What is the Best SEO Strategy in 2024 [See 15+ Pro Blogger Advice?]

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Do you have a blog or are you planning to start a blog? Then it is your great decision because nowadays blogging is becoming more popular. 

People are adopting it as a business and consistently making a huge amount of money. But remember starting a blog or any kind of online startup takes less effort compared to taking it to the next level. 

You have to follow the many essential tasks to succeed in blogging. Like you have to do keywords and topic research, SEO of the blog and blog post, promote your content, and much more. You have to make the best SEO Strategy in 2024 to get a higher ranking in any search engine.

Among all of the tasks SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a very crucial part. If you are not a master in SEO/ have less or no knowledge of SEO then your blogging journey is going to be very difficult. 

Without SEO you can’t rank your posts, so you are not going to get any traffic (readers for your blog) on your blog. As a new blogger, it is a huge challenge for you and you have to accept it in any condition. 

You required proper guidance and knowledge that made your work easy and worthwhile.  Yes, it is Right? Without guidance and proper knowledge, you can’t get success.

But don’t worry

This expert roundup post brings you the Best SEO Strategy in 2023 to increase your blog performance.

Best SEO Strategy in 2021Pin

Best SEO Strategy in 2023 – 15+ Expert Advice

So Dear Blogger,

I have organized a roundup post on the Best SEO strategy in 2023 and invited some pro bloggers to share their thoughts, proven tips, and best strategy to grow a new blog faster. Here you will find the proven and actionable tips that they are also employing on their blog.

Let me clarify one thing this roundup post is only for your guidance and knowledge purpose which means you have to work seriously and hard to find something worth blogging about and increase your performance. 

Anyway, without wasting any time let’s discover what Pro bloggers think on this topic: Best SEO strategy in 2023.

1. Anil Agarwal

Anil AgarwalPin

Anil Agarwal is a full-time blogger and SEO expert from Gurgaon, India. He launched BloggersPassion.com and HostingMonks.com to help new bloggers establish a money-making blog.

The best SEO strategy in 2023 to grow new blogs faster is this: “target question-based keywords”.

Question-based keywords contain long-tail keyword terms like “How much storage do Google servers have”. Then, you can create some useful content targeting such keywords.

Search engines like Google often give top priority to question keywords and they also often occupy the featured snippets.

Whenever you search for a question keyword term, you’ll most likely get a featured snippet answering that question.

So even if you’re running a new website, by targeting question keywords, you can easily optimize your content and get #1 rankings on Google.

Just make sure to learn how to properly optimize your content for Google-featured snippets. Don’t use the same keyword again and again. Instead of keyword stuffing, try to optimize your content naturally with several RELEVANT keyword terms.

That’s how you can start increasing your search rankings if you have a new site.

2. Rayan Biddulph

Ryan BiddulphPin

Rayan Biddulph is a Full-Time Blogger, Traveler, and Author who is spending his life as memorable. He is the founder of BloggingFromPradise.com and inspires you with courses, eBooks, and audiobooks at Blogging From Paradise

The top and Best SEO strategy in 2023 going forward is to create in-depth, resource-style content that Google loves.

Going in-depth creates the type of content driving organic traffic to your blog. Search engines seem to love that signal; seeing people organically sharing your blog posts by referral marketing – aka word of mouth – appeals to Google and the other top search engines.

Go in-depth. Go deep. Be generous. Blog abundantly. Whatever you know, flesh it out in a longer form blog post. 2000 words and up seems to do the trick.

It is not so much about length but more about sharing what you know and adding a high number of details; organically, you will write a long post when you set up an outline for 10 headers or sections.

Take your time. Publish thorough content. SEO is more about being generous and sharing what you know in great detail than anything else. Be that blogger to drive traffic from Google and other search engines.

3. Vishwajeet Kumar

Vishwajeet KumarPin

Vishwajeet Kumar is a Pro Blogger Digital Marketer and founder of WebinfoPond.com. He loves to write on topics related to Blogging, WordPress, SEO, and Digital Marketing. He also helps people to start a blog and make money from it.

SEO is a volatile segment as Google is always making changes to its search algorithm. I think that the basic things are always there. You need to work on your basic SEO, which is very important. For me, the Best SEO Strategy in 2023 is as follows which is going to play a great role.

  • Keyword Research
  • Quality and Content
  • Voice Search
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Video Marketing
  • Featured Snippets
  • Focus on Your Readers and Search Intent

Google always prefers quality content when it comes to rankings. But does “quality” alone work? There comes the EAT principle which means expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

That’s the reason you should make efforts to build your brand’s reputation. Give it a top priority in your 2023 as the Best SEO strategy in 2023. Brand awareness definitely helps you to increase brand search queries. Brand queries are a hidden ranking factor that will help you rank higher and establish yourself as a trusted brand on Google.

Link building plays an important role in ranking. But any backlinks can’t work. You need to create high-quality and relevant backlinks. And that’s where influencers can help. 

With an influencer or influencers by your side, you increase the chances of getting natural high-quality backlinks for your website.

These are some SEO trends that you need to know about as we move toward 2023. Keep these trends in mind and continue driving relevant traffic to your website always explore new ideas to bring traffic to your blog.

4. Nikola Roza

Nikola RozaPin

Nikola Roza is a Blogger, Affiliate Marketer and who started his online journey as a freelance SEO writer. Presently working on Nikolaroza.com as a full-time affiliate marketer and sharing a lot of knowledge that helps new bloggers establish a stable money-making blog.

The best SEO strategy in 2023 and going forward is doing everything and mastering holistic SEO.

What is holistic SEO?

It’s when your approach to SEO is not one-sided. So, you’re not just about keyword research, backlinks, or content marketing.

Instead, you do everything and you do it all good.

Let’s start from the ground up.

Here are the steps.

First, you need to do a thorough technical SEO audit. 

Fix things like:

  • Broken Links
  • Internal Redirects
  • Keyword Cannibalization
  • Slow Site Speed
  • Etc.

These small changes when accrued will produce good, easy wins for you. 

Basically, you’re making Google’s job easier and they’ll reward you for it with higher rankings.

Note: – don’t underestimate the power of keyword cannibalization. I had a problem where both my Link Whisper review and my Link Whisper coupon code article were competing for the same queries. 

I deoptimized my review for coupon-related phrases and my coupon article, the one that was supposed to be ranking, shot up through the roof and is now close to ranking on the first page of Google.

Next, proceed to do a thorough EAT optimization of your site.

This means having an author page on your site that talks about your authors and why they’re qualified to write on topics within your niche, 

Also, every post has author boxes that link to the said author page.

Next, publish your phone number, address, and location in your site’s footer, and within the structured Schema data (use Rank Math).

Basically, your goal is to show Google you’re a real brand that can be trusted with organic traffic.

Note: – Right after I added legitimacy signals to my footer my Unbounce coupon code page jumped 15 SERP positions and is now on position #7. 

Coincidence? Maybe, but maybe not.

Next, it’s content and keyword research. 

I won’t talk about this too much because so much already has been said on the topic of keyword research

The only thing I’ll say is that it’s better to target and rank for long-tail, low-competition queries than to target harder keywords you’ll never rank for.

Start small, and work your way up.

However, SEO is full of surprises and sometimes, you can gamble and win.

For example, my Namecheap Black Friday page ranks on the first page of Google for the term “Namecheap Black Friday”.

But also, for related terms like:

  • Namecheap Black Friday deals;
  • Namecheap Black Friday sale;
  • Namecheap Black Friday offers;

And here’s the kicker.

That page is only a week old.

I got inspired and wrote and optimized it for that tough keyword even though conventional keyword research wisdom told me I shouldn’t even bother targeting it.

Sometimes, taking risks pays off a lot of time.

Finally, there are links and link acquisition.

Link building is a perennial problem for most marketers, even though it really shouldn’t be.

Yes, it’s hard, but the opportunity to build links is endless. There’s endless opportunity out there and some of the easiest links you can build are

  • Social Profile Links
  • QnA Site Links
  • Interview Links
  • Link Roundups
  • Guest Post

Link building is not hard once you master it.

And in fact, if you do it long enough it becomes pleasurable because by building links (which is very hard) you’re doing things other webmasters (your competitors) won’t bother with.

Hence, over time you’ll overtake them in the SERPS, and for good!

Bottom line: – holistic SEO is the future.

Take that approach right now and don’t wait for the future to catch you off guard.

5. Erika R. Mohssen-Beyk

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Erika R. Mohssen-Beyk is a Certified Dream Builder Coach and founder of Erikamohssen-beyk.com. He loves traveling and shares a lot of tips to keep a healthy mind and live a stress-free life.

Hi Archana, thank you for inviting me to your roundup.

Usually, I only do SEO with Yoast or Rank Math on my blogs and was never much concerned about ranking anywhere. 

Therefore, I did not experience hardness; I am a free spirit and do not want to be dependent on search engines. Instead, I write for people.

But I know that most bloggers want to rank to get traffic. It means: SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” 

It’s the practice of increasing both the quality and quantity of website traffic, as well as exposure to your brand, through non-paid (also known as “organic”) search engine results. (moz.com.)

In our time, many changes happen, and it seems a bit more complicated to rank. In my opinion, it would be maybe better to get more independent from search engines. 

Even though I see already there is advice on how to quit Google, and there is more. All seem uncertain and unpredictable about what will happen.

Since I am blogging, I noticed that there were always bloggers who stayed and had success despite many changes.

What did they do?

They created valuable, helpful content, made connections with other genuine bloggers, and built their email lists. Also, they kept blog commenting. Most of us know Donna Merill and Harleena Singh, the comment Queen.

I did write about blog commenting: Swadhin Agrawal about blog commenting: They also help in search engine rankings. Many bloggers tried experimenting with the removal of blog comments only to bring ’em back.

Even some had closed comments but recently opened again, Ryan Biddulph, for example.

Ryan about commenting: The biggest advantage is that you drive traffic and increase your email list size by sharing your opinion for free.

In my opinion, everybody has to find his tribe better anyway and build his email list, which will make him more independent from search engines but keep traffic coming in.

To the success of all my fellow bloggers.

6. Santosh Gairola

Santosh GairolaPin

Santosh Gairola is a Best-Selling Author on Amazon, Blogger, Coder, and founder of BloggingCosmos.com. He has a good knowledge of writing eBooks and shares blogging tips on their Blog.

SEO is a continuously evolving process. Every year search engines like Google and Bing are rolling out new algorithm updates. 

Therefore, depending on a particular search engine ranking factor can be harmful in the long term. But there are a few things that every blogger can do to protect their online ranking assets (blog articles).

1: Winning the trust of Google. 

Any blogger can win Google’s trust by writing quality articles If your article will be informative and helpful. You will gradually see a rise in your blog traffic. 

It will be a sign that you are doing well in search engines. Winning Google’s trust can be achieved through publishing unique and helpful blogs at regular intervals. Never copy others’ content and keep updating the older blog post. 

Keeping your blog fresh will help Moz to increase your domain authority which will help you to further win Google’s trust. Therefore, focus on On-page SEO

2: Personal Branding

The thing that can help you survive in a difficult time is Personal Branding. Yes, On-page SEO should be your primary priority in blogging. 

The second factor that can save you in blogging is Personal branding. Today, off-page SEO is converted into personal branding. Concentrate on creating your blog as a brand. 

Write for other blogs and push them. It will help you to get great exposure and treat your blog as your business. 

You are writing an article therefore you are a publisher. Treat your blog as a corporate company that you are running. 

Keep your audience first and money second. Once your audience starts trusting you and your blog, it will start growing as your official brand.

– Santosh Gairola from Blogging Cosmos!!

7. Sumit Sao

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Sumit Sao is a full-time blogger, Affiliate Marketer, and founder of BloggingLift.com. He always shares blogging and SEO-related content on his blog to help new bloggers. 

If you really want to improve your ranking in 2023 and beyond then I’ll recommend you improve the website speed and user experience.


Because we all know that website speed is a very important ranking factor. 

A few days back, I did an experiment. I optimized the speed of my website and noticed that ranking my articles improved a lot without even updating the articles.

Check the below screenshot.

Website RankingPin

So, if you really want to get a better ranking in 2023 then don’t ignore the website speed.

Apart from this, here are some Best SEO strategies in 2023 for you:

  • Avoid keyword stuffing
  • Add internal links and give backlinks to authority sites.
  • Publish better articles than already ranking articles.
  • Add alt tag in images.
  • Improve User experience
  • Use a tool like Frase or Surfer SEO to make your article relevant for your target keyword.

I hope that these tips will help you.

8. Venkat Randa

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Venkat Randa is a full-time blogger who runs multiple blogs and helps new bloggers to get success in the blogging journey. He is a founder of VenkatRanda.com and shares many tips related to blogging and SEO.

Internal Linking and Guest Blogging are going to be the top elements for the best SEO strategy in 2023.

You have to do proper internal linking.

You have to go to Google search console and sort the articles from high ranking to low ranking or low ranking to high ranking.

Then you have to make the internal links from high-ranked articles to low-ranked articles. This will pass the SEO score from high-ranked articles to low-ranked articles.

In this way, you can level up your rankings.

The next SEO strategy is guest blogging.

You have to find the relevant blogs in your niche and you have to mail them about guest blogging.

you have to turn them to your social media or Facebook group for further collaborations.

You have to submit one article on their blog and get one backlink.

It will help you to boost your rankings and it will help you to increase your network connections.

Now you scale up your SEO rankings and you have some community that will help you to engage with your future content.

Follow these two strategies to level up your SEO game in 2023.

Thank you, Archana, for inviting me to this roundup post on your awesome blog.

9. Mangesh Kumar Bhardwaj

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Mangesh Kumar Bhardwaj is a Full-Time blogger and affiliate marketer. He is the founder of BloggingQnA.com and runs a YouTube channel. He shares a lot of useful content related to Blogging, SEO, and Affiliate.  

SEO is a very broad term. There are more than 200+ ranking factors. We can’t exactly judge what are the best strategies that work for the best ranking in SERPs.

Because Google doesn’t clearly reveal the ranking factors and algorithm changes. However there are some proven and tested frameworks that you can follow to get a good ranking. These factors are evergreen and always work for everyone if you perform them correctly.

1: Quality Content

I always say don’t compromise with content quality in any case. Content is the main pillar of the whole SEO strategy. If your content is not good then no other ranking factors can help you. Be it backlinks, social signals, CTR, and other ranking factors.

So, the first and most important thing you should always follow is to provide in-depth quality content for each and every topic you share with your audience.

2: Analysis of Top-Ranking Sites  

This is my favorite part, whenever you are writing on any topic. Always analyze the top 10 ranking sites. This will give you a brief idea of what people are looking for, and what type of content people like for those particular keywords. What I am saying is that understand the keyword intent and most of the work is done.

If the content is the king, then backlinks, are the Queen. Backlinks are the most important ranking factor and in the future, it will also be the most important ranking factor. After producing quality content, you have to create quality backlinks to get a boost in the ranking.

Quality backlinks will instruct google about your blog topic authority and quality.

4: Social Signals

This is the thing that most bloggers ignore. They think it will not help in ranking. But trust me if your content quality is best and competition is low on that keyword then you can rank with just social signals. Telling this from my experiments.

So always provide social signals (FB shares, Twitter tweets, Pinterest pins, LinkedIn shares, Mix Share) as much as you can provide. This will boost your ranking. I always follow this thing when I publish an article.

Not only in boosting ranking in SERPs, if you are in the top position on Google. Then continuous social signals will help you in maintaining that top position.

10. Sue-Ann Bubacz

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Sue-Ann Bubacz is an experienced content writer and the founder of WriteMixForBusiness.com. She offers content writing services and shares content related to marketing, business, and content marketing.

If you operate in the digital space, whether via your website/blog or other digital properties, SEO will remain significant in 2023. However, how you approach SEO as a website owner or content creator may vary depending on your needs and goals. 

As an example, an affiliate marketer has to concentrate on the numbers. Because your goal is to sell, you require a continuous stream of traffic to your site. So, for you, SEO helps you target bigger traffic and interested traffic searching for what you offer. 

For smaller businesses or service companies, SEO and how to best work with it varies. The investment return may be scarcer for the limited available space impacted by ad placements, powerhouse competitors, and ever-changing algorithms. 

Not only are you shooting for a moving target in trying to target page one, but in some cases (like heavily saturated industries or against mammoth competitors), you simply can’t ever hope to win in SERPs. That doesn’t mean you can’t be successful with SEO, just that you’ll need to approach it differently. 

I write for people first, always have, and likely always will, too. However, as a professional online creator, understanding and using SEO is essential for your site, digital assets, and the work you produce for others. 

The choice as a digital business or creator for prioritizing SEO is ultimately yours, and no one size fits all in my experience. 

First, if you create and produce the most valuable and useful content on a topic, you’re on the right track to pleasing people. In the end, reaching your business goals is what matters most. If people like you, so will Google. 

Sue-Ann Bubacz

11. Chayan Chakrabarti

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Chayan Chakrabarti is a Part-Time Blogger and Affiliate Marketer. He is a Founder of multiple blogs including SimpleFactsOnline.com where he shares content related to Blogging, SEO, and Affiliate Marketing that helps beginners to get Success in their blogging journey.

Thanks for allowing me to share my experience with your audience. SEO is not rocket science, but it’s not straightforward as well. 

So, in 2023, if you are starting a brand-new blog and want to get organic traffic, then you have to follow a few basic things like content, backlinks, and social media shares. 

At the same time, you have to invest in your blog. At least get a decent hosting and theme. So that your site will load faster and you don’t have to worry about the site layout and user-friendliness.

So, it leaves us with the three things that I want to reiterate again., Do you know that there are millions and billions of websites on the internet? Why would someone invest their time to read your posts? 

This may demotivate you, but I will only speak about reality. So, whenever you are writing your next blog post, make sure that you are putting all the relevant information that does not guarantee your ranking. 

However, your article will be more informative, and eventually, you will get tons of comments shares, and links to that article.

To write detailed content, you will have to learn what keyword research is. You also need to know the searcher’s intent as well. A search can only happen when a user is doing the following things: 

  • Informational Intent– When a user is searching for something to get information.
  • Navigational Intent– Works Only If a user wants to visit a certain website and the SERPs will navigate the user to that particular site.
  • Transactional Intent– When a user wants to buy something online and looking for the best buying options
  • Commercial Investigation– When someone is searching for something to buy soon.

To cater to all audiences, you have to make sure that your content has a ton of information, and to provide information you just have to find a keyword. 

Once you find it, then create an outline by analyzing the top 10 contents. I used Frase SEO to create the outline. It saves a lot of time and creates high-quality outlines in minutes. 

Frase DashboardPin

Once you get the outline, then promote your content via social signals and create relevant backlinks. Make sure your website has proper categories. And eventually, your SEO will improve. 

SEO is like life, there will be ups and downs and it demands continuous improvements. So, make sure to hang in there.

12. Lisa Sicard

Lisa SicardPin

Lisa Sicard is the founder of InspiretoThrive.com. She offers several types of services like Social Media Management, Content Marketing, and Twitter management and also shares tips to grow your online business.

The best tactics for SEO today are making sure your posts are up to date. What does that mean? You update the old content and republish it on your blog. 

I love having dates to show when posts are published and updated. Readers do not want to read old content, especially if it is dated material. Google loves fresh and updated content!

Another thing many bloggers miss is interlinking their own posts and pages within their websites. This is really important for SEO today. You do not want to have any orphan content. Content that is, not linked at all. It is left hanging by itself on your website.  

Of course, it is great to link out to quality websites as well with your blog posts. Many will be notified when you do, and you can always tag them on social media to let them know they have been tagged.

Now, do not forget to label your blogs and website images. Use the alternative text area of the image to do so. Make sure it is SEO-rich too!

Do your keyword research before you write your next piece. Use free tools like the Ubersuggest tool or Google Trends. These will help you find the best keywords to rank for.

I love the YOAST SEO plugin – the premium version as it guides you to do the above for your site’s SEO. Yoast offers discounts from time to time on their plugin and it is well worth every penny.

Keep your blog updated regularly. Do not go months without any new posts or updates.

I hope this helps you in 2023 with your blog’s SEO. 

13. Amit Garg

Amit GargPin

Amit Garg is a Full Time Blogger and Affiliate Marketer. He started BloggingBeats.com after many failures. He shares a comprehensive guide related to Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, and How to grow your online business.

This is a fact that modern search engines and their algorithms have changed completely, thus the SEO techniques that used to work a few years ago may not work today.

That being said, creating truly valuable content is the ultimate SEO strategy that will work in 2023 and beyond. 

Focusing on searchers’ intent is extremely important and then coming up with a piece of content that actually provides genuine answers they are looking for rather than your own benefits from it.

Core Web Vitals & Page Experience Optimization will be another important ranking factor in 2023. It includes page speed, mobile-friendliness, rendering, image optimization, and security protocols you should focus on.

This will help you to future-proof your website’s performance, UX, conversions, and rankings ahead of the upcoming algorithm update.

Furthermore, Mobile SEO will continue to be the main aspect as this is where the majority of research is being done.

In addition to Mobile SEO, longer-form content (2000 words or maybe even 2,500-3,000) will help you outrank your competitors.

Next, designing your post with relevant screenshots, graphs, featured images, and visualizations can help you take your content marketing to the next level. 

Apart from all these strategies, one should focus on the SEO basics such as targeting long-tail keywords to rank for, analyzing Google’s first page, creating 10x content, On-page optimization, proper interlinking, building backlinks, and improving your content as required.

Lastly, keep yourself up to date with the latest SEO trends and Google Updates so that you never miss any opportunity that may help your business grow. 

14. Navin Rao

Navin RaoPin

Navin Rao is a Part-Time Blogger and Affiliate Marketer. He runs multiple blogs including QuestionCage.com. He shares detailed guides about WordPress, Blogging, SEO, and tips to grow your business faster.

Due to so much content on the web, everyone is keen to implement a new SEO strategy for their own blog. In fact, that is quite a good and competitive nature, and perfectly suitable in this competitive field. 

I won’t mention the common one “create valuable content” as everyone is creating it. It is important to stand out.

Well, keep the SEO simple!

1: Elect Best Keywords

The primary rule of SEO is keyword research. There are several ways to perform proper Keyword research. It doesn’t matter how you do it, but you need to choose the easiest one to rank. 

The easiest one is spying on your competitor’s website; you can get the best keywords as they are your competitors with the same level and rank too. So, it’s proven that your website can rank as well.

2: Never forget On-Page SEO

Without strong On-Page SEO, no webpage can be considered for the ranking, this is the best SEO strategy if you see it in the long run. On-page SEO was there and it will always be there. 

Make sure to optimize the title tags, Image SEO, and Meta description, and sprinkle the synonyms of your main keyword around the post naturally.

3: User Experience Matters a lot 

Use good and optimized resources to keep your website user experience at its best. Let people consume your content by making your web page load faster and having proper navigation throughout your website.  

4: Be Social Media Friendly

There are too many platforms, choose those that would work for you. Try creating your audience there. Be active and help, people will follow you.

In the initial days, every blogger wanted to create a lot of backlinks after knowing the importance of it in SEO. Well, don’t rush to create links that would only do good for your site. 

Creating links anywhere would not make any sense. Be selective and create links around your blog niche only.

The best way to do it is Guest Blogging, through which you can select a specific site and offer great pieces of valuable content, and they would happily offer a quality backlink to your site. Don’t ask, earn it.

Apart from all these, choose sites like Quora and Medium to repurpose your content and drive traffic. It’s very effective. 

A simple SEO strategy is always fruitful going forward.

15. Santanu Debnath

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Santanu Debnath is a Part-Time 11+ Experienced Blogger and Affiliate Marketer. He manages several blogs including BloggingJoy.com. He shares a lot of useful content related to Blogging, SEO, and Tips & Tricks to grow your blog and make money online. 

Thank you for inviting me to your amazing blog. Well, SEO is always unpredictable and it changes every year as per user behavior. 

In 2023, I believe as a beginner we should focus on all basic & core SEO strategies first like Title, Meta, On-page optimization, header tags, etc. Besides that, a few things I have observed that can give amazing results are targeting buyer intent search terms, especially for affiliate articles. 

Targeting trending topics or fresh topics as people read a lot of news these days. E.g., if a new car is going to launch and if you write articles covering various topics about that car you can easily fetch a good amount of traffic. 

Competition has increased rapidly and as a beginner, one can’t beat top websites and get top ranking by doing SEO. So, you have to change a few strategies and then follow the evergreen SEO strategies that will definitely work in 2023.

16. Nirmala Santha Kumar

Nirmala Santha KumarPin

Nirmala Santha Kumar is a Full Time Blogger. She is the Founder of WpGlossy.com. Where she shares a lot of useful content related to WordPress, Tips & Tricks that help new bloggers set up a WordPress Blog without making any mistakes?

I would say “User Experience” is the best SEO strategy to help the blog grow faster in 2023 and beyond. The more time your visitors stay on your site, the more it will be its growth. So, it is better to focus on the user experience through

1: Site Design – Your audience gets their first impression of your blog with the help of a good site design with smooth navigation, and they will become your loyal readers. Having consistent blog traffic is a good SEO tactic, and hence, I would highly insist you get premium quality themes like Astra, GeneratePress, or DIVI,

2: High-Quality Content – When you provide detailed content with excellent readability, the readers will trust your potential and stay longer on your site for more information. It reduces the bounce rate, which in turn creates a positive opinion among search engines.

3: Fast Loading Site – The website’s loading time is one of the Google ranking factors, and hence it is good to buy a reliable hosting server to make your site load faster. Avoid using unessential plugins that slow down your blog and also implement image optimization so that your visitors will get the ultra-fast loading site and don’t skip your blog at any cost, which is great for SEO.

17. Swadhin Agarwal

Swadhin AgrawalPin

Swadhin Agarwal is a Professional full-time Blogger, Entrepreneur, and founder of DigitalGYD.com. He shares a lot of detailed user guides and tutorials related to Blogging, and SEO that help new bloggers to grow their blog quickly.

The SEO Strategy for 2023 isn’t going to focus on one aspect of your website or SEO campaign. I think the SEO scenario this year is such that you need to be perfect in everything. 

May that be your site’s UX, your content production quality, your link acquisition, or your EAT, you need to ace everything to battle Google’s decreasing CTR which has gone down 41.4% since 2015

Having said that, the most important thing I would recommend is to focus on growing your brand and your EAT (Expertise, Authority, Trust) factor. This is one aspect that is very rewarding yet least talked about.

As mentioned above, in this struggle for organic CTR, every attempt counts. Branding not only helps you create a name for yourself, but it will also help your readers identify your brand in the SERPs and then interact with it.

Here’s what Jason Bernard has to say about the importance of branding for search in 2023:

Brand SERP OptimizationPin

And this isn’t only for bigger media houses, you a blogger can also create a brand. Let’s see how:

1: Showcase Your Results

People love case studies. Before you could get someone’s email or even 2 minutes to consume your content, people would want to see what results you have achieved for yourself. 

Nathan Gotch is a perfect example. He has this “results” option right on his menu bar that leads readers to a page of live testimonials and how he has helped over 3000 people double their organic traffic. 

You don’t need to have a similar number; you can showcase your own results to gain this trust. In fact, my blog’s About page talks about how blogging has had positive results for me. It instantly creates trust in the audience’s mind.

2: Be Everywhere

Your blog is the best place to get organic traffic but if you only focus on it, you are missing out. 

Try to experiment with alternate forms of content creation like podcasting, and YouTube (which has vast opportunities!), or even try being active on forums like Quora. 

Anil Agarwal is another example of someone who’s doing great at Quora marketing and has tons of website visitors and affiliate sales referred to via the platform.

Quora MarketingPin

3: Get Cited

Another great trick to instantly boost your authority and brand is to get cited in relevant publications. 

Needless to say, one mention from a Forbes column can boost your credibility instantly. 

Do not confuse these with guest posts. Guest posts are a great way to tap into a newer audience but citation adds to it.

Offsite mentions can help Google consider you as an expert in the subject matter. For example, I have been fortunate enough to be featured on some of the top industry publications like HubSpot, ConvertKit, and Neil Patel and media houses like The New Indian Express. I have talked about the strategies I used to get these mentions in my guide on building backlinks.

These citations definitely add to my brand and help Google in correlating my website with the subject matter of sites featuring me.

Try to increase your chances of visibility in your niche circles. Network with content creators in your niche, create link-worthy content, and build a reputation through results and citations will start dropping in.

There are a lot of techniques to boost your branding and EAT for SEO, but these tips should be able to help you move the needle.

18. Ravi Dixit

Ravi DixitPin

Ravi Dixit is a Full Time Professional Blogger, Affiliate Marketer who runs multiple blogs including StayMeOnline.com. He consistently shares a lot of knowledgeable content related to Blogging, SEO, and How to grow your blog or online business quickly. 

First of all, Thanks Archana for inviting me to this round-up.

Google is continuously sharpening its algorithm to provide a better user experience, and Google deeply cares about that!

This is what we need to keep in mind, whether it’s 2023 or beyond… Google will always focus on providing better information to its searchers. 

As Google is becoming smarter day by day, what you have to do is to provide a better user experience. 

If you are asking about the Strategies to take into use to leverage the power of SEO in 2023, then here are a few…

1: Scan Google’s First Page

Whatever you are going to write about, always scan the first page of Google about the same topic. By scanning, I don’t mean just checking which websites are ranking, but rather deeply reading their content, the structure they used, and everything that makes their content worth ranking in Google’s eyes.

Because if ABC blog is ranking for “how to make money online” then it means they are providing a better user experience and got everything covered that one blog/website needs to be ranked on the first page of Google and replicate the same while writing your content on the same topic.

Apart from scanning their content, they also find websites they got backlinks from. If you are writing on the same topic then there are high chances for you to steal backlinks using the outreach or skyscraper technique of backlink building.

People started using Google Assistant, Alexa, and other voice assistants in their daily lives.

If you are not preparing for this chance from now on then you are going to lose quality traffic shortly.

Instead of typing, searchers prefer saying “Hey, Google! What is a backlink?” because it allows them to multitask & saves time too. 

Make sure when a voice search is made relevant to your niche, your content appears there.

3: Update Your Content Timely

Who likes to read outdated content, no one! Right?

So, make sure you update your content timely to keep it fresh and keep your spot fixed on Google’s first page. 

If Google senses that visitors are coming back from your blog after spending a few seconds, it will push you down on its results page.

These are some SEO strategies that will surely benefit you in 2023, again, SEO is a very huge topic and it is continually changing every day. What works today might not work next month. So, keep sharpening your knowledge about SEO.

Final Thoughts

After reading this roundup post (15+ Experts and Professional Blogger Thoughts and Experience) you can easily figure out which SEO strategy is going to help you in 2023.

Because SEO is a broad topic and a long-term process that can’t be finished in one day or be stable for a long duration. You have to keep exploring new SEO trends and the Best SEO strategy in 2023 to win the game. 

From time to time Google also keeps on changing its algorithm and ranking factor for a better user experience. In such a situation you should not stick with some/particular SEO techniques at all. Keep learning new SEO skills and always update your content and blog to get better results in the future. 

That is all for now in Best SEO Strategy in 2023. If you find this roundup post helpful then do share it so that others can also get benefit from it. Also, let me know your favorite SEO strategy that you are going implement on your blog from today onwards. 

Happy Reading Happy Blogging

59 thoughts on “What is the Best SEO Strategy in 2024 [See 15+ Pro Blogger Advice?]”

  1. Archana,
    you did good work for us, it is interesting to read about other bloggers’ opinions and suggestions and maybe get new ideas. What most have in common here is that good content, connecting, and sharing are key. In this time of change, many may gain new experience to find out what works for them. To the success and perseverance of all.
    Thank you

    • Hello Erika Mam,

      You are right that content is going to be powerful and crucial for any blogger. Because users never goes to authority websites, they looks for that content which solves there queries. That’s why we have to create a unique and quality content that people loves to read. However we can’t ignore SEO also. It is next part to brings your content to readers and google eye.


  2. Hello Archana, really appreciate presenting Nikola and other experts thoughts on SEO strategy.
    I have always been admiring Nikola for his practical SEO wisdom, today he share nuggets here. As he said, finding each small error of your site with a technical audit and fixing them is really important before you go building links or form any strategy. Unless the site is technically healthy, no out-SEO strategy works!!

    • Hey Mudassir,

      Link building always works and boost the blog performance as well but Without SEO you you are not going to rank anywhere.
      Almost all blogger ignore the Technical SEO audit for their site. As much we give the importance to On-Page and Off-Page SEO, same like that we should not ignore the Technical SEO audit.

      Thanks for Sharing your view.


  3. Thanks Archana for setting this up! I love seeing how different everyone responds to the questions asked about SEO strategy for 2021. I think we can all learn from one another along the way. SEO changes rapidly today so it’s great to always read up and be on top of the latest changes.

    • Hey Lisa,

      You are right as a blogger we need to build a strong, stable and long relationship with our fellow blogger.
      It helps us to learn a lot of things easily. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.


  4. Excellent job here Archana. Thanks for including me on your list with these pros.

    I have experienced more SEO success over the prior few months mainly by publishing detailed, in-depth content and by building up my DA patiently over years. DA is a huge ranking factor because Google wants to you that you know your stuff – for a long time – before offering you a coveted position on page 1.


    • Hello Ryan Sir,

      Yes You are right, First of all thanks for sharing you thoughts and experience with us. Building a blog authority and delivering comprehensive problem solving content is the future of blogging journey.

      That’s why we should have to do the proper keywords and topic research then create a quality content that people love to read.

      Thanks again for leaving a valuable comment.


    • Hey Rahul,

      I am happy that you have find it helpful. As much as learning skills are required, same like that you need a proper guidance to achieve your goal perfectly.


  5. Hello Archana

    This is something really in-depth and detailed article, I loved it.

    All the experts explained the SEO Strategy in detail, if someone is looking for an SEO strategy in 2021 so this is the perfect article.

    Voice search is the feature of SEO, AI will be taking place, Google will more focus on user experience with their upcoming new algorithm, website speed, and yes content is king.

    Avoid spamming, don’t do an unnatural activity, Black hat SEO gives you temporary results.

    Thank you so much for sharing amazing artilce.

    • Hey Brijesh,

      First of all thanks for your valuable comment. I am happy that you find it helpful. In todays scenario SEO is the way to survive and grow any kind of business online. So we should not ignore any SEO point to implement on website content.

      Stay connected to read more informative blog post.


  6. Delightful to read expert thoughts of SEO 2021 strategies. Glad to see big blogging names in the post. Archana, you did a good job as it might big deal for many beginners to know the SEO.

  7. Good article and knowledge for me! I found a lot of information here! This article is really good for all newbie here.

  8. There are so many myths about SEO strategy. This article is extremely useful for everyone who is looking for genuine ranking. Thank you for sharing such an effective article. Its a great content to read and follow. All the bloggers has shared their fabulous experiences.

  9. It is truly a great and useful piece of info. I am glad that you simply shared this useful information with us.
    Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Such a very useful blog. Very Interesting to read this blog. Thanks for proving such a wonderful content.

  11. Thanks For The Great Content Sir. This is Very Nice One And Gives Indepth Information. I Will also share with my Friends and once again Thanks a lot.

  12. Thanks so much, Archana, for getting this set up! Each answer to the SEO strategy question for 2021 shows how different everyone is. As we go through this journey, I think we can all learn from each other. SEO changes rapidly nowadays, so staying current on the latest developments is crucial.

  13. Thanks for sharing your great views with us. I love your writing by my heart. really nice knowledge giving to visitors

  14. Such a nice and informative post. Your post will help a lot for those who are new in this field.
    Doing a great job, keep writing and posting.

  15. I have to agree with everything in this post. I am really happy to say it’s an interesting post to read. Thanks for useful sharing information.

  16. Thanks for sharing this post Madame. It will be very helpful for people who wants to build their career as a blogger.

  17. Hi,
    SEO strategy is very important for getting a good ranking in search engines. If you do SEO the wrong way you can not get anything. You collect the top blogger’s words about SEO, so this post is very important for beginners.

    Thanks for sharing…

  18. Fantastic! given list of top SEO blogs, very much useful. Thank you. Our custom web design strategies are preferred by the customers from around the globe and we are among the best Ecommerce developers in Bangalore. We have reasonable and affordable prices and offers which will help you understand that we are quite flexible and we like to serve the clients and build a fruitful relationship with them. Our Ecommerce development services in Bangalore make mobile-friendly apps that make it a comfortable experience for the customers. Being the top Ecommerce website development company in Bangalore India our approaches are completely different from our competitors which makes us different and puts us ahead of them.

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  20. Hii
    The provided content is highly valuable and informative, equipping you with the necessary insights to navigate the ever-changing landscape of SEO successfully.

    Thanks for sharing the informative content.

  21. It has been long since I found an interesting article like this and I must say I have really learned a lot from this for the past 1 hour. It’s pretty worth enough for me. Personally, if all webmasters and bloggers made good content as you did, the internet will be full of quality contents.

  22. Archana, your efforts are commendable. It’s fascinating to delve into the insights and suggestions of fellow bloggers, sparking new ideas. Amidst this evolving landscape, the consensus on the importance of quality content, connection, and sharing is evident. Here’s to the success and resilience of everyone.

    Thank you
    Peter Flores


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