Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission

Really feeling great as you have visited this page to learn about the person behind this blog. Although I am not a celebrity or any renowned person yet, I am the owner of this website and would love to introduce myself to respect your interest in knowing me.

Hey, this is Santanu Debnath. I am a typical IT professional who works for an MNC company for 10 hours + a day and earn money to support my family & lifestyle. Professionally, I am a developer and always investigate different issues to provide suitable solutions. That helped me to build a character to help people online through blogging.

  • If you are also thinking like me and have faith in blogging
  • If you are also interested in starting a blog on WordPress
  • If you are interested in building a passive income source

Then you are at the right place, and I am sure you will learn something from my blogging journey. My interview has been shared on many top blogs in India. Also, you can check what other bloggers think about my work.

Featured On Top Indian Blogs

My Interviews On Different Blogs

My Inputs On Different Roundup Posts

  1. 1Bloggers talking about Linkedin Marketing Trends in 2020
  2. 2Experienced bloggers share their first blogging struggle and the SOLUTION to it!
  3. 3101 Experts Share their Top Link Building Techniques
  4. 432 Experts Revealing Their Secret SEO Techniques
  5. 5Best strategies to rank higher in Google
  6. 6Ideas To Boost SERP Ranking
  7. 7Tips To Boost Digital Marketing Career
  8. 8113 Bloggers’ Favorite Email Marketing Tools
  9. 991 Bloggers’ Top Referral Traffic Sources
  11. 115 Authors Reveal How To Write eBooks That Sell
  12. 124 Pro Bloggers Shares Tips on How to Become a Successful Blogger
  13. 13Should You Dump Your Page Builder for Gutenberg? 12 WordPress Experts Provide the Answer
  14. 14Must Have WordPress Plugins For 2020 (27 Experts’ Choice)

My Blogs & YouTube Channels

Besides this blog, I also run a few other blogs and YouTube channels. Most of them are in similar niches. Please include the details if you want to read my other blogs and YouTube channels.

Why & How I Started Bloggingjoy.com?

I am a part-time blogger and a full-time software professional. My interest and love for WordPress gave birth to Bloggingjoy.com. I share my experience & knowledge about Blogging in simple words so that everyone can learn to start a blog and become a better blogger.

As I have said, I am working as an IT consultant like many; job security in this world is almost Zero these days due to the saturation of jobs and the evolution of technology.

This means, whatever is buzzing today, will not be there after 5 years. And is it easy for you to upgrade your skills every 5 years? In that case, how will you make money and secure your job?

I feel everyone can do something God-given, but most of us are just working to earn money without following our passion. E.g. I always love to share life hacks, personal finance tips, make-money ideas, etc, without knowing that I can also earn money with this hobby.

Although it is not significant, we are making some extra money beyond my salary while working in our own way & skills. I am sure that I can carry this skill or hobby till I die, whatever is the income I make in the future. What is your hobby or interest in life?

Have you ever thought of whether you can make money from that? So, the purpose of starting this website is straightforward. I want to share every way or aspect of online money-making opportunities or home business ideas in one place.

So that people can read and start thinking about that as early as possible. Creating a passive income source is also the best way to secure retirement. Think about this point wisely.

I will try my level best to share information in this blog. Hope you will find them helpful and let me know from time to time by writing your valuable comments. Thank you 🙂

I love to read & write about Blogging, WordPress, Hosting & Tutorials. That’s why I started this blog in 2017 and found a motive to help people & follow my passion & interest.