support) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21482]: […]
18:03 Changeset [21482] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: add basic styles for IE7 and IE8, supports basic layout …
17:58 Ticket #15734 (Add oEmbed support) reopened by wonderboymusic
Add Soundcloud and Kickstarter - I seriously doubt Funny or Die is …
17:28 Ticket #21521 (Audit use of set_time_limit()) created by ryan
Core calls this half a dozen times. The call in wp_get_http() …
17:21 Ticket #21520 (Prevent recursive script dependencies in wp_enqueue_script) created by batmoo
If a script sets itself as a dependency, we should catch that, strip …
17:21 Changeset [21481] by azaozz
When WP_Dependencies accept a string for a single dependency, make …
17:11 Changeset [21480] by ryan
Undeprecate *_blog_option() by popular demand. Put them back in …
16:59 Changeset [21479] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: cleanup up extra space in functions.php
16:38 Ticket #21475 (Twenty Twelve: Better Gallery Columns Support) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21478]: […]
16:38 Changeset [21478] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: better gallery columns support, and CSS cleanup. Closes …
16:21 Ticket #21503 (Twenty Twelve: Long words still getting hidden in overflow in widgets) closed by lancewillett
fixed: In [21477]: […]
16:21 Changeset [21477] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: fix for long words getting hidden in widgets. Props …
16:17 Ticket #21477 (Twenty Twelve: Add CSS support for popular plugins) closed by lancewillett
fixed: Closing as fixed, new plugin + CSS issues can be opened in new tickets.
16:14 Changeset [21476] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: make nav toggle button same height as other buttons.
16:13 Changeset [21475] by lancewillett
Twenty Twelve: add polyfill JS for matchMedia rules, avoids JS error …
12:29 Ticket #21519 (Bug in wp-login.php page) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: #14949, #20639 A blank page might be related to ticket:14787:7.
12:23 Ticket #21519 (Bug in wp-login.php page) created by ramnew2006
When a user tries to access the when he is …
08:59 Ticket #13635 (Bug in capabilities and custom user and usermeta tables) closed by nacin
08:57 Ticket #10918 (Microsoft SQL Server Support) closed by nacin
08:55 Ticket #19755 (Redundant blog_versions table) closed by nacin
maybelater: > That's not necessarily a reason the keep the table, but core might …
08:45 Ticket #11314 (Attribute "Alt" on images must to be improved on editor) closed by nacin
08:43 Ticket #16764 (PHP5-port - wpdb class) closed by pento
maybelater: Per nacin's link, there is no need to refactor wpdb at this time.
08:35 Ticket #16429 (WP Failures with MySQL 5.1) closed by pento
maybelater: Removing NO_ZERO_IN_DATE and NO_ZERO_DATE from the sql_mode is not a …
08:30 Ticket #21518 (Remove 'hwstring_small' property from attachment metadata) created by koopersmith
We don't appear to use the 'hwstring_small' meta key anywhere, and as …
08:29 Ticket #16821 (WordPress does not work properly when particular sql_modes are set) closed by pento
wontfix: Fixing this properly would involve changing the schema to use NULL …
08:22 Ticket #8857 (Make WP MySQL strict mode compliant) closed by pento
wontfix: This is not viable to fix - there are thousands of plugins that expect …
07:21 Ticket #21517 (Password protected posts have too long lifespan) created by Clorith
When creating a password protected post the access permissions are …
07:17 Changeset [21474] by westi
Multisite: Fix the new get_space_used() function to correctly …
06:28 Ticket #18510 (Class properties dbpassword, dbname, dbhost and dbh are undefined in wpdb) closed by nacin
fixed: In [21473]: […]
06:28 Changeset [21473] by nacin
Declare, document, and protect $dbuser, $dbpassword, $dbname, $dbhost …
06:25 Ticket #20838 (Don't populate $col_info in production) closed by nacin
fixed: In [21472]: […]
06:24 Changeset [21472] by nacin
Lazy-load column info in wpdb. props pento. fixes #20838.
06:13 Ticket #18451 (Make charset_collate a public method on $wpdb) closed by nacin
fixed: In [21471]: […]
06:13 Changeset [21471] by nacin
Introduce wpdb::get_charset_collate() to return the DEFAULT CHARACTER …
06:06 Ticket #16757 (Removal of wpdb::supports_collation()) closed by nacin
fixed: In [21470]: […]
06:06 Changeset [21470] by nacin
Deprecate wpdb::supports_collation() in favor of wpdb::has_cap(). …
03:34 Ticket #21516 (Make the entire .check-column the click target for the checkbox) created by mitchoyoshitaka
Sometimes checkboxes are quite small. In various list tables, …
00:36 Ticket #10297 (Tabindex bug in Post - Write) closed by nacin
00:21 Ticket #21457 (Applying changes in image editor loses meta data for any additional ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Introduced in [18996]. #19889 also has a patch, going to close as a …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.