Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Update and Marchebranche is getting in print!

 Well my desire to post weekly vanished after only one post. I guess there is a big different between blog journaling just for fun while you play games and being a freelancer who need to pay rent with TTRPG work. I am just spread too thin over too many projects and commissions to have the energy to blog. 

But hey, a French RPG that I fully illustrated have been finished and they are getting ready to print the book. The book is in french but I share the link just in case some of you want to collect it as a nice art object: 


Saturday, February 24, 2024

Paper Huts

 Lettuce is kickstarting a zine for Forbidden Psalm using the bric-a-brac formula. It will contain some articles, scenarios, warbands, etc and most importantly some modular paper huts! 

Look how pretty these prototypes are are. What I love is that you can cobble them together to make all kind of different huts and with the right paper they are pretty sturdy. 


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Alignment languages miscommunication

Inspired by KNOCK #4, I decided to try to blog weekly again. Here is a first post. :)


I feel like the alignment languages are a fun way to emphasize the characters alignment without limiting their roleplay or actions. They provide characters with a vector of interaction, how they use this tool is up to them. 

Their broad use may seem a bit unbalanced, why learn speaking Goblin or Troll while you can just learn to speak chaotic?

A way to balance things is to make the alignment languages prone to innuendos and miscommunication. This could be due to these languages being similar to designed simplified languages like Toki Pona, having a limited vocabulary and needing a lot of contextualization with the additional complication of being mired in confusing double meanings.

When a character uses an alignment language, roll a d6 at the end of the discussion. 


  1. Impy something is coveted or feared

  2. Imply something is wretched or powerful 

  3. Imply secrecy or connivance

  4. Imply dominance or submission

  5. Imply personal initiative must be taken

  6. No miscommunication 


  1. Imply patience and waiting

  2. Imply something is natural or cyclic

  3. Imply something must be balanced or reciprocal

  4. Imply two things are equivalent

  5. Imply mutual help or trade

  6. No miscommunication


  1. Imply hierarchy, ranks or authority 

  2. Imply a debt

  3. Imply something is fixed, sealed, unchangeable

  4. Imply judgment or a test

  5. Imply unity or cohesion is needed or must be enforced

  6. No miscommunication 

Don't forget to name each language, speaking the Changing Tongue, the Green Speech or the Silver Way is more inspiring than speaking chaotic, neutral or lawful.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Grubblings! Grubblings!

The grubblings are here! Six mischievous creatures to pester your players with. How to use them? Put their cursed scroll in your next adventure and giggle when the player characters find them. 😈

A Handful of Grubblings is a MorkBorg zine crafted by Lett and me, riso printed with 2 inks and handstitched by Lett, the fuzzy green fur cover feature 1d4 googly eyes.

You can grab a copy at https://rattiincantati.com/products/a-handful-of-grubblings Some more copies will be later available at Monkey Paw's Games and at AllRolledUp in the UK.

Thursday, November 2, 2023