Make WordPress Core

Custom Query

Results (19)

Ticket Milestone Owner Priority Status Summary Type
#61342 6.6 audrasjb high closed Bundled block themes: The theme.json schema version is incorrect defect (bug)
#46108 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Nineteen: Include contributing.txt file with Sass compiler instructions enhancement
#46658 6.7 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Nineteen: Navigation menu is messy with RTL language defect (bug)
#52780 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-One: Code tag shows outside of section area defect (bug)
#52885 6.7 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-One: wrong drop cap alignment in RTL context defect (bug)
#55991 6.6 audrasjb normal closed Twenty Twenty One: Unable to change size in Quote block defect (bug)
#56695 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Eleven: Pullquote block ignores font weight and style settings defect (bug)
#58474 6.6 SergeyBiryukov normal closed Twenty Seventeen: Box shadow on Site Logo block looks odd defect (bug)
#58547 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Seventeen: Calendar block header cells should be centered defect (bug)
#59130 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Seventeen: In "Latest Comments Block" space between comments increases on increasing the Typography Size defect (bug)
#59802 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Fifteen: Quote block citation text color does not change with block setting defect (bug)
#60164 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Fourteen: Search block border is missing when button is inside wrapper, on front end defect (bug)
#60664 6.7 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Nineteen: Avatar block size is different in the editor and front defect (bug)
#60937 6.7 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Seventeen: Button block font weight does not change when using block Appearance setting defect (bug)
#61034 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Fourteen: Pullquote block needs base font size while supporting custom font size defect (bug)
#61082 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Twenty-One: Font size difference between editor & frontend in Latest Comments block defect (bug)
#61235 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Nineteen: Button block padding is different in the editor defect (bug)
#61362 6.6 karmatosed normal closed Twenty Seventeen: add border-style for custom Pullquote block borders defect (bug)
#58475 6.6 karmatosed low closed Twenty Twenty-Three: Aubergine variation's background implementation causes any block that impacts page height to impact header defect (bug)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.