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How to a create Pinterest business account and verify website

Are you looking to create a Pinterest business account and verify your website? You have come to the right place.

Pinterest is one of the best websites to generate traffic for your website and let me start this article by sharing a recent incident that happened and left me in a state of thinking.

Recently I visited my brother’s place for a family get together as he renovated his house. And one of the common question asked was where did you find this painting or showpiece and the common answer was Pinterest.

Some of the things were inspired by designs on Pinterest and some were bought by seeing images and recommendations from Pinterest.

Before this incident, I was not so active on Pinterest and never ever thought of using Pinterest.

Also, this proved 2 important points

  • The importance of images in digital media.
  • The potential of image sharing platforms such as Pinterest

Pinterest has 2 types of accounts

  • Personal
  • Business

The personal account looks like the screenshot below

And Business Account looks like the one below

There is a lot of difference between a Pinterest personal profile and a business profile. You can create a business profile on Pinterest in 2 ways:-

  • Create a new one
  • Upgrade an existing personal profile to a business account

You can upgrade your personal account to business for free and it comes with a lot of benefits.

Pinterest Business Account vs Personal

  1. There is quite a lot of difference when you see the design layout of the personal and business account. Business profiles have a more appealing design with a collage of pins as the cover of the profile whereas personal profiles do not have that.
  2. If you create a Pinterest business account you are not required to add the First and  Last name. You can add the name as it is. For example, when I created the business account, I did not enter the First name as Blogging and Last name as Unplugged. The business account gives me the ease of adding the name as Blogging Unplugged. Also, I can include some keywords related to my blog as well.
  3. In the Pinterest business profile, the URL of your website is displayed very prominently as compared to the personal account
  4. One of the major difference makers for me is access to analytics. You do not have access to analytics on personal accounts.
  5. There is also a difference in Pinterest TOS where it is clearly stated to use Pinterest for commercial purposes you need a business account.
  6. Also, Pinterest is constantly working on new features to expand the reach and those having business accounts will get notified as soon as the feature is released.
  7. Features such as ads program are only available for business accounts.

The Dilemma- Converting or Creating a new Pinterest Business Profile

As mentioned above, when we talk about creating a business account on Pinterest, there are 2 scenarios.

  • You can create a new business account
  • Convert an existing profile into a business profile.

In case you are facing the dilemma of whether you want to convert your personal profile to a business profile. Consider this

  1. When you convert your profile your Pinterest URL will change. For example, if you have a personal profile with a URL pinterest.com/personal that will change to pinterest.com/business. If your followers are more connected to you than your brand then it is better to create a new business account.
  2. In case your personal profile has pins that have nothing to do with your brand, what your brand represents or completely personal. Then it is not a good idea to remove all those pins and then create a business account. Rather it is better to create a new one.
  3. If your personal profile has tons of followers and you do not want to lose them. Then converting will be a better option than building a new account from scratch.

How to Create a New Pinterest Business Account

Before we begin this guide, I would like to let you know creating a new business profile is almost similar to converting and all the steps are the same. So in case, you are creating a new account you need to

  1. Sign up using an existing email address or Facebook
  2. Select your country and language preference
  3. And follow the guide below.

To start this the first step is to log in to your Pinterest Profile.

pinterest login screen

When you log in, you will see the wall of your Pinterest profile. On the right side, you can see three dots.

Pinterest settings

When you click on it, it will open a drop-down that will have the option “Add a Free Business Account”. When you click it a popup will appear with the message “A business account helps you run ads, see analytics and share more ideas on Pinterest.”

create a Pinterest business account

As you can see, it basically gives you 2 options

  • Add a new business account to this profile and switch between the two
  • Convert existing one into business

Selecting which way to go depends on your goals. In case you want to have 2 profiles one for business and other for personal use then you can add a new business profile.

And if you want to convert this one into business then moving to business is the option for you.

Before we move forward, it is important to know the process for creating a business profile on Pinterest via both the routes is just the same. And I will cover both the option is this article only.

Also, if you want to convert an existing Pinterest profile to business, you can navigate to the section using the table of contents in the sidebar.

How to create a Pinterest Business Account

If you want to add a business account to existing profile, click Get Started and it will take you to Pinterest Business Hub and will show you another popup.

add your business name and select a category for your business

In this popup you are required to add your business and select a category related to your business. As I am a blogger I will select Blogger from the list and there are 11 categories to select from.

Once you are done click next and in the next screen it will ask for your business email address. Enter a valid email address that you can be contacted on.

add business email address in pinterest

Once you are done adding, click Next. Also, you can skip this step and add it later.

In the next step, you need to enter the link to your website.

After adding the website, click Next.

In the next screen, it will ask you if you want to run ads on your website. You will get three options to choose from. Pick the one that fits your goals.

run ads on Pinterest

Once you are done selecting, click Next and it will take you to a new screen where Pinterest will ask you to select from 3 options listed below

  • Create a Pin
  • Create an Ad
  • Build your Profile
start a pinterest business profile

I will suggest starting with Build your profile as it is important to provide maximum information about your business before you start pinning as half completed profiles do not look legit and people do not want to interact or engage with such profiles.

Also, the process of creating a Pinterest business profile is not complete until you verify your site on the platform and to navigate to that section, you can use the table of content in the sidebar.

Having said that,

If you are someone looking to convert an existing Pinterest personal account to business, the next section is for you.

How to convert Pinterest personal account to business

Before we begin this part of the tutorial, let me tell you I have converted my Pinterest personal profile to Pinterest business account as I was only sharing Blogging and traffic related pins on my personal profile and thats what I mostly blog about.

So it made more sense converting to a Pinterest business account. In case you have pinned pins from multiple niches and less of the content is similar to what your blog or website is about, then I will suggest creating a new Pinterest business account rather than converting an existing one.

Having said that, lets start the tutorial

As discussed before, the first step in the process is to log in to your Pinterest profile, and then click on this link- Convert Pinterest Personal Account To Business

On clicking this link it will take you to a new page where you will see a popup.

convert pinterest personal account to business

As you can see, the title of the popup states “Get a Free Business Account” and below that you can see the email id associated with it.

It is important to check if the email id shown is associated with correct account or not. If it is correct then click continue.

Alternatively, you can go to Pinterest account settings and the last section on the page will be Account Changes.

convert pinterest business profile to personal

Under this section you will find the option to convert Personal profile to Pinterest business account. You can click the option and it will take you to the same page.

Having said that,

Now when you click Continue, it will take you to business hub

pinterest business hub

On this page you will see analytics of your account and top performing pins.

Once you are done till here the next step is to complete the account setup. And for that you will have to click on the three dots on top right and select Edit Settings.

edit pinterest settings

When you click Edit Settings, it will take you to Profile settings wherein you need to enter a few important details.

pinterest profile settings
  • Profile Picture– Make sure you add a personalized profile picture or your company’s logo as people like to interact with people or brands and not adding a profile picture can lead to reduction in engagement.
  • Display Name– The name of the setting is self explanatory. In this setting you need to add a display name for your profile. Make sure to use your keywords here as doing this will boost your visibility on the platform and your profile may show up in Pinterest search for keywords that you have used in your display name.
  • Username– This is a very important setting and is overlooked by many. The username of your profile is displayed in the URL of your Pinterest account. Make sure it is relevant to your brand and in ideal scenario should be your brand name as it makes your profile stand out and can be identified easily in the large sea of links.
  • About Your Profile- In this option you are required to add a description for your profile. This is a very important step and must not be ignored. Adding an optimized description will help improve your visibility on Pinterest search and also it will tell the people what your account or business is about. When creating a description make sure to add your keywords and keep it short and engaging.

Once you are done adding all the details the next step is

Pinterest Site Verification

You cannot have a Pinterest business account until your site is verified on the platform. Also, you won’t be able to access any Pinterest for business features until you complete this step.

With that said lets begin the next part of the tutorial

How to verify a website on Pinterest

To verify your website on Pinterest, the first thing you have to do is navigate to settings by clicking the three dots on top and then clicking Edit settings

edit pinterest settings

It will show you the setting to edit your Pinterest profile and on the left you will see an option named Claim. Click this option

pinterest site verification

When you click claim it will take you to a page where you will find the option to claim your website.

Claim your website on Pinterest

Alternatively, you can click this Pinterest site verification link and it will take you to the above-mentioned settings.

In the next step you need to add your website’s URL in the space provided and click Claim.

add website to claim on pinterest

When you click Claim, a popup will appear that will show you 2 different methods of Pinterest site verification.

pick website claim option in pinterest

The two methods for claiming a website on Pinterest are

  • Using HTML tag
  • Upload HTML file

These methods may look a little complicated if you are new to blogging. But in reality, these steps are easy to execute and if you follow the steps in this tutorial, it will be a walk in the park.

Having said that,

In this article we will be using the HTML tag to verify your website on Pinterest as it is a simple way to accomplish it.

Also, in this article, we have covered Pinterest site verification for the below-listed platforms.

  • WordPress.org or self-hosted
  • WordPress.com
  • Blogger or Blogspot
  • Tumblr

Before you navigate to the section of your choice using the tables of content in the sidebar, let me tell you the first step is common for all platforms which is clicking the HTML tag option to reveal the verification code.

pinterest site verification code

After you have the Pinterest site verification code, the next step is to navigate to the platform your website is on using the table of content in the sidebar.

How to claim your WordPress website on Pinterest

When we talk about verifying a WordPress website on Pinterest, it can be done in 2 ways

  • Using a plugin
  • Manually

Often in Facebook groups I have seen people asking questions like I m using Bluehost or Siteground how do I claim my website on Pinterest.

It is important to know it does not matter which hosting provider you are using, be it Siteground or Bluehost or any other hosting provider. The only requirement is your blog should be using the WordPress CMS and self-hosted.

And nothing else.

Having said that, in this article we will be discussing both the methods mentioned above.

Before we move forward, it is important to know some WordPress themes such as Genesis framework by StudioPress have a built-in feature that allows you to insert the code in theme header and that means you do not need any additional plugin for this task.

If you are using Genesis child themes, then to use this feature and claim your WordPress website on Pinterest you need to head over to Appearance >> Customize in your WordPress dashboard

theme customization option in WordPress

It will take you to your site’s homepage and will show you all the theme customization settings.

theme customization settings in WordPress

Once you find these settings, all you need to do is click theme settings and it will show you the header/ footer scripts section.

header footer scripts in Genesis theme

Click header / footer scripts option and it will show you boxes where you can insert scripts in the header and footer of your theme.

Now, all you have to do is copy the Pinterest verification HTML code and paste it in the header scripts section as shown in the screenshot below.

insert pinterest verification code in theme header

After inserting the Pinterest verification code click Publish and navigate to the Pinterest tab and click on Next on the popup and it will ask for the confirmation. Click submit to confirm and within 24 hrs you’ll receive a confirmation message letting you know that you have successfully claimed your website on Pinterest.

How to verify a WordPress website on Pinterest using plugin

The process of claiming a WordPress website on Pinterest using a plugin is very straightforward. If you are new to the online world or not comfortable with the technical side of running a website then this is the method I recommend.

You can use any of the 3 plugins listed below for this

The first step in the process is downloading and installing the plugin of your choice and you can do that by following our guide on How to install a WordPress plugin

Once you are done installing the WordPress plugin, then you need to navigate to the desired section using tables of contents in the sidebar.

Also, it is important to keep in mind you need only one of the above mentioned plugins. That means if you already have Yoast then you do not need Rank Math as both of these are SEO plugins and server the same purpose.

However, Insert Headers and Footers can be used with both Yoast SEO and Rank Math and servers a very different purpose.

Having said that, lets move forward

Insert Headers and Footers

If you want to claim your WordPress site on Pinterest using Insert header and footers plugin then the first step is downloading and installing the plugin as mentioned above.

In the next step navigate to Settings >> Insert Headers and Footers

It will take you to a new screen where you have to insert the code in Scripts in Header. You need to copy and paste the entire HTML code in this section as shown in the screenshot below.

adding pinterest site verification code in header using insert headers and footers plugin

Once you are done adding the code, click Save to save the changes.

Now, go back to Pinterest and click on Next on the popup and it will ask for the confirmation. Click submit to confirm and within 24 hrs you’ll receive a confirmation message letting you know that you have successfully claimed your website on Pinterest.

Yoast SEO

If you are using or looking to use Yoast SEO, the first step is the same as above which is to download and install the plugin.

Once you are done installing the plugin, you will see the Yoast SEO tab on the left. Click it and navigate to Social and it will take you to a screen that looks like the screenshot below.

Social settings in Yoast

The next step is to check if the open graph setting is enabled or not. For that you need to visit the Facebook tab and if the open graph is disabled enable it.

opengraph settings in yoast

Once the opengraph setting is enabled, headover to the Pinterest tab and paste the code in the Pinterest confirmation box and click save changes.

add pinterest site verification code in yoast

Now, go back to Pinterest and click on Next on the popup and it will ask for the confirmation. Click submit to confirm and within 24 hrs you’ll receive a confirmation message letting you know that you have successfully claimed your website on Pinterest.

Rank Math

If Rank Math is your choice of plugin, then the first step is the same as discussed above and in this you’ll have to download and install the plugin.

After the installation is complete, the next step is to head-over to Rank Math settings in your WordPress dashboard sidebar and locate General settings.

Rank Math General Settings

Once you are in General settings, you need to click Webmaster Tools tab

webmaster tools rank math

On selecting Webmaster tools, it will show you various options like Google search console verification, Bing webmasters tool and more.

Now you need to find Pinterest Verification Id and this option is located in the bottom of the page.

pinterest site verification using rank math

In the next step you need to add the Pinterest verification code in the space provided and Click Save Changes

add pinterest site verification code in rank math

And once you are done till here in the final step you need go back to Pinterest and click on Next on the popup and it will ask for the confirmation. Click submit to confirm and within 24 hrs you’ll receive a confirmation message letting you know that you have successfully claimed your website on Pinterest.

Having said that,

If you want to perform this process manually then the next section of the tutorial is for you

How to verify a WordPress website on Pinterest manually

Another way to claim your website on Pinterest is the good old manual method. This process requires adding the Pinterest site verification code in the header.php or theme header file manually.

If you are not comfortable with adding or removing code from theme files then this method is not for you and I recommend using plugins for this purpose.

Before we begin, it is important to keep in mind that when you add codes or make such changes to your theme, it should be only done on Child theme and not the main theme.

The reason behind this is simple your main theme recieves updates on regular basis and on updating all the changes you have made are reversed or automatically removed.

Also, take a backup before inserting the code and for this you can use BackupBuddy.

Having said that,

To verify a website on Pinterest manually, the first step is to navigate to Appearance >> Theme editor

And it will show you all the theme related files

theme editor in wordpress

The next step in the process is to locate the header.php or theme header file and open it.

Now there are chances that your child may not contain this file and that is why it is not showing on the list. If that is the case, then you will have to copy it from the main theme folder to the child theme folder by logging in to your hostings cpanel.

With that said,

After opening the header.php file, you need to locate the <head> tag

editing header.php file in wordpress

Once you have found the tag, paste the Pinterest verification code below it as shown in the screenshot below

add pinterest site verification code in theme header

After inserting the Pinterest site verification HTML tag, click update in the bottom to Save changes and headover to the Pinterest tab and click Next on the popup and it will ask for the confirmation. Click submit to confirm and within 24 hrs you’ll receive a confirmation message letting you know that you have successfully claimed your website on Pinterest.

How to verify your WordPress.com website on Pinterest

If you have a website or a blog on WordPress.com, the verification process is very different than what we have discussed above but is very simple.

As you already know, WordPress.com does not allow you to install plugins or allow you to edit the code as you can do on other platforms.

You may like to read- WordPress.com vs WordPress.org

However, WordPress.com provides you with the built-in Jetpack features that allow you to verify your website.

To claim your WordPress.com site on Pinterest

  1. Login to your WordPress.com dashboard
  2. Navigate to Tools >> Marketing >> Traffic
  3. Scroll down a little and you will find site verification services
  4. Enter the HTML confirmation code in the Pinterest box and save the settings
pinterest site verification for wordpress.com

Now, go back to Pinterest and click on Next on the popup and it will ask for the confirmation. Click submit to confirm and within 24 hrs you’ll receive a confirmation message letting you know that you have successfully claimed your website on Pinterest.

Pinterest site verification for Blogspot

Blogspot otherwise known as Blogger is a free blogging platform by Google.

For the verification of your blogger website, the first thing you have do is log in to the Blogger dashboard, then navigate to the theme settings and locate three dots on top right.

theme customization settings in blogspot

When you click these three dots it will show you a menu which has the option named Edit as HTML

edit as html option in blogger

In case you are using the first generation classic themes, then you will see the Edit as HTML option when you enter the theme settings.

Now when you click Edit as HTML, it will show you the code of theme. For Classic theme users the code editor will be a little different. However, process is the same.

The next step is to search for <head> tag and you can do that by using the search function. If you are a Windows user it is Ctrl + F and for Mac it is CMD + F

locate head tag in blogspot

After you have found the <head> tag, the next step is to add the Pinterest site verification code below it as shown in the screenshot below

add pinterest site verification code in blogspot

The last step is to save the theme. Now, go back to Pinterest and click on Next on the popup and it will ask for the confirmation. Click submit to confirm.

Within 24 hrs you’ll receive a confirmation message letting you know that you have successfully claimed your website on Pinterest.

Once you are done till here, the next step is

How to check for verification of website on Pinterest

Checking if your website is verified on Pinterest or not is pretty simple.

As mentioned above, after you are donr adding the Pinterest verification code you get a confirmation email in 24 hrs and here is the email that I received.

pinterest site verification confirmation email

You will get a very similar email to the one above on the email associated with your Business profile if your website has been verified on Pinterest. The subject line of the email is “Website Claimed”. In case you are unable find the email search it using this subject line and hopefully you will be able to find it.

In case you cannot find any such emails, then the next step is to open your Pinterest profile and see if the website has a verification badge just like the screenshot below.

Pinterest site verification badge

If you can see a badge like the one above before your site’s URL then your website is verified on Pinterest.

Alternatively, you can also visit Website claim settings in Pinterest and see if your site has a Green tick as seen in the screenshot below.

pinterest website claim settings

If none of the above mentioned signals are showing in your case, then you will have to check if you have inserted the Pinterest verification tag correctly or not. Also, if the implementation is correct then contact the Pinterest support and your problem will be resolved.

Having said that,

This is everything you need to know about creating a Pinterest business account and claiming your website on Pinterest.

In the beginning, this may seem like a difficult task but in reality, it is pretty easy to execute and has huge benefits. If you have started a blog on WordPress claiming your website on Pinterest will massively increase your reach.

The next step after starting a Pinterest business account is to set up Rich Pins on Pinterest. And also, don’t forget to learn how to hide pin images in blog posts and add Pinterest Save button to images

I hope this tutorial will help you create a business account and Verify your website on Pinterest. Do follow us on Pinterest, Youtube, Facebook and other social media and also share this on social media with your friends.

If you have any queries feel free to contact us.

Before you leave, if you are new to the Blogging world don’t forget to go through our Blogging Glossary and feel free to check the best deals and discounts on Blogging tools.

Also, to stay up to date with our content, Join our Facebook group, sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media.


  1. Wow, I can’t tell you how badly I’m kicking myself in the butt for not finding this sooner. It literally took me 2+ hours to figure it out!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank you, Olivia, You can subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated

  2. Wow this was a very timely post for me. I was just trying to figure out how to verify my website and I was having the most difficult time. I did not realize that I could use Yoast SEO plug in. I definitely will be using these tips. Thank you very much

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Dwight.

  3. This was helpful because honestly I didn’t even know Pinterest even had a business profile option. I’ll be checking it out now. The most blog traffic I ever got was definitely through Pinterest.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Kaitlyn

  4. Those were really great and indepth insights. Really loved reading out so much details. Would try to create a Pinterest account for myself. Thanks!

  5. Clare Minall says:

    I am new to Pinterest and this post is such a great guide for me. This can be very useful for my future reference.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Clare

  6. Such a great and informative post. This can be very helpful especially for those using Pinterest in their business.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Preet

  7. Wow this was a really great guide for Pinterest! I’m an active Pinterest user myself and I wish I read this when I first started !

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Eileen

  8. THIS GUIDE IS TERRIFIC! Pinterest – yes, I use it – but I don’t feel as though I will ever understand how to fully maximize it to help me best gain traffic from it! Ha! So … I kinda focus elsewhere!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      It can be a great source of additional traffic. Let me know if you need help. Thank You

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Amanda

  9. Great guide and already done. Very in-depth. 🙂

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Danik

  10. Ellie Plummer says:

    Ooh this is very useful. I am wanting to get more into Pinterest so I shall try out these tips.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Ellie

  11. Elizabeth O says:

    This will be a very useful ways to be pass on us. Thank you so much!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Elizabeth

  12. Thank you so much for this! I love Pinterest but couldn’t figure it out for too long. Great guide!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Stephanie

  13. Monidipa Dutta says:

    In a move that shows it means business, Pinterest’s new feature now lets other pinners learn more about the people and businesses they’re following. In short, verification will let you display your full website URL on your Pinterest profile.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      The best feature is the access to analytics which is priceless. Thank You Monidipa

  14. Becca Wilson says:

    Pinterest is one of the medias that going into the new year I am going to be working harder on. This is such a great tip for getting your website verified there!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Becca

  15. Thank you so much for writing this post! It took me so long to figure this out so I’m sure it will come in handy for a lot of people!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Ruth

  16. This is very important, and very informative! Great post!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Renee

  17. This was such an informative post! You made something that can be frustrating and confusing easy to do. Thank you!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Christa

  18. Where was this guide when I needed it a year ago!? Haha! Amazing work, I have absolutely no doubt many, many people will love you for the time and effort you’ve put together to create this!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Kylie

  19. Listen. This blog post was just for me. I changed mine to business Pinterest but has not done all this. Thank you

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Woodeline

  20. This was so informative and helpful for anyone. Thanks so much for sharing it! I will save it and refer back to it.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Sophia

  21. This blog post is so helpful! I was badly looking for how to verify my website and read so many other blogs but none explained so clearly like you did. Great job!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Madhurima

  22. Super helpful post. I only use pinterest for ideas. Perhaps I should use it for my business. Definitely something that I will consider.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Adriana

  23. Bindu Thomas says:

    What a great information. You did it perfectly. I am wanting to get more into Pinterest so I shall try out these tips. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Bindu

  24. Helen Neale says:

    This is something I need to remember. I love that topic. It shows how useful Pinterest is in our Business.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Helen

  25. Neil Alvin Nicerio says:

    I haven’t explored pinterest yet so thank you so much for these information.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Explore it today, it is such a good source of traffic. Thank You Neil

  26. Nice! very useful guide! i didn’t think it was simple enough even to try to google it

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Lyosha

  27. Pinterest is very important in the blogging world. This guide is super informative & easy-to-follow. I find it useful for myself!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Miljana

  28. Thanks for your detailed post! Din’t knew all this things about Pinterest and I use it 3 years already. I have to try some of this out.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Adriana

  29. Thank you so much for this! I have been wondering how to verify my pinterest account for a while now.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Danielle

  30. This is an awesome post! I didn’t know I needed to do this, and followed the steps with no problem. Thanks for the tips and the step-by-step instructions. Very worthwhile

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Taryn

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Justyna

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Maartje

  31. Thank you so much for the info! I have been looking at this

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Candice

  32. Catherine Santiago Jose says:

    Very interesting and informative post. I am sure it will be a great help and a nice guide to those who are having a hard time check thing their websites.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Catherine

  33. This is something I REALLY struggled with when getting myself set up. Your step-by-step guide is very thorough and will make the process so much easier. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Beth

  34. Good Post! Also, verified pinterest account will be helpful if you want to brand yourself or your business, grow your audience or attract more leads and customers to your website. This will create more traffic on your page and will help you increase your SEO score

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      True Thank You Rhea

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Keshia

  35. Wow! This is really great tips to know more about the advantages of having pinterest account. Thank you for this wonderful sharing.

  36. Amazing post. I didn’t really know the difference between normal account and business. I really need to up my pinterest game! Thanks for the help

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Yana

  37. Blair villanueva says:

    Thanks for this. I like Pinterests for its more user-friendly site. I need to pin more!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Blair

  38. Thanks for the useful tips like adding other social media sites and how to link up your site to your account. I pinned this for future references. Thank!

  39. Way cool! Some very valid points! I appreciate you writing this write-up and the rest of the site is also very good.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Jewell

  40. Pinterest is becoming more and more important. This is some really great information.

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Danielle

  41. Myweethoughts says:

    Just what I needed! I’m very new on Pinterest and it kinda confuses me.

  42. Sheena Moncatar says:

    Wow, the effort you have put into this post. Thank you so, so, so much for putting everything into a blog. I have long wanted to do this! You are such a gem. Love your post and thanks really!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Sheena

  43. This is a great step by step ‘how to’ post for those who haven’t done this before! Thank you!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Melissa

  44. Image Earth Travel says:

    Great information thank you!

  45. Geeky Daddy says:

    This has been very helpful. I started my blog last year and Pinterest is the social media platform I understand and have utilized the least. Thanks for the info

  46. Kristen Stez says:

    This is an outstanding post that adds a ton of value. Thank you!

    1. Jasmeet Singh says:

      Thank You Kristen

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