Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos

About us

Founded in 1860, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) has been built on the generosity of multiple generations of Montrealers. Its mission is to acquire, conserve, study, interpret and present significant works of art from around the world and from every era, in the hope that members of its community and all Museum visitors may benefit from the transformative powers of art. The MMFA’s collection showcases Quebec and Canadian heritage, Indigenous art and international art from a progressive and innovative perspective. It comprises close to 47,000 paintings, sculptures, graphic artworks, photographs, multimedia installations and decorative art objects dating from antiquity to the present. The MMFA’s exhibitions and cultural programming aim to inspire new ways of looking at art and the history of art. As a hub of art, community and exchange and a pioneer in the provision of art therapy, the Museum collaborates with partners in the fields of community organization, education, health and technology to offer all audiences an enriching and transformative experience of art. Thus, through each of its projects, the MMFA continues to strive towards a more inclusive, accessible and just world.

Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos
Company size
201-500 employees


Employees at Montreal Museum of Fine Arts


  • 🗞️ TO READ / À LIRE (anglais seulement) | "One cannot get an accurate sense of the color except in person. Fluorescent paint can sometimes be gimmicky, but not here. Koop, known as a master colorist, uses it to great effect against the rest of the scene." 👉 «Wanda Koop : QUI POSSÈDE LA LUNE», en ce moment au MBAM! 👉 "Wanda Koop: WHO OWNS THE MOON", on now at the MMFA!

    Wanda Koop Brings Haunting, Complex Paintings to Montréal

    Wanda Koop Brings Haunting, Complex Paintings to Montréal

  • 🗞️ La fête au musée | «Soir de première au MBAM, alors qu’on inaugurait la semaine dernière les mercredis festifs, où l’avenue du Musée, piétonne, devient le théâtre de tous les possibles, le temps d’un été. Le Musée offre encore cinq soirées de fête sur l’avenue qui la borde. Notez à votre agenda : la semaine prochaine, le mercredi 17 juillet, ce sera au tour du chanteur et guitariste du groupe Suuns, Ben Shemie, de faire danser les spectateurs. On annonce un « univers psychédélique et onirique combinant musique électronique et pop expérimentale ». Il sera accompagné de DJ Raven.» Lire l'article ➡️ Calendrier des prochaines soirées ➡️ _ Photo Charles William Pelletier, Collaboration spéciale.

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  • 🌜 WANDA KOOP | L’histoire derrière l’œuvre 🎙️ L’artiste Wanda Koop nous confie l’histoire derrière l’un des panneaux de son grand quadriptyque «Somnambulisme», à l’affiche dans «Wanda Koop : QUI POSSÈDE LA LUNE», en ce moment au MBAM. - 🌜 WANDA KOOP | The story behind the work 🎙️ Artist Wanda Koop tells us the story behind one of the panels in her large-scale quadriptych "Sleepwalking", featured in "Wanda Koop: WHO OWNS THE MOON", on now at the MMFA. 🗨️ “When I was a child, we had a braid in a drawer at home, and it belonged to my grandmother who had died in Ukraine. My grandfather was so grief-stricken at her death that he cut her braid off and brought it with him to Canada. As a child, I really didn’t have an understanding of what this braid was, but it was in a box with a tissue. It was a beautiful chestnut braid. I’d come home from school and I would rush upstairs and open the drawer and fold back the tissue and look at this beautiful braid in this long, narrow box. I would close my eyes, and I would see a beautiful woman in a boat, an Ophelia-like image, and it just, somehow, filled me with a kind of longing. I wanted that vision every day. So, I played with the braid basically until I reached puberty. I remember coming home one day and opening up the braid and realizing in horror that it was the braid of a dead person. I couldn’t look at it again. I folded it back and shut the drawer, and saw the drawer almost as something unapproachable after that. I still have the braid, and I haven’t looked at it. It’s one of those things that I don’t quite understand, despite knowing that it is my grandmother’s hair. So, the first panel is referencing that. It’s a massive vortex-like braid that I’ve painted.” - Wanda Koop, «Somnambulisme – tresse», 2023. Avec l’aimable autorisation de l’artiste et de la Night Gallery. © Wanda Koop. Photo William Eakin

  • 🗞️ À LIRE | «Né à Bogotá, en Colombie, Montréalais depuis huit ans, Santiago Tamayo Soler fait partie des artistes qui enrichissent l’art québécois de leurs accents, leurs récits, leurs préoccupations.» Santiago Tamayo Soler est le lauréat de la résidence Empreintes 2024 (Conseil des arts de Montréal | MBAM) qui permet chaque année à une ou à un artiste en arts visuels issu de la diversité culturelle montréalaise de réaliser un projet de recherche-création en posant un regard unique et original sur la collection du Musée.

    Transformer le paysage canadien

    Transformer le paysage canadien

  • Le 20 juin dernier, le Cercle des Anges (CDA) de la Fondation du MBAM a souligné l’ouverture de «Vice, Vertu, Désir, Folie : Trois siècles de chefs-d’œuvre flamands» avec le cocktail baroque Luxe et volupté, une soirée exclusive tout en raffinement. La communauté philanthropique du CDA a notamment célébré l’arrivée de son nouveau présentateur, Services Paysagers Dominique Filion, ainsi que de la nouvelle présidente de son Comité, Julia Qiwen Zhu CPA. La Fondation remercie la présidente sortante, Lam Jutras, pour son engagement indéfectible envers la cause. L’un des sept Cercles philanthropiques du MBAM, le CDA a pour mission de soutenir la programmation des expositions et de favoriser la participation sociale et culturelle des familles au Musée. Pour le joindre ou en apprendre davantage ➡️ _____ On June 20, the Angel Circle of the MMFA Foundation marked the opening of “Saints, Sinners, Lovers and Fools: Three Hundred Years of Flemish Masterworks” with Earthly Delights, an exclusive Baroque cocktail party. Much was to be celebrated as the Angel Circle welcomed Services Paysagers Dominique Filion as its new Presenting Sponsor, and Julia Qiwen Zhu CPA as the new Chair of its Committee. The Foundation thanks outgoing president Lam Jutras for her unwavering commitment to the cause. One of the Museum’s seven Philanthropic Circles, the Angel Circle supports exhibitions and programming and contributes to social participation and exposure to culture for families at the MMFA. To join or learn more ➡️ ___ Daly Anne Zogbo / Camille Kersebet / Jeanne Bergeron Brassard / Jessica Eva Oyarbide - Photos Frédéric Faddoul 

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  • Après sept ans à titre de présidente, Sylvie Demers quitte le conseil d’administration de la Fondation du MBAM. L’équipe de la Fondation tient à souligner son leadership bienveillant exceptionnel, son soutien financier, ainsi que son appui indéfectible à l’équipe interne. «Avec son apport humain inégalé, Sylvie a su réussir son mandat de croissance et de changement de façon exemplaire, comme l’illustrent des résultats financiers en hausse constante et une gouvernance renforcée, avec quatre comités très engagés, affirme la directrice générale de la Fondation, Jo-Anne Hudon Duchesne. Je la remercie de son dévouement et lui souhaite le meilleur dans cette nouvelle étape de sa vie.» Madame Demers poursuit son engagement pour les arts et la culture au MBAM, puisqu’elle demeure coprésidente de la campagne majeure de financement du MBAM, Le Musée transforme les vies. _______ Sylvie Demers is stepping down from her role as President of the MMFA Foundation’s Board of Trustees after seven years at its helm. The Foundation team is grateful to her for her exceptionally committed leadership, her generosity in sharing her financial expertise, and her unwavering support of the team. “With her unique human touch, Sylvie accomplished her mandate of fostering growth and change in exemplary fashion. Under her leadership, we’ve seen a steady rise in financial performance, and a governance structure strengthened by four highly engaged committees,” shares Jo-Anne Hudon Duchesne, Director General of the MMFA Foundation. “I thank her for dedication and wish her all the best in this new chapter of her life.” Sylvie Demers will nonetheless continue to be involved in arts and culture at the MMFA through her role as Co-chair of the institution’s major fundraising campaign, The Museum Transforms Lives.

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  • 🎧 | “The latest exbihit at the MMFA looks at some of the best works from Belgian artists, mainly from the Flanders region. We speak with Chloé Pelletier, the curator of the exhibit, about some the exceptional works on display by Peter Paul Reuben, Hans Memling and Michaelina Wautier as well as other notable artists.” Thank you Sonali Karnick!

    "Saints, Sinners, Lovers and Fools: Three Hundred Years of Flemish Masterworks" opens at the MMFA | All in a Weekend with Sonali Karnick | Live Radio | CBC Listen

    "Saints, Sinners, Lovers and Fools: Three Hundred Years of Flemish Masterworks" opens at the MMFA | All in a Weekend with Sonali Karnick | Live Radio | CBC Listen

  • La Fondation du MBAM se réjouit d’annoncer un nouveau partenariat avec Services Paysagers Dominique Filion, qui devient présentateur du Cercle des Anges (CDA). Depuis plus de 30 ans, l’entreprise permet d’habiter l’extérieur avec raffinement et élégance grâce à son expertise en aménagement paysager. Un des Cercles philanthropiques du MBAM, le CDA a pour mission de soutenir la programmation d’expositions du Musée et d’y favoriser l’accessibilité pour toutes les familles. Cette année, l’apport de la communauté du CDA a contribué à offrir plus de 23 000 participations gratuites aux activités pour les familles et l’envoi de trousses d’art gratuites à 250 autres foyers. Merci à Dominique Filion de soutenir la mission culturelle et sociale du Musée! Pour en apprendre davantage sur le CDA, visitez ____ The MMFA Foundation is proud to announce a new partnership with Services Paysagers Dominique Filion, which becomes the Presenting Sponsor of the Angel Circle. For over 30 years, the company has been expending the living experience with refinement and elegance through its landscaping expertise. One of the MMFA’s Philanthropic Circles, the Angel Circle plays a crucial role in supporting programming at the Museum and promoting accessibility for all families. This year, the Circle’s community contribution has led to over 23,000 people participating in free family activities at the Museum, and 250 families receiving free art kits. We thank Dominique Filion for supporting the Museum's cultural and social mission. To learn more about the Angel Circle, visit ___ Jo-Anne Hudon Duchesne | Daly Anne Zogbo | Camille Kersebet 

  • 🔸 Musée gratuit le 21 juin 🔸 Lieu de rencontre entre toutes les cultures, le MBAM est gardien d’une collection qui reflète la richesse et la pluralité matérielle, conceptuelle et culturelle des artistes autochtones. À l’occasion de la Journée nationale des peuples autochtones, vendredi 21 juin, le Musée ouvre ses portes, offrant à toutes et à tous l’accès gratuit à ses collections et expositions*. ➡️ _____ Meeting place between all cultures, the MMFA is the custodian of a collection that reflects the rich material, conceptual and cultural plurality of Indigenous artists. For National Indigenous Peoples Day, on Friday, June 21, the Museum is opening its doors, offering everyone free admission to its collections and exhibitions.* ➡️ - *à l’exception de la grande exposition «Vice, vertu,désir, folie: trois siècles de chefs-d’œuvre flamands» | With the exception of the major exhibition “Saints, Sinners, Lovers and Fools: Three Hundred Years of Flemish Masterworks.” - Renée Condo, Mi’kmaw de Gesgapegiag (née en 1979), «Iluigneg», 2023. MBAM, achat, fonds de la Campagne du Musée 1988-1993. Photo MBAM, Jean-François Brière

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