Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (39)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#18584 Nav menus need more hooks for extensibility (on admin page & in customizer) new enhancement normal Future Release
#18630 Custom Comment Validation Error new feature request normal Awaiting Review
#18660 Enhance rel_canonical function, add filter assigned joostdevalk enhancement normal Future Release
#18672 Implement rel="prev" and rel="next" for archives new joostdevalk enhancement normal Future Release
#18743 Persistent redirect_to For Login, Registration, and Lost Password new enhancement normal
#19173 Issues with wp_editor() when used inside of a meta box. reopened azaozz defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#19388 plugin_basename returns full directory in URL new enhancement normal
#19512 wp_read_image_metadata includes bitmap in description new defect (bug) normal
#19572 switch_to_post() stack implementation (similar to switch_to_blog()) new enhancement normal
#19579 Make get_search_form() more filterable/extensible new enhancement normal
#19590 Warnings when unregistering core taxonomies and post types new defect (bug) normal
#19691 Cannot modify admin messages for /wp-admin/edit.php new enhancement normal
#19724 Sites with IDN domains can't be created (bug #15554 continuation) new defect (bug) normal
#19739 Filters to allow comments on draft & trash post_status posts new enhancement normal Future Release
#19764 Invalid JSON in custom fields meta value after export new defect (bug) normal
#20070 Deprecate Blogger XML-RPC Methods new enhancement normal Future Release
#20116 Welcome User Email in Multisite Can't Be Changed new defect (bug) normal
#20194 Add Description meta to General Settings new feature request normal Awaiting Review
#20214 Pingback discovery doesn't strip fragment identifiers from URL new defect (bug) normal
#20289 wp_nav_menu container is not set when menu isn't defined new defect (bug) normal
#20338 Slugs and special chars new defect (bug) normal
#20419 get_sample_permalink() passes the wrong post_status to wp_unique_post_slug() reviewing boonebgorges defect (bug) normal
#20520 Author Page Pagination Broken When Removing /author/ Slug new defect (bug) normal
#20558 allow wp_localize_script data to be added to existing objects new enhancement normal
#20652 Install plugins with FTP upload, virtual subdomain, bad base dir? reopened dd32 defect (bug) normal
#21352 wp_lostpassword_url() on multisite new enhancement normal Future Release
#27776 WordPress API timeouts should be cached to avoid slowing down the admin assigned pbearne defect (bug) normal
#28117 Admin bar shouldn't use dynamic styles on frontend for logged out visitors new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#29082 Pass $meta_id into sanitize_meta() and subsequently into the filter for register_meta callback reviewing chriscct7 enhancement normal
#30775 Delete empty post problem reopened wonderboymusic defect (bug) normal
#31600 WP_Object_Cache incr & decr can use a more strict type checking on offset reviewing SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal Future Release
#42522 Terms are uselessly counted when saving a post assigned pbearne defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#43028 Remove numbers before month in dropdown, it makes user confused when drowdown is not opened new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#44814 User table same schema, single and multisite new enhancement normal Future Release
#48524 Notice: Undefined variable: matches new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#51733 redirect_canonical unneeded redirect new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#52444 Add support for Telegram Messenger Protocol new enhancement normal Awaiting Review
#56607 Improve doc for WP_Screen class new defect (bug) normal Awaiting Review
#19686 404 - File or directory not found new defect (bug) low
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.