How to DELETE Sample Page in WordPress

Do you want to delete the sample page in WordPress?

If yes then in this tutorial we have shared the step by step process.

As the name suggests, Sample Page is a dummy or a demo page that is included in every WordPress fresh installation.

Be it a WordPress blog, ecommerce or a business website, you will find this page under All Pages in your WordPress dashboard.

The purpose of this page is basically give you an idea on how pages will appear on your website and that your website isn’t empty.

Other than that, this page might come in handy when customizing the appearance of your theme as you can use this sample page to see the changes.

However, generally popular WordPress themes included their own demo content to give you an idea on how the complete website, pages and posts will appear.

Keeping this in mind, as Sample page is a demo page in WordPress, it is required that you completely remove it before launching your site.

And in this tutorial we have shared how can you easily delete this sample page from your WordPress site.

Steps to Delete Sample Page in a WordPress Website

Before we move forward, it is important to know that we recommend deleting the sample page in the beginning.

In case you are using one of the default WordPress themes then you can remove this page once you are done making changes to the layout.

Reason- You will not have to create a new page for checking the changes you have made.

With this in mind, below are the steps

Login to WordPress

To delete a sample page in WordPress, the first step is to login to your dashboard.

For this you will have to visit and it will take you to the WordPress login page.

Please Note– In the above URL you need to replace with your website’s domain name.

Login to WordPress admin
Login to WordPress admin

On the login page you are required to enter your credentials and click Log In

Locate the Sample Page

Once you have successfully logged in, the next step is to click All Pages under Pages in your WordPress admin sidebar.

All Pages option in WordPress admin
All Pages option in WordPress admin

And doing this will show you all the Pages that you have created including any demo content and the sample page.

Sample Page in WordPress dashboard
Sample Page in WordPress dashboard

In case this is a fresh WordPress installation, then most likely you will only have the Sample Page along side a Privacy Policy page in the drafts.

Delete the Sample Page

Once you have found the Sample Page in WordPress, the next step is to delete it.

For this you will have to hover your cursor over Sample page and an option to delete known as Trash will appear below the listing.

See the below screenshot for reference.

Trash option to delete Sample Page in WordPress
Trash option to delete Sample Page in WordPress

In the next step, you need to click this Trash option and it will delete the sample page and move it to Trash in WordPress.

See the below screenshot for reference

Sample Page moved to Trash in WordPress
Sample Page moved to Trash in WordPress

Before we move forward, it is important to know that there is an alternative way to delete the Sample Page in WordPress.

For this you will have to select the Sample Page listing and then select Move to Trash option in the Bulk Action dropdown.

See the below screenshot for reference

Alternative way to delete Sample Page in WordPress
Alternative way to delete Sample Page in WordPress

After this you need to click Apply to delete the Sample Page.

Out of both the methods we recommend using the first one to delete sample page in a WordPress installation as it is quick and easy.

Keeping this in mind, it is important to know that doing this will not completely remove the sample page from your WordPress site and you will still be able to restore it from the Trash.

Complete Remove Sample Page from WordPress

Once you are done till here, the next step is to completely delete this sample page from your WordPress website.

For this you will have to click the Trash option on top and it will show you the Sample Page.

Sample Page in WordPress trash
Sample Page in WordPress trash

In the next step, you will have to hover your cursor over the Sample Page and it will show you the option to Delete Permanently.

Permanently delete Sample Page in WordPress
Permanently delete Sample Page in WordPress

Clicking this option will permanently delete the sample page in WordPress.

Alternatively, you can select the Sample Page and then click Delete Permanently option in the Bulk Actions dropdown.

See the below screenshot for reference

Delete Sample Page permanently in WordPress using Bulk Actions
Delete Sample Page permanently in WordPress using Bulk Actions

Don’t forget to click Apply.

And that’s it you now know how to delete sample page in WordPress.

Before we move forward, it is important to know that using this method you can delete any page in WordPress.

A word of caution– If you are using Bulk Actions to delete multiple pages in WordPress then we recommend checking the selection a few times and taking a backup beforehand for in case anything goes wrong.

FAQ on Deleting Sample Page in WordPress

What is sample page in WordPress

As the name suggests, Sample page is a demo page that is included in every WordPress installation be it you are creating a business website, Woocommerce store or blog.

What is the purpose of sample page in WordPress

The purpose of Sample Page is to have something on the site so that it does not appear empty.

Does every WordPress installation include sample page

Yes, every WordPress fresh installation includes the Sample Page

Is sample page same as demo content from a theme or template.

Sample page in WordPress and the demo content that you get with a theme or a template serve the exact same purpose.

The only difference is Sample page comes with WordPress software and demo content comes from the theme you will be installing or template you may be using.

Can I restore the deleted sample page in WordPress

Yes, you can restore the deleted sample page in WordPress.

And for this you will have to click the Trash option and it will show you the Sample Page.

Here you are required to hover your cursor over the Sample Page and it will show you the option to Restore.

Option to Restore Sample Page in WordPress
Option to Restore Sample Page in WordPress

Clicking this option will restore the Sample Page in WordPress.

Alternatively you can select the Sample Page in the Trash option followed by selecting the Restore option in Bulk Action and click Apply.

Option to Restore Sample Page in WordPress using Bulk Actions
Option to Restore Sample Page in WordPress using Bulk Actions

Doing this will also restore Sample Page in WordPress.

Keep in mind, using this method you can restore any page in WordPress.

Do I have to redirect the deleted sample page

No, you do not have to redirect the sample page.

I m getting a 404 error after deleting sample page. What to do now.

You have to do nothing here as Sample Page serves no purpose on your website.

Let it 404 and if it is indexed somehow in search then it will be dropped soon.

Now that you are done removing the sample page, the next step is to go through this list of Essential WordPress Settings and set up your WordPress site properly.

Having said that,

I hope you will find this tutorial helpful and are able to delete the sample page in your WordPress site.

In case you have any queries, feel free to get in touch.

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