What’s New in Kadence Blocks 3.2

Kadence WP has recently released an update for its Gutenberg Blocks plugin.

And in this article we have discussed what’s new in Kadence Blocks 3.2.

This update is for the free version of the Kadence Blocks plugin meaning anyone using it will get access to the new features and improvements.

Now coming to the features included, the major one is the release of Kadence AI and its integration in the Design Library and a few blocks.

Other than this a new homepage for Kadence Blocks has been added which you will be able to access inside your WordPress dashboard.

Other than this you will find the Flex control option in Section block and Auto option in Margin controls.

Keeping this in mind, if you are looking to get started with Kadence Blocks then you can do so by clicking our SPECIAL LINK.

Kadence Blocks 3.2 Update

Before we learn more about this update, it is important to know that Kadence Blocks 3.2 was released on 9th January 2024.

And below are the topics covered.

New Home Page in Kadence Blocks (WordPress Dashboard)

The first improvement that you will come across in Kadence Blocks 3.2 update is the addition of a new homepage.

If you have been using Kadence Blocks plugin then you must be familiar with the fact on installing it, you will find 2 options in the WordPress dashboard sidebar and these are

  • Settings
  • All Forms
Home option missing before Kadence Blocks 3.2
Home option missing before Kadence Blocks 3.2

In Kadence Blocks 3.2, a new option Home has been added.

New Home option in Kadence Blocks 3.2
New Home option in Kadence Blocks 3.2

And on clicking it, it will take you to the homepage of Kadence Blocks inside of your WordPress dashboard where you will find the option to Activate AI followed by a brief description about Kadence Blocks Pro, Kadence Theme and documentation.

New Kadence Blocks homepage in WordPress dashboard
New Kadence Blocks homepage in WordPress dashboard

AI in Kadence Blocks 3.2

While we are on the topic of AI, it is important to know that the in Kadence Blocks 3.2, the AI option has been added to Kadence Design Library and Advanced Text block.

And to use it you will have to enable AI in Kadence.

For this you need to click Home under Kadence in the WordPress dashboard sidebar and then click the Activate Kadence AI option.

New Activate Kadence AI option in WordPress dashboard
New Activate Kadence AI option in WordPress dashboard

On clicking this option it will take you to the Kadence WP sign up page where you need to either login or create a new account on Kadence WP.

Create an account to use AI in Kadence Blocks 3.2
Create an account to use AI in Kadence Blocks 3.2

Once done, it will ask you to connect your website with the Kadence Account and for this you need to click the Connect button.

Connect account to activate AI in Kadence Blocks 3.2
Connect account to activate AI in Kadence Blocks 3.2

On a successful connection, it will take your WordPress dashboard and the onboarding sequence will start.

AI onboarding sequence in Kadence Blocks 3.2
AI onboarding sequence in Kadence Blocks 3.2

In this sequence, you will have to provide basic information about your website such as

  • Name
  • Type of company
  • Where are you situated
  • Your industry
Basic information for AI in Kadence Blocks 3.2
Basic information for AI in Kadence Blocks 3.2

After this it will ask you provide a brief description about your business and select a few related keywords.

Following this it will show you a collection of images that will be used in backgrounds and as featured images where ever required.

Select image collection in Kadence Blocks 3.2
Select image collection in Kadence Blocks 3.2

Here we suggest that you use the pre-defined collections by Kadence WP rather than performing an AI search for building your own by using the dropdown on the top.

Also, you can edit the Kadence AI image collection and your own images to it.

Once done click Save and it will take you back to the new Kadence Blocks home inside the WordPress dashboard.

AI in Advanced Text Block

After you are done enabling Kadence AI, the next step is to create a new post or page in WordPress and the add the Advanced Text block by Kadence.

On adding, you will notice a new AI icon in the toolbar. See the below screenshots for comparison

  • Before Kadence Blocks 3.2 Update
AI option missing in Advanced Text block before Kadence Blocks 3.2
AI option missing in Advanced Text block before Kadence Blocks 3.2
  • After Kadence Blocks 3.2 update
AI option in Advanced Text block after Kadence Blocks 3.2 update
AI option in Advanced Text block after Kadence Blocks 3.2 update

On clicking the AI option, it will allow you to add a prompt from generating content.

Add prompt for AI in Kadence Blocks 3.2
Add prompt for AI in Kadence Blocks 3.2

Once the content is generated, it will show you a few options for making changes to it such as

  • Make Shorter
  • Make Longer
  • Simplify
Options for making changes to AI generated content in Kadence Blocks 3.2
Options for making changes to AI generated content in Kadence Blocks 3.2

In case you want to use the AI generated text then you can click Use this copy.

Similarly, to generate the content again you can click Try Again and to delete it you need to click Discard.

Keep in mind, any action that leads to the use of AI will cost 1 credit. For example, if you select Maker Shorter then it will cost you an additional 1 credit taking the credit usage count to 2.

Generating Content (1) + Make Shorter (1) = 2 credits

Also, more credits will be used if you generated longer text or content.

AI Kadence Design Library

The next place where you will find the Kadence AI is in the Design Library and to see it you need to click Design Library button on the toolbar.

Design Library button in WordPress editor toolbar
Design Library button in WordPress editor toolbar

Once you have opened the Kadence Design Library, you will come across a new option With AI on the top.

With AI option in design library in Kadence Blocks 3.2
With AI option in design library in Kadence Blocks 3.2

On clicking With AI, it will show you a bunch of categories in the side along with the option to generate a copy for the selected category.

See the screenshot for reference

Option to generate a copy using AI in Design Library in Kadence Blocks 3.2
Option to generate a copy using AI in Design Library in Kadence Blocks 3.2

It is important to know that it displays the credit usage on the button and this amount can change depending on category you select.

AI credit usage changes in Kadence Blocks 3.2
AI credit usage changes in Kadence Blocks 3.2

Now, when you will click Generate Content, Kadence AI will generate a few patterns using the information that you had provided when activating.

AI generated patterns in Design Library after Kadence Blocks 3.2
AI generated patterns in Design Library after Kadence Blocks 3.2

To use these patterns all you have to do is click and it will be added to page / post.

If you have a valid a Kadence Blocks Pro subscription or are using any of the Kadence Bundles then you will be able to use the Pro patterns.

It works the same way as before Pro users can use both Free and Premium while Free users only have access to Free patterns.

Kadence AI pricing and plans

Now that you are familiar with Kadence AI, it is important that we discuss its pricing.

Kadence WP has a free plan + 3 bundles and below are the credits you will get.

  • Free- $0 (250 AI credits)
  • Essential Bundle- $149 (4000 AI credits / year)
  • Full Bundle- $219 (8000 AI credits / year)
  • Lifetime Full Bundle- $799 (16000 AI credits / year)
New Kadence AI pricing and plans
New Kadence AI pricing and plans

Out of all the plans above, we recommend getting the Kadence Lifetime bundle as it is includes all the themes and plugins by Kadence WP at a one time price.

And this means you won’t have to worry about renewals.

On top of this you can use all the products included on unlimited sites which makes it value for money.

Other Changes in Kadence Design Library

While we are in the Kadence Design Library, it is important to know that there are a few more changes that you have been across.

And to see these you need to click the new gear icon on top.

New AI settings in Design Library in Kadence Blocks 3.2
New AI settings in Design Library in Kadence Blocks 3.2

On clicking the icon, it will show you 3 new options

  • Update Kadence AI Details– This option will take you back to Kadence AI wizard where you will have to edit or add details about your business / website.
  • Update Design Library Images– Clicking this option will show you the selected Collections and here you will be able to create a new collection or edit the one you are using.
  • Advanced
Options in AI settings in Design Library in Kadence Blocks 3.2
Options in AI settings in Design Library in Kadence Blocks 3.2

The Advanced option has 2 controls

  • Custom Image Selection– Disabling this option will show you preview using Wireframe images.
  • Live Preview– On disabling this, it will not show you how patterns will look on your site.
Options in AI Advanced settings in Design Library in Kadence Blocks 3.2
Options in AI Advanced settings in Design Library in Kadence Blocks 3.2

Flex Control in Section Block

Moving on from the Kadence Design Library,

The next improvement that you will come across in Kadence Blocks 3.2 is the changes to the Flex Settings.

Before this update, most of the settings had dropdowns from where you were able to pick options depending on your requirements.

Flex Settings in Section block before Kadence Blocks 3.2
Flex Settings in Section block before Kadence Blocks 3.2

This has changed in Kadence Blocks 3.2 update and the dropdowns have been replaced by Controls.

See the below screenshot for reference.

Flex Settings in Section block after Kadence Blocks 3.2
Flex Settings in Section block after Kadence Blocks 3.2

With the introduction of these controls, users now have a visual representation of each of the option which makes it more intuitive.

Auto option in Margin

Another improvement that you will come across in Kadence Blocks 3.2 is the addition of Auto option in Margin controls.

Before this update, there was no option available to set margins as auto and it had to be done using CSS.

Margin Controls before Kadence Blocks 3.2
Margin Controls before Kadence Blocks 3.2

This has changed in Kadence Blocks 3.2 and a new Auto option has been added to the Margin Controls.

To see this option, you need to navigate to Advanced tab of any of the blocks by Kadence and unlink all the directions / sides in Margin control.

Margin Controls in Kadence Blocks 3.2
Margin Controls in Kadence Blocks 3.2

In the next step you need to click any of the fields and it will show you the Auto option.

Auto option in Margin controls in Kadence Blocks 3.2
Auto option in Margin controls in Kadence Blocks 3.2

With just one click you can set Margin to Auto in Kadence Blocks.

This concludes everything you need to know about the Kadence Blocks 3.2 update.

If you have liked what you have read and want to give Kadence Blocks a try then you can do so by clicking our SPECIAL LINK or the button below

Kadence Blocks 3.2 Pricing

Now that you are familiar with what’s new in Kadence Blocks 3.2, the next topic that we are going to discuss is its pricing and plans.

Kadence Blocks has 4 plans

  • Kadence Blocks Pro- $89
  • Kadence Essential Bundle- $149
  • Kadence Full Bundle- $219
  • Kadence Lifetime full bundle- $799
Kadence Blocks 3.2 pricing and plans
Kadence Blocks 3.2 pricing and plans

What’s included in Kadence Blocks Pro

  • Custom Pro Blocks
  • Pro Addons to Kadences Blocks
  • Dynamic Content
  • Custom Icons
  • Custom Fonts
  • Premium Design Library
  • Unlimited sites
  • One year support & updates
  • 30-day satisfaction guarantee

And more

What’s included in Kadence Essential Bundle

  • Kadence Blocks Pro
  • Kadence Theme Pro
  • Pro Starter Templates
  • Kadence Custom Fonts
  • Unlimited sites
  • One year support & updates
  • 30-day satisfaction guarantee

And more

What’s included in Kadence Full Bundle

  • Kadence Blocks Pro
  • Kadence Theme Pro
  • Pro Starter Templates
  • Kadence Custom Fonts
  • Kadence Cloud
  • Kadence Conversions
  • Kadence WooCommerce Shop Kit
  • Child Theme Builder
  • Kadence Recaptcha
  • Access to all plugins
  • Exclusive access to all future products
  • Unlimited sites
  • One year support & updates
  • 30-day satisfaction guarantee

And more

What’s included in Kadence Lifetime Bundle

  • Kadence Blocks Pro
  • Kadence Theme Pro
  • Pro Starter Templates
  • Kadence Custom Fonts
  • Kadence Cloud
  • Kadence Conversions
  • Kadence WooCommerce Shop Kit
  • Child Theme Builder
  • Kadence Recaptcha
  • Access to all plugins
  • Exclusive access to all future products
  • Unlimited sites
  • One-time payment
  • Lifetime support & updates
  • 30-day satisfaction guarantee

And more

Having said that,

I hope you will find this article helpful and are familiar with Kadence Blocks 3.2 update.

In case you have any queries feel free to get in touch.

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