Yoast SEO


Milloreu el vostre SEO de WordPress: escriviu el millor contingut i tingueu un lloc web totalment optimitzat utilitzant el Yoast SEO.


Augmenteu la visibilitat del vostre lloc web i atraieu trànsit orgànic amb Yoast SEO, l’extensió SEO de WordPress en què confien milions de persones arreu del món.

Amb tants milions d’usuaris, sens dubte hem ajudat algú com tu! Els usuaris de la nostra extensió van des de propietaris de fleques de pobles petits i botigues físiques locals fins a algunes de les organitzacions més grans i influents del món. I això ho fem des del 2008!

Yoast SEO Free ofereix l’essencial per iniciar el SEO, i l’extensió Yoast SEO Premium i les seves extensions desbloquegen eines addicionals i funcionalitats per portar el SEO al següent nivell.


El SEO és la font de trànsit web més consistent i rendible, però pot ser un laberint complex i desafiant. Per sort, no heu de fer-ho sols. Estem aquí per ajudar-vos!

Yoast’s mission is SEO for everyone. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned expert, Yoast SEO equips you with all the essentials to navigate the complexities of SEO, turning those challenges into opportunities for growth and success.


Creating engaging and optimized SEO titles and meta descriptions has never been easier, faster, and more precise! With the AI title & meta description generator, you’ll save much time. The feature is available for Yoast SEO Premium users.


Are you agonizing over the intricate details of search engine optimization? Are you losing sleep trying to crack the code of SEO algorithms? Is the ever-evolving landscape of SEO leaving you overwhelmed and behind the curve?

These are the everyday struggles website owners face when trying to master the art of SEO and gain that coveted top spot in search results.

Amb Yoast SEO, podeu superar aquests reptes i aconseguir guanys extraordinaris:

  • Supera la competència: Deixeu els vostres rivals enrere amb les nostres potents eines de SEO. Supereu els competidors de la indústria i gaudeix del trànsit i del reconeixement que us mereixeu.

  • Streamline your SEO strategy: Bid farewell to the complexities of SEO. Yoast SEO handles the technical aspects, such as canonical URLs and meta tags, automating essential optimizations behind the scenes. Unleash your focus on creating captivating content that connects with your audience.

  • Climb those rankings: Use advanced features like XML sitemaps, title and meta description templating, and Schema.org structured data integration. Empower search engines to fully understand your website, helping you reach the top of search results.

  • Optimize content mastery: Yoast SEO offers comprehensive analysis tools that help elevate your content’s SEO and readability. Get powerful insights and actionable recommendations to craft helpful content that resonates with readers and search engines.


Yoast SEO us ajuda a fer SEO a WordPress de moltes maneres. Anem a veure-ho!


Setting up Yoast SEO is smooth, hassle-free, and doesn’t require any advanced knowledge! Our step-by-step configuration walks you through the essentials, helping you get up and running quickly.

You’ll be prompted to fill in details about your site during the setup. This enables Yoast SEO to translate all this information into structured data, which helps search engines better understand your content and website!

Are you already using another SEO plugin? Transitioning from other plugins to Yoast SEO is a breeze. We’ve designed it to be seamless, ensuring you don’t lose critical data.


Although technical optimization is a big part of SEO, it’s not easy. We understand that only some people who work on SEO are experts or have the time to dive into the technical aspects of a website. That’s why Yoast SEO handles much of the technical optimization, freeing up your time to work on other parts of your website, like writing helpful content.

  • Obtingueu millores tècniques d’optimització SEO automàtiques, com ara etiquetes meta optimitzades, directament des de l’arrencada.

  • Add canonical URLs to tell search engines which content they should show when you have pages with similar content.

  • Obtingueu mapes del lloc XML avançats, que faciliten que els motors de cerca entenguin l’estructura del vostre lloc i indexin les pàgines web de manera efectiva.

  • Obtingueu la millor integració de dades estructurades de Schema.org, augmentant significativament les vostres possibilitats d’obtenir resultats de cerca visualment enriquits que atreguin més usuaris.

  • Take complete control over your site’s breadcrumbs, allowing visitors and search engines to navigate your website seamlessly.

  • Significantly improves your website’s loading times, courtesy of our innovative data management techniques tailored for WordPress.

  • [Advanced] Yoast SEO comes with crawl settings that optimize how search engines crawl your site and reduce its carbon footprint. This lowers your site’s environmental impact and contributes to a sustainable web.


Unlock the full potential of your content with Yoast SEO’s state-of-the-art content analysis. Crafting compelling content becomes easier with features designed to help you increase your website’s performance.

  • Leverage detailed SEO analysis that guides you toward creating SEO-friendly content, allowing you to target the right keywords and boost your visibility in search results.

  • Augmenteu la participació i millora la llegibilitat amb l’anàlisi de llegibilitat integrat. Assegureu-vos que el vostre contingut sigui clar, concís i llegible sense esforç tant per als humans com pels motors de cerca.

  • Preview your content as it appears in SERPs, even on mobile devices. This helps you to fine-tune your meta titles and descriptions to maximize click-through rates.

  • Habilita el contingut del teu HowTo perquè es mostri als resultats de cerca fent servir els innovadors blocs de dades estructurades Schema per a l’editor de blocs de WordPress

  • A dedicated breadcrumbs block ensures your users always know their location within your website.

  • Embrace inclusivity in your content creation process with the inclusive language analysis. This optional feature analyzes your text and provides suggestions to make your content more considerate of different audiences. By using inclusive language, you’ll ensure your content resonates with diverse groups of people.

  • Seamlessly do keyword research right within the plugin with the Semrush integration. Find out what related keywords people are searching for, so you can optimize your content to reach more audiences.

  • Track your rankings in Yoast SEO with the Wincher integration. Yoast SEO and Wincher show how your content and keywords rank in Google.

  • Esteu utilitzant Elementor per construir el vostre lloc web? No us preocupeu perquè Yoast SEO s’integra amb Elementor. Aprofiteu-vos de tots els avantatges de Yoast SEO dins del vostre constructor de llocs web preferit!

  • Yoast SEO Premium even has advanced AI features, helping you write titles and meta descriptions at the touch of a button thanks to generative AI. The artificial intelligence tool is free to use once you have Yoast SEO Premium.


Yoast SEO us permet mantenir el vostre lloc web en perfecte estat, independentment del vostre rol o experiència:

  • Ajusteu el motor del lloc web per centrar-vos en crear contingut atractiu i valuós. Amb Yoast SEO, l’optimització tècnica esdevé fàcil, permetent-vos prioritzar el que realment importa.

  • Organitzeu el vostre lloc web fàcilment amb les funcionalitats de contingut principal de Yoast SEO, permetent que els motors de cerca entenguin i indexin les vostres pàgines més importants de manera efectiva.

  • Translate valuable content into structured data, allowing search engines to fully comprehend your website’s meaning and context.

  • Yoast SEO includes a powerful front-end SEO inspector that lets you preview and fine-tune the SEO settings directly on your front end. With this intuitive tool, you can easily optimize elements such as meta titles, meta descriptions, URL slugs, robots meta tags, and structured data by seeing their appearance in real-time.

  • L’extensió Yoast SEO té un cicle regular d’actualització de 2 setmanes, assegurant que sempre estigueu al dia amb els darrers desenvolupaments i actualitzacions dels motors de cerca.


Yoast SEO s’integra perfectament amb diversos temes, extensions i eines per millorar l’experiència de l’usuari i optimitzar el flux de treball de SEO a WordPress.

  • Utilize the full potential of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin when combined with the ACF Content Analysis for Yoast SEO plugin, and reap the benefits of Yoast SEO’s powerful analysis.

  • Seamlessly integrate Yoast SEO with the Elementor website builder, empowering you to optimize your stunning designs effectively.

  • Millora la qualitat de la cerca del lloc web amb la integració de Algolia, assegurant que els usuaris puguin trobar el contingut que volen sense esforç.

  • Combine Yoast SEO with Semrush, a leading online marketing tool. Access comprehensive keyword data directly within Yoast SEO, empowering you to supercharge your SEO strategy with data-driven insights.

  • Connect your Yoast SEO plugin with Wincher, a powerful SEO tracking tool. Monitor your keyword rankings, and track your website’s visibility in search results.


Yoast està impulsat per desenvolupadors experts, provadors, arquitectes de programari i consultors SEO. Treballen constantment per mantenir-se a l’avantguarda del SEO de WordPress i per millorar l’extensió amb cada versió.


We’re here to help you succeed with your SEO goals because empowering our users is at the core of our philosophy!

Onboarding experience: After you install the plugin and run the first-time setup wizard, we offer an intuitive onboarding experience that guides you through the essential settings and features. This ensures you’re making the most out of your new plugin, step by step.

Courses in Yoast SEO academy: If you’re looking for a structured learning path, our Yoast SEO academy offers free and paid online courses. These lessons cover everything from the basics of WordPress to advanced SEO techniques. Signing up for Yoast SEO Premium also gives you access to all the courses at no extra charge.

SEO blog: Our regularly updated SEO blog is a treasure trove of information, filled with practical tips, insights, and guides on improving your SEO.

Newsletter: Stay in the loop with our newsletter. It’s more than just news; it’s a timely update on important changes and trends in the SEO world. We’ll also provide you with tips and guides on how to improve your SEO.

Webinars: Our regular webinars provide live and interactive learning experiences. They cover various topics and are designed to help you get started with SEO, no matter your skill level.


Investing in Yoast SEO Premium gives you FULL access to all courses, from SEO copywriting to ecommerce SEO. These courses equip you with more advanced knowledge, skills, and tips to help your website grow and succeed. Get two great products for a single price with Yoast SEO Premium and the Yoast SEO academy!


No només obtindreu molts avantatges addicionals en actualitzar a Yoast SEO Premium, sinó que també obtindreu suport personalitzat 24/7 que us alliberarà de les vostres preocupacions.

  • Optimize your content and diversify your keywords using synonyms and related keyphrases. Expand your reach and deliver more natural, engaging content to your audience. You can optimize up to 5 keyphrases with Yoast SEO Premium.

  • Optimizes your articles for different word forms, singular and plural variations, different verb forms, synonyms, and related keyphrases, thanks to the semantic understanding technology in Yoast SEO Premium.

  • Seamlessly handle URL changes or page deletions with our redirect manager. Automatically create redirects to prevent “404: page not found” errors and retain valuable traffic and backlinks.

  • Get internal linking suggestions in real-time. The WordPress SEO plugin enhances your article’s depth and authority by recommending related posts to link to.

  • Gain precise control over your page’s appearance on social networks like Facebook and X with social media previews. Customize your social presence and entice users to engage with your content effectively.

  • Simplifiqueu els fluxos de treball SEO i obteniu orientació per treballar en tasques SEO que requereixen temps, com trobar contingut desenllaçat, amb els entrenaments del Yoast SEO.

  • Get actionable feedback on using inclusive vocabulary to enhance your writing and make it accessible to a broader audience. (Note: This feature is currently available in English and beta.)

  • Aprofiteu de la integració amb IndexNow, que envia pings als motors de cerca com ara Microsoft Bing cada vegada que publiqueu o actualitzeu contingut per assegurar-vos que s’indexi puntualment.

  • Easily create optimized SEO titles and meta descriptions at the touch of a button, thanks to generative AI. Crafting optimized and engaging SEO titles and meta descriptions has never been faster and easier.

  • Get 24/7 personalized e-mail support, so no matter when a question or issue arises, you’re never left in the dark. Whether it’s a technical hurdle or simply a need for guidance, our dedicated support team is always available to assist.

  • Avoid your content being used to train AI bots: Effortlessly safeguard your intellectual property, uphold data privacy, and maintain control over content by blocking AI bots from scraping it. These AI web crawlers include OpenAI’s GPTBot, Common Crawl’s CCBot and Google-Extended, used to train Google Gemini.


Take your WordPress SEO to new heights with these powerful Yoast SEO add-ons:

  • Yoast Local SEO: Optimize your website for a local audience, drive foot traffic to your stores, and establish a strong presence in local SERPs.

  • Yoast Video SEO: Improves the performance of videos and ensures that Google fully understands its content. This helps you rank your videos higher in video search results.

  • Yoast News SEO: Augmenta la visibilitat i el rendiment a Google News, permetent que el teu lloc web de notícies arribi a una audiència més àmplia.

  • Yoast WooCommerce SEO: Enhance your online shop’s discoverability with extra tools designed specifically for online stores, helping you drive more targeted traffic and dominate the search results for your products. It has generative AI tools to help you write great titles and meta descriptions for your products! Also, use WooCommerce SEO to easily import and export global identifiers like GTIN8, UPC, and ISBN for your products.


Find a bug in Yoast SEO? We welcome your bug reports! Please report bugs in the WordPress SEO repository on GitHub. Note that GitHub is not a support forum but an efficient platform for addressing and resolving issues efficiently.


For a comprehensive resource on search engine optimization and Yoast SEO, please explore our website, which is rich with insights and inspiration. Seek guidance in our extensively curated help center, designed to help you provide the knowledge to optimize your website effectively.

Take your SEO skills to new heights with “WordPress SEO – The Definitive Guide” by Yoast – a must-read for WordPress SEO enthusiasts. Discover more exceptional plugins and solutions by Team Yoast, tailored to enhance your digital presence and achieve unparalleled success.


  • La interfície moderna fa que sigui fàcil treballar amb el Yoast SEO.
  • Gestioneu fàcilment com apareixen les vostres entrades i pàgines als SERP.
  • El Yoast SEO Premium té opcions addicionals d’optimització de rastreig.
  • Yoast SEO s’integra amb eines com Semrush i Wincher.
  • Les famoses anàlisis de SEO i llegibilitat del Yoast SEO.
  • See what your post looks like in Google.
  • La configuració per a la primera vegada us ajuda a començar ràpidament.
  • L’anàlisi de llenguatge inclusiu a Yoast SEO.


Aquesta extensió proporciona 2 blocs.

  • Yoast FAQ List your Frequently Asked Questions in an SEO-friendly way.
  • Yoast How-to Create a How-to guide in an SEO-friendly way. You can only use one How-to block per post.


Starting with Yoast SEO consists of just two steps: installing and setting up the plugin. Yoast SEO is designed to work with your site’s specific needs, so don’t forget to go through the Yoast SEO first-time configuration as explained in the ‘after activation’ step!


  1. Visiteu la pàgina de les extensions dins del tauler i seleccioneu «Afegeix una nova extensió»;
  2. Cerca ‘Yoast SEO‘:
  3. Activate Yoast SEO from your Plugins page;
  4. Vés a continuació a:”després de l’activació”.

Instal·la el Yoast SEO manualment

  1. Pugeu la carpeta ‘wordpress-seo’ al directori /wp-content/plugins/directory;
  2. Activeu l’extensió Yoast SEO a través del menú “Extensions” a WordPress;
  3. Vés a continuació a:”després de l’activació”.


  1. Heu de veure (un avís per començar) la configuració inicial del Yoast SEO;
  2. Reviseu aquesta configuració i configureu l’extensió per al vostre lloc web;
  3. Ja heu acabat!


Com funcionen els mapes XML a l’extensió Yoast SEO?

Having an XML sitemap can be beneficial for SEO, as Google can retrieve essential pages of a website very fast, even if the internal linking of a site isn’t flawless.
The sitemap index and individual sitemaps are updated automatically as you add or remove content and will include the post types you want search engines to index. Post Types marked as noindex will not appear in the sitemap. Learn more about XML Sitemaps.

Com puc afegir el meu lloc web a Google Search Console?

És senzill afegir el vostre lloc web a Google Search Console.
1. Creeu un compte de Google Search Console i inicieu la sessió al vostre compte.
2. Feu clic a “Afegeix una propietat” al menú desplegable de cerca.
3. Introduïu l’URL del lloc web al quadre i feu clic a “Continua”.
4. Feu clic a la fletxa que hi ha al costat de “Etiqueta HTML” per ampliar l’opció.
5. Copieu la metaetiqueta.
6. Inicieu sessió al vostre lloc web de WordPress.
7. Feu clic a “SEO” al tauler.
8. Feu clic a “General”.
9. Feu clic a la pestanya “Eines per a administradors web”.
10. Enganxeu el codi al camp de Google i feu clic a “Desa els canvis”.
11. Torneu a Google Search Console i feu clic a “Verifica”.

Si voleu més detalls sobre els passos, visiteu l’article del nostre centre d’ajuda.

Com implementar les rutes de navegació del Yoast SEO?

The steps below are a temporary solution as manual edits made to theme files may be overwritten with future theme updates. Please contact the theme developer for a permanent solution. We’ve written an article about the importance of breadcrumbs for SEO.

To implement the breadcrumbs function in Yoast SEO, you will have to edit your theme. We recommend that prior to any editing of the theme files, a backup is taken. Your host provider can help you take a backup.
Copy the following code into your theme where you want the breadcrumbs to be. If you are not sure, you will need to experiment with placement:

if ( function_exists( 'yoast_breadcrumb' ) ) {
    yoast_breadcrumb( '<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>' );

Common places where you could place your breadcrumbs are inside your single.php and/or page.php file just above the page’s title. Another option that makes it really easy in some themes is by just pasting the code in header.php at the very end.

In most non-WooTheme themes, this code snippet should not be added to your functions.php file.
Alternatively, you can manually add the breadcrumb shortcode to individual posts or pages: [wpseo_breadcrumb]

If you need more details or a step by step guide, read our Implementation guide for Yoast SEO breadcrumbs.

Com aplicar «noindex» als URL?

Yoast SEO provides multiple options for setting a URL or group of URLs to noindex. Read more about how to do this in this guide.

Google mostra la descripció malament, com ho puc solucionar?

Si heu creat bones metadescripcions per a les vostres entrades del blog, res és més molest que Google mostri una altra descripció del vostre lloc web completament en el fragment del resultat de la cerca.

Les possibles causes podrien ser:
1. descripció incorrecta al codi
2. la memòria cau de Google està desactualitzada
3. manipulació del terme de cerca
4. Google ha ignorat la meta descripció

Podeu llegir més sobre com resoldre el problema amb la descripció incorrecta.

Amb quina frequència s’actualitza Yoast SEO?

Yoast SEO s’actualitza cada dues setmanes. Si voleu saber per què, llegiu aquesta entrada que explica per què ho publiquem cada dues setmanes!

Com aconsegueixo ajuda?

As our free plugin is used by millions of people worldwide, we cannot offer you all one on one support. If you have trouble with the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin, you can get help on the support forums here at wordpress.org or by checking out our help center at yoast.com/help/.

The plugins you buy at Yoast are called ‘premium plugins’ (even if Premium isn’t in its name) and include a complete year of free updates and premium support. This means you can contact our support team if you have any questions about that plugin.

Llegeix més sobre com aconseguir ajuda

Què passa amb les dades quan s’habilita el seguiment d’ús?

This page on yoast.com explains what data we collect to improve Yoast SEO. We only collect data when you explicitly opt in. Read more about how we handle your data in our Privacy Policy.

Tinc una altra pregunta que no figura aquí

Your question has most likely been answered on our help center: yoast.com/help/.


16 de juliol de 2024
There is no possibility to set up SEO title and meta desc. for sub-categories, we have to set up one by one, which is non-sense in 2024!
16 de juliol de 2024
This plugin makes SEO management easy! Have been using it for a long time and it never disappointed! Highly recommended.
3 de juliol de 2024
Before the new version that was released I would have given this plugin 5 stars, however after the recent update, I can no longer update title tags or meta descriptions in non-production environments. When I save a title tag or a meta description in the page/post editor on a staging site, it does not update. Something in the new version of the plugin is not updating the database properly. There is a tedious workaround for this issue, but if you have a large amount of sites, it is just not practical to implement that on hundreds of staging sites, or every time you have to create a staging site you have to perform this fix just to get the plugin to work. Plugin support just pushes the issue back on me and wants me to alter things in my hosting environment (Kinsta), or add custom settings to wp-config to disable indexables which is just ridiculous. The plugin worked great until the latest version (23.0). I hope they will eventually fix this with an update, but for now I’m looking for another solution for my client sites.
3 de juliol de 2024
Yoast is installed and first time configuration is done, the optimization ran successfully. The integration page says elementor integration is active (green checkmark). The yoast website says elementor integration is included even in the free version of the plugin. Yet none of the places Yoast is supposed to show up on elementor editor (of a page or post) are showing up. You can’t see it in the (page settings) the whole tab is missing. you can’t see it in the elementor editor menu the whole menu option is missing. It does not appear on widget properties. This is disappointing as it means you have to use the bulk editor even for new pages you create. Was this made into a premium feature but you forgot to update your documentation and articles? edit (3-July): changed back to 5 stars. When I did the initial installation, I went through all settings and had found the toggles to show the seo tools in pages/posts were turned off, I turned them on. For some reason I found them off again. So I turned them on a second time. Also there were new updates this week to both yoast and elementor. Also yoast gave me a notification that my site’s structure had changed (it hadn’t) and that I need to run the optimization a second time, however I ran the re-optimization. This maybe related to litespeed cache although I cleated it before and after installing yoast. In any case. All is well now.
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“Yoast SEO” s’ha traduït a 55 configuracions regionals. Gràcies als traductors per les seves aportacions.

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Release date: 2024-07-02

Yoast SEO 23.0 brings more enhancements and bugfixes. Find more information about our software releases and updates here.


  • Removes a redundant database write query, when saving a post.


  • Fixes a bug where unnecessary data was written in the Yoast database on non-production sites (or when the relevant Yoast\WP\SEO\should_index_indexables filter was used to disable such a behavior).


  • Deprecates the Wordproof feature.
  • Deprecates the following classes: Wordproof, Wordproof_App_Config, Wordproof_Helper, Wordproof_Integration_Active_Conditional, Wordproof_Plugin_Inactive_Conditional, Wordproof_Translations.


Release date: 2024-06-18

Yoast SEO 22.9 brings more enhancements and bugfixes. Find more information about our software releases and updates here.


  • Helps guide Elementor users to Yoast when they have the new editor top bar activated.
  • Adds additional filter options for the og:image meta tags.
  • Improves compatibility with custom RSS feeds. Props to @gsusI.


  • Fixes a bug where a PHP notice would be thrown on RSS feeds when a canonical URL can not be created for its parent page.


  • Changes the copy in the admin sidebar from Premium to Upgrades.

Earlier versions

For the changelog of earlier versions, please refer to the changelog on yoast.com.