Should I Start A Blog? To Blog or Not to Blog? Answer with Tools, Tips, and Ideas for 2021

Should You Blog or should stay way from blogging in 2021? To Blog or not to Blog? We will try to answer this dilemma in this article. Few more question you will have in mind regarding blogging like – 

Lets together uncover the answer to all these question and overcome this dilemma once in for all.

to blog or not to blog, tools to blog, advice to blog, how to blog safely

To Blog Means- 

Your personal online journal or a small personal website which you update regularly for your audience. It can be a recipe blog, technology blog, entertainment blog or Nature related blog, you need to write consistently in order to build and retain your audience. You have luxury to decide what content you want to put it and in which form, like text, images or videos.

Today, blogging is full time bread and butter for many. There are thousands of popular bloggers who are insanely popular in their particular Niche, with huge fan following. Still, few are at nascent stage and many at this dilemma stage, whether to start Blog or stay away from it?

Our take is that you must give a try to blog as it is easy to start, gives you recognition and even a descent earnings when it becomes successful. 

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Is it easy to blog?

Yes, with platforms like WordPress today, it is very easy to blog these days. You don’t need to be a web developer or tech expert to publish your posts. You can easily learn how to Blog here. With platforms like facebook, twitter and Pinterest, you can promote your blog for free and can have huge audience as well.

I will give you my example, I was a Banker and a commerce graduate, never tried any tech course and was never good at it too. Started blogging few years back and today I run 4 blogs which are successful in their particular niches. I learned everything from google, Youtube videos, by experimenting and making mistakes.

For you, we have also prepared a list and types of blogs for beginners.

Still, If you are taking blogging as your business or you want to make it successful, you need to be consistent and open to learn. One with positive mindset and dedicated efforts will succeed. One more tip – Patience. Yes – Patience is the key, Its not a overnight stuff.

Reasons for Not Starting a Blog! 

Those who are confused about blogging and thinking whether to blog or not to blog must be thinking of these reasons (Rather misconceptions) –

a) Blogging is time taking and they don’t have time – 

Our Advise – To earn money and fame is not easy. What on the earth doesn’t takes time. Learn to manage your time. Avoid spending time on useless activities like FB posts and YouTube Videos and use your time constructively.

b) To Blog means you need to be a web designer or tech expert.

Our Advice – Its a wrong belief and rather a misconception. Platforms like Blogger and WordPress has made it easier for all of us. Few clicks, drag and drop, click and write.. That’s it.

C) Iam not a good writer and hence its impossible for me to blog!

Our Advice – You don’t need to be a good writer. Blog are always informal and casual. The way you speak to your family and friends, your audience will also love that way. You can have your own writing style. If you are concerned about grammar, consider tools like Grammarly

Hence, I don’t see any reason worthy of pulling you back.

Reasons to Blog and start Blogging 

People with positive mindset will always have enough and more reasons to blog and take a head on.

Few reasons in favor of blogging are as follows-

a) Solid Networking and Popularity – 

Blogging brings you closer to the eyes of industry leaders, influencers and audience. You connect with them through various events and other related opportunities. This gives you recognition, fame, popularity and power to leverage the network you have just built.

b) Improve your writing skills and presentation skills –

Even if you are a novice today, its a fact that continuously reading other’s blogs and writing your own will surely help yo emerge as a wonderful writer.

c) Earn Money and Monetize your content –

You will one day start earning with your blog if your basics are right. If the content you have published is powerful and is liked by your audience, they will visit your blog again and again. Infact, they will share it too.

When you start getting traffic, start monetizing it through Adsense and Affiliate marketing. Various companies will also approach you for banner ads on your popular pages.

d) Improve Sales –

You can have existing products which you can display to your audience or even you can design a new digital product like Ebook. When your audience loves you, they trust you too. Always ensure your products are useful to them.

benefits of blog, who should blog, reasons to blog, reasons not to blog, tips to blog, platforms and tools to blog.
Hosting to blogging strategies explained for the ease of beginners

How to Blog?

As I mentioned even a 10 year old guy can start his or her own blog. Thanks to platforms like WordPress. You just need a Domain and Hosting and with few clicks, with in 30 minutes, you can setup your first blog. Remember you need to check some Unique Domain Ideas or Website Name Suggestions.

Important thing to note here is to decide your niche, content frequency, your daily schedule, promoting your content and making your blog successful. You will learn to create blog in just 30 minutes at – step by step guide for blogging.

I will also suggest you to bookmark and add this page to your home screen, share it on social media so that you can read it later as well.

Tools to Blog?

At this stage, you only need few tools to start your blog. This list will increase with the size of your blog and traffic. But I will not confuse you with too many irrelevant tools at this point.

7 Popular Tools For beginners, you must have these tools to start your blog – 

a) Platform like WordPress.

b) Domain – Name of your blog, your brand and online address.

c) Hosting – Space where your website files are stored and delivered to your audience as and when they request it. (Read more about them here- Domain and Hosting ) For Hosting- Check WPX Hosting Review

d) Keyword Research Tools like SEMRUSH (Semrush free trial). Free tools like Ubersuggest.

e) Blog Topics Generator by HubSpot  – Get it here.

f) Canva – To design your Blog’s graphics and logos etc.

g) Social Media Platforms to engage your audience- Facebook, Twitter etc.

Start your blog here – step by step guide for blogging.

Who should Blog?

Now, this may be the last question to answer which will surely help you decide whether to blog or not. Who should blog? Thinking of this, right? Lets figure out.

Blog is something which can be started by –

a) A student

b) A Housewife or Homemaker

c) People doing business,

c) People doing Job

d) Retired senior citizens

Finally – Anyone.

See, writing about your passion, hobbies, interest, knowledge and something you love is something which you should do. Success or no success, let future should decide that. Having a personal online space which has everything you want and you like, how can it be a dumb idea? 

Few Tips regarding Blogging – 
  • Give it time to grow. Have some patience.
  • Deliver your best and better than others.
  • Don’t bother about failures, Continue doing it.
  • Learn with your mistakes.
  • Be Positive and have optimistic outlook.
  • Be ready for failure but do not surrender.
conclusion and final words

Conclusion : To Blog or Not to Blog?: 

Hope you are in a better situation now and would have go the answer to your question – “To Blog or Not to Blog?”

To me, blogging is all about expressing yourself, making your presence in this online world, earn money and respect both and improve your skills. Spending few dollars and few hours in a week is still a perfect bet.

Happy Blogging.

FAQs -

1) Is Blogging still relevant in this year?

Yes, with ever increasing internet users, popularity of various blogs, technology and ever changing truly dynamic world, nothing is constant. Every single content written today will obsolete one day and fresh content, fresh blogs, fresh ideas and fresh minds will be required. Yes, there will be competition, but if you will work hard, you will find your space for sure. 

2) Is Blogging a good Idea?

You are the owner of your blog. You get an opportunity to express yourself, share your knowledge, thoughts and expertise with the world. You can earn a huge passive income as well through blogging. Yes of course, Blogging is definitely a good idea. People who are dedicated, focused and with positive approach, will surely get success in every single field they will opt for.

3) What should you not blog about?

You should never start a blog on the topic you hate or you don’t like. Don’t ever blog to defame someone or to share fake information. You should not blog about something which is irrelevant to the society or something which is harmful. Try to avoid something which is unnecessarily controversial. When you blog, you should be honest about everything you write and should have proper citations and knowledge behind it. Don’t just copy other and steal someone’s else’s copyright material. 

Go to  – Home, Blogs, Hosting Reviews

3 thoughts on “Should I Start A Blog? To Blog or Not to Blog? Answer with Tools, Tips, and Ideas for 2021”

  1. Got full information about blogging. I had various doubts about blogging but now, by reading your post I understand all the tools and It will going to help me for starting blogging on my own.


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