How to ADD IMAGES to a Collection in Kadence AI

Do you want to add images to a collection in Kadence AI?

If yes then in this tutorial we have shared the step by step process using which you can do this easily.

First things first, Kadence AI was introduced in Kadence Blocks 3.2 and Starter Templates version 2.0.0.

And in these updates the AI features were added to

  • Advanced Text Block
Kadence AI in Advanced Text Block
Kadence AI in Advanced Text Block
  • Design Library
Kadence AI in Design Library
Kadence AI in Design Library
  • Starter Templates
Kadence AI in Starter Templates
Kadence AI in Starter Templates

Just like any AI solution, purpose of Kadence AI is to quicken and simplify the website creation process.

And to use it, you will have to provide basic information about your business and website and Kadence AI will take care of the rest for you.

Basically, using your inputs, Kadence AI will generate a library of templates and patterns that you can use with just one click and build your website from scratch.

In case you are wondering, if you can make changes to the templates generated by Kadence AI then the answer is YES.

You get full control and can make any change that you want.

All in all, Kadence AI gives you complete control over design and generated content and it only accelerates the process.

Keeping this in mind, in this tutorial we have covered how can you add images to a Kadence AI collection.

Requirements to add images to a Kadence AI Collection

Before we move forward, there are a few things that you need to know before getting started with Kadence AI.

  • Kadence AI is available for free users and you get 250 credits / lifetime.
  • These credits will be used whenever you will ask AI to perform a task.
  • Depending on the generated content, these credits will be used.
  • To use Kadence AI you will have to either install the Gutenberg Blocks plugin by Kadence WP or Starter Templates
  • After you are done installing, you will have to connect your website with a free account on Kadence WP.

With this in mind, you need to activate AI in Kadence and follow the tutorial below to add images to a collection.

Login to WordPress

Assuming you have enabled AI in Kadence, the first step is to login to your WordPress dashboard.

For this you will have to visit and it will take you to the WordPress login page where you will have to enter your credentials and then click Log In.

Please Note– In the above URL, you will have to replace with your domain name.

Login to WordPress admin
Login to WordPress admin

Open Kadence AI Settings

Once you are inside your WordPress admin, the next step is to open Kadence AI settings.

Depending on the plugin you have installed, Kadence Blocks, Kadence AI Starter Templates or both, the process will be different.

Below we have shared the process for both

Kadence Blocks

If you have enabled AI in Kadence Blocks plugin then to open Kadence AI settings, you will have to first click Home under Kadence in the WordPress dashboard sidebar.

Home option under Kadence in WordPress dashboard
Home option under Kadence in WordPress dashboard

Doing this will take you to the Kadence Blocks homepage inside your WordPress admin and here you are required to click Update Kadence AI Details.

Update Kadence AI details option on Kadence Blocks homepage in WordPress dashboard
Update Kadence AI details option on Kadence Blocks homepage in WordPress dashboard

Clicking Update Kadence AI details will take you to the Kadence AI settings or the set up wizard.

Kadence AI Starter Templates

In case you have enabled AI in Kadence Starter Templates plugin then you will have to click Starter Templates under Appearance in the WordPress admin sidebar.

Starter templates option under appearance in WordPress dashboard
Starter templates option under appearance in WordPress dashboard

On clicking Starter Templates, it will show you all the templates generated by Kadence AI using the information you have provided.

And here you are required to click Update Kadence AI Details option.

Update Kadence AI details option in Starter Templates plugin
Update Kadence AI details option in Starter Templates plugin

On clicking this option it will open the Kadence AI wizard or the settings.

Before we move forward, there are a few things you need to know.

  • If you are using both Kadence Blocks and AI Starter Templates plugin then you will find the Starter Templates option under Kadence and not Appearance. See the below screenshot for reference
Starter Templates option under Kadence in WordPress dashboard
Starter Templates option under Kadence in WordPress dashboard
  • In this scenario, you can open Kadence AI settings by using any of the options be it through Kadence Blocks or AI Starter Templates. It is up to you. We suggest using Kadence Blocks.
  • In case you are only using the Kadence AI Starter Templates plugin and Update Kadence AI details option is missing then most likely you have selected Elementor or Block Editor in the dropdown.
Kadence AI option in Starter Templates dropdown
Kadence AI option in Starter Templates dropdown
  • Select Kadence AI here will fix the issue.

Navigate to Photography in Kadence AI

Once you are in the Kadence AI Settings, the first set of options that you will come across lets you provide information about you and your industry.

Here you need to click Next

Industry information in Kadence AI wizard
Industry information in Kadence AI wizard

On clicking next, it will take you to the About Your Site section where you will have to provide a brief description about your website / online business.

About your business in Kadence AI
About your business in Kadence AI

You need to click Next here and it will take allow you to select some keywords related to your website / online business and choose tone.

The Details sections in Kadence AI wizard
The Details sections in Kadence AI wizard

Once you are done till here you will have to click Next and it will take you to the Photography section where you will find the Image Collections in Kadence AI.

Photography section in Kadence AI wizard
Photography section in Kadence AI wizard

Add Images to a Collection in Kadence AI

As you can see in the screenshot above, there are 2 collection of images namely

  • Featured- These images will be used as featured images
  • Background- These will be used as background.

Now, you can add images to any of the collections in Kadence AI and for this, you need to scroll down a little till you come across Edit Collection option.

Edit Collection option in Kadence AI
Edit Collection option in Kadence AI

In the next step you need to click this option under any of the Collection to which you want to add images. This can be any collection featured or background.

Basically, what this means is you will have to edit a collection in Kadence AI to add images.

Edit featured images collection in Kadence AI
Edit featured images collection in Kadence AI

On clicking Edit Collection, it will take you to the Media Library where you will find the Add to Collection option on the left.

Add to Kadence AI image collection option
Add to Kadence AI image collection option

When you will click the Add to Collection option, it will take you to the Upload Files option in the Media Library and here you need to click Select Files.

Select files options to add images in Kadence AI collection
Select files options to add images in Kadence AI collection

Clicking the Select Files button will allow you to choose and upload images from your computer or local storage.

Select images to add in Kadence AI Collections
Select images to add in Kadence AI Collections

Once you are done selecting, it will take you to the Media Library and in the next step you will have to click Add to Collection button in the bottom.

Add new images to collections in Kadence AI
Add new images to collections in Kadence AI

Before you click the Add to Collection button, make sure to add Alt Text, description, title and caption to the images.

On clicking Add to collection button, it will add the new images to the collection and the last step is to click the Update Collection button.

Update Collection to add images in Kadence AI
Update Collection to add images in Kadence AI

And that’s it. 

This is how you add images to image collections in Kadence AI.

Before we move forward, keep in mind, you can select exiting images from media library and add them to collection in Kadence AI as well.

Also, no matter the format (jpg, png, webp and more), you will be able to add any image in Kadence AI collections.

The gist of the story is if you can upload an image in WordPress Media Library, you can add it to image collections in Kadence AI.

This concludes everything you need to know about adding images to a collection in Kadence AI. 

If you have liked what you have read and want to give Kadence AI a try then you can do so by clicking our SPECIAL LINK or the button below

Kadence AI Pricing

Now that you know all about adding images to collections, the next topic we are going to discuss is the pricing for Kadence AI

Kadence AI has 3 plans and using our SPECIAL LINK along with coupon WIREFRAME will fetch you $120 OFF.

  • Free- $0 (250 AI credits/ Lifetime)
  • Essentials- $149 (4000 AI credits /yr)
  • Full- $219 (8000 AI credits /yr)
  • Lifetime Full- $799 (16000 AI credits / yr)
Kadence AI pricing and plans
Kadence AI pricing and plans

Essentials Bundle includes

  • 4000 AI Credits /yr
  • Kadence Blocks Pro
  • Kadence Theme Pro
  • Pro Design Patterns
  • Pro Starter Templates
  • Custom Fonts

And more

Full Bundle includes

  • 8000 AI Credits /yr
  • Kadence Blocks Pro
  • Kadence Theme Pro
  • Pro Design Patterns
  • Pro Starter Templates
  • Kadence Custom Fonts
  • Kadence Cloud
  • Kadence Conversions
  • WooCommerce Shop Kit
  • Child Theme Builder
  • Kadence Recaptcha
  • Access to all plugins
  • Access to all future products

And more

Lifetime Full Bundle includes

  • 16000 AI Credits
  • Kadence Blocks Pro
  • Kadence Theme Pro
  • Pro Design Patterns
  • Pro Starter Templates
  • Kadence Custom Fonts
  • Kadence Cloud
  • Kadence Conversions
  • WooCommerce Shop Kit
  • Child Theme Builder
  • Kadence Recaptcha
  • Access to all plugins
  • Access to all future products

And more

Before we move forward, it is important to know that we recommend buying Kadence lifetime bundle as it includes all the themes and plugins by Kadence at a one-time cost.

This means you will not have to worry about renewals. On top of this all the products included can be used on unlimited sites making it value for money.

Also, using our SPECIAL LINK along with the Kadence discount code mentioned above, you can claim the Kadence WP Lifetime discount.

Having said that,

I hope you will find this tutorial helpful and are able to add images to a collection in Kadence AI.

In case you have any queries feel free to get in touch.

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