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Directory submission sites list

In today’s digital landscape, effective online promotion is key to enhancing your website’s visibility and ranking. Among various off-page SEO strategies, directory submission stands out as a pivotal technique. But what exactly is directory submission, and how does it benefit your website? This introduction aims to demystify the concept of directory submission, emphasizing its significance in the realm of SEO link building.

Directory submission involves adding your website to various online directories, a process that can significantly boost your site’s online presence and search engine ranking. Understanding the intricacies of this method is essential. Our discussion not only delves into the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of directory submission but also explores the ‘why’ behind its importance. By the end of this piece, you will have a comprehensive understanding of directory submission, equipped with a curated list of free directory submission sites, paving the way for enhanced site optimization and improved web ranking.

Imagine your website as a blog with technical content. By submitting it to a science and technology directory, you can gain valuable backlinks. This process is similar to how entries are listed in a phone directory. By strategically placing your website in a relevant category on a directory, you improve its visibility and search ranking. This simple yet effective tool is essential for anyone looking to boost their website’s SEO and online presence. It’s a straightforward way to gain more recognition and traction in the vast digital world.

What is Directory Submission?

Directory submission is a key tactic in off-page search engine optimization (SEO). It involves adding your website’s link, along with its details, to an online directory. Think of these directories as the internet’s phone books. They categorize and compile website links under various categories, making it easier for people to find what they’re looking for.

This process is crucial for link building, which is a major factor in how search engines rank websites. By submitting your website to these directories, you’re essentially placing your link on another website. This is especially beneficial if the directory is highly reputable and related to your website’s niche. For example, if you have a blog about technology, submitting it to a science and technology directory can be very advantageous.

Benefits of Directory Submission:

  1. Enhances Online Visibility: Directory submission increases your website’s visibility and exposure on the web.
  2. Improves SEO Ranking: By creating backlinks on these directories, your website’s SEO ranking can improve, making it more likely to appear in search results.
  3. Targeted Traffic: Being listed in the right category ensures that you attract more targeted and relevant traffic to your website.
  4. Boosts Link Popularity: It’s a great way to build link popularity, which is a critical factor in SEO.
  5. Cost-Effective Marketing: Many directories offer free submissions, making it a cost-effective marketing strategy.
  6. Easy Accessibility: Helps users find your website more easily, as directories are frequently used to find specific information.

In simple terms, directory submission is a strategic way to place your website in an online directory to improve visibility, enhance SEO, and attract more targeted traffic. It’s a foundational aspect of building a strong online presence.

How to do directory submission step by step?

Directory submission is a crucial step in enhancing your website’s visibility and search engine ranking. This process involves adding your website link to various online directories, which can help in building quality backlinks. Here’s a simplified guide on how to do directory submission effectively:

  1. Choose the Right Directories: Start by selecting reputable directory submission sites. Look for directories that are well-established and relevant to your website’s niche. Websites like Entireweb Directory and IntelSeek.com are good examples.
  2. Select the Appropriate Category: Once you’ve chosen a directory, find the category that best matches your website’s theme. For instance, if your site focuses on business content, choose the ‘Business and Economy’ category. This step is crucial for ensuring that your website reaches the right audience.
  3. Submit Your Link: After selecting the category, use the ‘Submit Link’ option to add your website to the directory. This usually involves filling out a form with your website’s details, like URL, description, and title.
  4. Refine Your Submission: After hitting the submit button, you might be prompted to further refine your submission. For example, if you’re submitting a business blog, you could choose a more specific subcategory under business.
  5. Finalize the Submission: Lastly, complete the submission by adding any additional required details. This could include a more detailed description or specific keywords related to your site. Once all the information is entered, confirm the submission.

Remember, directory submission is not just about increasing the number of backlinks; it’s also about quality and relevance. Choose directories wisely and ensure that your submissions are accurate and well-categorized for the best SEO impact. This will help improve your site’s visibility and contribute positively to your overall link-building strategy.

Do’s and Don’ts of Directory Submission in 2024

Do’s and Don’ts of Directory Submission Sites

When it comes to SEO link building, directory submission can be a valuable strategy. However, it’s important to approach this method correctly. Here’s a simplified guide to the do’s and don’ts of using directory submission sites.


  1. Verify Search Engine Indexing: Ensure the directory is indexed by major search engines. If it’s not, your link submission won’t be effective.
  2. Choose Popular Directories: Submitting to well-known directories can bring traffic and valuable backlinks, boosting your site’s SEO.
  3. Look for Unique Categories: A directory with a clear category structure helps in organizing information, making it easier for your site to be found.
  4. Check Outbound Links: Review the outbound links on the category pages to gauge the potential benefit to your site.
  5. Assess Domain Authority: Check the domain authority of the directory. Higher authority means better quality backlinks.
  6. Confirm Site Isn’t Listed: Before submitting, search the directory to ensure your site isn’t already listed.
  7. Follow Directory Guidelines: Read and adhere to the submission guidelines of each directory.
  8. Select the Right Category: Choose the most relevant category for your site to avoid rejection or removal.
  9. Focus on Quality Links: A single high-quality link is more valuable than many low-quality ones. Choose quality directories for submission.
  10. Use Varied Anchor Texts and Descriptions: Include targeted keywords in your anchor text, but avoid spamminess. Change the description and anchor text for different links.
  11. Use Appropriate Titles and Descriptions: The title should include your targeted keyword, and the description should have main keywords without stuffing.
  12. Seek High PR Directory Links: Links from high PageRank directories are more valuable.
  13. Prefer Manual Submission: Avoid automated tools for submission. Manual submission is more effective and reliable.
  14. Avoid Paid Links: Aim for one-way links and avoid paying for link placements.
  15. Monitor Your Submissions: Keep track of your approval status and document your work for future reference.


  1. Avoid ‘No Follow’ Directories: Directories that use ‘rel=no follow’ attributes won’t benefit your SEO.
  2. Steer Clear of Link Farms and Bad Neighborhoods: These can harm your site’s reputation and SEO.
  3. Beware of Automatic Approvals: Directories that don’t review submissions manually may not be beneficial.
  4. Don’t Submit Mirror Sites: Sites with identical content but different URLs should be avoided.
  5. Avoid Submitting Similar Content: Don’t submit URLs with content similar to other sites you have listed.
  6. Reconsider Duplicate Submissions: If a directory indicates your domain already exists, find a more relevant category or avoid resubmission.
  7. Avoid Overlapping Content: Sites with repetitive content are not useful and can lead to exclusion.
  8. Don’t Submit the Same URL Multiple Times: This includes different versions of the same URL.
  9. Avoid Redirecting URLs: If a site’s URL redirects to another, it’s not suitable for submission.
  10. Don’t Submit Incomplete Sites: Ensure your site is fully developed and free of broken links or graphics before submission.

Following these guidelines can enhance your directory submission strategy, making it an effective tool in your SEO arsenal.

High DA FREE directory submission Sites List [2024 Edition]

Directory NameDomain Authority (DA)
Entireweb Directory52

Top 10 Free Web Directory Submissions Sites List

Free Directory Submission WebsitesDAPA

More Directory Submission Sites List 2024

When submitting your site to any of the directories listed above, it’s important to avoid sites that demand a reciprocal link or require you to place their banners on your site. Engaging in such reciprocal link arrangements can negatively impact your site’s SEO.

Essentially, you’re giving away valuable ‘link juice’ — a term used to describe the SEO value passed from one site to another. This practice can dilute your site’s authority and may be seen as an artificial attempt to manipulate page rankings. Fortunately, there are plenty of free directory submission sites available that don’t require such exchanges. By choosing these, you can retain your site’s link juice and avoid potentially harmful SEO practices.

Free Directory Submission WebsitesDAPA

High DA Best Business Listing Sites for Submission

Directory SiteDomain Authority (DA)
Facebook Business Pages95
Zomato for Businesses84
BBB Directory90
Google My Business81
Bing Places for Business52
FourSquare for Business93
MapQuest for Business89
Yelp for Business Owners94
Yellow Pages Business73
Company.com Business Listing56
CitySquares.com Business47
EZlocal Business Listing53
CYLEX Business Directory50

Different types of Directory submissions used in SEO

Directory submission is a key strategy in building backlinks for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Understanding the different types of directory submissions can enhance your link-building efforts. Here are eight types, each with its unique features and benefits:

  1. Free Directory Submission: This option allows you to submit your link to a directory without any cost. However, there’s no guarantee that your link will be approved by the directory’s administrator, and the approval process can be lengthy.
  2. Reciprocal Regular Web Directory Listing: In this type, you’re required to place a reciprocal link to the directory on your site. Once this link is verified, the directory administrator may approve your submission.
  3. Paid Directory Submission: This involves paying the directory owner for submission. Paid submissions often result in quicker backlink acquisition. Some directories offer this service for a limited time, like a year, or for a lifetime.
  4. Automatic Directory Submission: Utilizes software and tools to automatically submit your site to various directories. This method can save time but may not be as effective as manual submission.
  5. Manual Directory Submission: Involves individually submitting your site to directories. While more time-consuming, it’s often more effective and is less likely to be frowned upon by search engines, which may penalize manipulative ranking efforts.
  6. Nofollow Directory Submission: These directories use the nofollow attribute, which has become a controversial topic in SEO. The nofollow attribute means that search engines may not consider these links as influential for rankings.
  7. Dofollow Directory Submission: Ideal for bloggers and site owners looking to boost their site’s SERP (Search Engine Results Page) rankings. Dofollow links from directories can significantly aid in achieving higher rankings and increasing traffic.
  8. Niche Directory Submission: This involves submitting your site to directories that specialize in specific areas, such as RSS feeds, blogs, software, web hosting, SEO services, etc. These directories are categorized under broader directories but focus on a particular subject, making them valuable for targeted link-building.

Remember, the frequency of links to your site can increase internet visibility and search engine rankings. As your site’s ranking improves, search engines view your site as more relevant and important, leading to more frequent visits and higher visibility.

FAQs About Directory Submission Sites for SEO

What Are Directory Submission Sites?

Directory submission sites are online platforms where you can submit your website’s URL and details. This is a part of search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to enhance your website’s visibility and ranking on search engines.

Which Sites Are Good for SEO Directory Submission?

Popular choices include www.dmoz.org, www.directorylisting.com, and www.seofriendly.com. These sites can boost your website’s presence and offer various SEO benefits.

Is Directory Submission Effective in 2024?

Yes, it remains a viable off-page SEO technique. It’s a straightforward way to gain backlinks and increase site traffic, without the wait or cost associated with other methods like guest posting.

Will Blog Directory Submission Boost Search Engine Rankings?

While blog directories can provide links, they are not usually effective for achieving top rankings on search engines for competitive keywords.

Should I Rely Only on Blog Directory Submission?

No, it’s better to use a mix of link-building techniques (like guest posting, skyscraper technique, email outreach, and infographics) rather than relying solely on directory submissions.

Does Duplicate Content in Directory Descriptions Impact SEO?

While most directories don’t provide do-follow links (thus having little impact on rankings), it’s still advisable to use unique descriptions wherever possible to avoid potential SEO issues.

Conclusion: Does directory submission still work?

Directory submission sites list
Directory submission sites list 2024

In conclusion, the debate around the effectiveness of free directory submission sites in SEO is ongoing. Although some SEO professionals are skeptical about their impact, these sites can be beneficial, especially for new websites seeking initial exposure and a boost in their SEO efforts. These directories can serve as a stepping stone, providing a platform for these websites to gain some visibility in the vast digital landscape.

While they may not be a comprehensive SEO solution, they offer a supplementary advantage that can be particularly useful for websites just starting out. It’s important to consider this strategy as part of a broader, diversified approach to SEO. Ultimately, what matters most is finding the right mix of tactics that work for your specific website and goals. Your feedback and questions about free directory submission sites are welcome in the comments, as they help enrich our understanding and approach to this aspect of SEO.

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