ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel

ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel – Which Is Best In 2024?

ActiveCampaign and GoHighLevel are powerful marketing, sales automation, and CRM solutions.

However, if you need help deciding between subscribing to ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel, this article aims to clarify. 

Below, we will compare their

  • Marketing automation capabilities
  • Integration options
  • Pricing structures
  • Template offerings
  • CRM
  • Customer support

And other vital features.

ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel – User Interface


Undoubtedly, GoHighLevel has a clean user interface with a high density of features to help all types of businesses.

However, a few users find difficulty navigating the interface and sometimes confusing due to the vast options.

Hence, it becomes a challenge for users who wish to familiarize themselves with the platform’s interface by spending more time.

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Besides, a user needs a deep learning curve to get adopted to GoHighLevel and attain its full potential for their small business.


ActiveCampaign, one of the GoHighLevel alternatives, has a more modern and easy-to-use user interface than GoHighLevel.

Thus, it makes users navigate the platform to access its features, run automation, or manage an email campaign effortlessly.

Most importantly, you are guided throughout during the setup of a feature.

Though using ActiveCampaign requires a learning curve, it is not as high as GoHighLevel, and you can master the features quickly.

The learning center is meticulously organized and user-friendly.

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A live chat feature is also available on the ActiveCampaign to assist whenever needed.

If you are about to rate a marketing automation platform based on its ease of use, ActiveCampaign is the scorer here!

As Active Campaign provides a great user experience and helps attain the maximum potential of the tool quickly.

ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel – Websites, Funnels, And Landing Pages


GoHighLevel has dedicated options for creating funnels, landing pages, and websites.

The funnel builder has a collection of templates that satisfy every business need, so you do not need to create a funnel from scratch.

Also, there is an editing screen where you can arrange your funnel in order.

You could even see a range of templates for websites and blogs too!

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Everything is built already; you must type your things and include extra elements if needed.


With ActiveCampaign, you only have two options: to create a form or a web page. And there are no functions to create a complete website or funnel.

Instead, ActiveCampaign lets you create a single landing page and embed a form.

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You can create landing pages for many purposes, like sign-up, product sales, services, and more!

However, as there are a variety of templates for creating web pages,

You can use the drag-and-drop feature for editing, making it easy to overwrite or redesign everything.

Hence, ActiveCampaign serves only the primary purpose, and it is not the best option for creating an entire website or sales funnel.

Bringing you the comfort of a website builder, funnel, and landing page with the help of tools (along with customization options), GoHighLevel is the conqueror in this section.

ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel – CRM


There is a bouquet of CRM features in GoHighLevel that help run your business effectively.

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But the notable difference is the unlimited number of contacts and advanced analytics.

GoHighLevel gives you a comprehensive report on each prospect and helps you in lead management.

Furthermore, GoHighLevel’s CRM lets you enjoy features like,

  • Smart contact lists that arrange your contacts for different campaigns
  • Automatic pipelines that show you where the contact is in the customer journey
  • Automatic and Smart calendar management to avoid double bookings
  • Call a contact directly from GoHighLevel
  • Send emails, SMS, WhatsApp, and voicemail directly from GoHighLevel


Though ActiveCampaign comes with a user-friendly CRM, the major drawback is that the number of contacts is deficient.

For example,

Consider the Lite plan, which offers only 1000 contacts for $29 a month, which may not be sufficient for a digital marketing agency.

If you choose the Lite plan and set your contact number as 50,000, you have to pay $389 monthly, which might not be budget-friendly.

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Is it nice to pay an extra amount to access more contacts?


ActiveCampaign’s CRM lets you enjoy features like,

  • Pipeline customization
  • Pipeline management with auto lead scoring
  • Team user permissions and management
  • Tasks automation
  • Lead engagement reminders
  • Reports and analytics
  • Email synchronization
  • Recent activity threads

As GoHighLevel lets you have any number of contacts even when you choose any of its plans, GoHighLevel is the champion here!

Limitations in the number of contacts would be a pain point for many if they choose ActiveCampaign.

ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel – Email Marketing


We liked the email marketing feature of ActiveCampaign more than GoHighLevel, which we will discuss below.

One such reason is that several templates are available for purposes like sign-ups, purchase confirmations, and subscriptions.

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And what is comfortable here is you can customize everything on every template.

For example, you can add a button, video, or any element as needed.

Beyond this, ActiveCampaign provides a step-by-step guide and advice while creating welcome sequences, notifications, and newsletters.


Although GoHighLevel comes with email template collections, it lacks a bit and is unlike the website template collections.

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However, like ActiveCampaign, you can embed images, buttons, videos, or other elements into your emails.

First, you have to choose from the list of templates, and next, customize the email to send as a single email or schedule multiple emails to send at a particular time.

You can also automate email campaigns, such as automatically sending emails when a person fills out a form or completes a purchase.

Building automated email campaigns for your target audience here is a challenging task, a downside in GoHighLevel.

Though both ActiveCampaign and GoHighLevel serve the users with what they need, ActiveCampaign stands high in the competitive edge.

And the reason is,

ActiveCampaign guides you with every step of the email marketing process, thus providing you with extraordinary experiences.

ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel – Phone And SMS Marketing


GoHighLevel has its dedicated phone provision service. If you do not like it, you can also use a third-party app like Twilio.

Once you set up the service, you can create multiple channel campaigns (a combination of SMS and email) or a standalone marketing campaign.

With the presence of an AI-powered bot, GoHighLevel can drive a user from just scrolling to confirm the booking.

The AI bot does so by detecting the responder’s mood and chatting with the appropriate replies.

What is more advantageous is you can create an automated sequence of SMS. 

For example, you can use SMS service to make people contact you through the SMS and make a booking.


Like GoHighLevel, ActiveCampaign consists of a tool for sending SMS, or you can even integrate with any third party like Twilio.

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The tool lets you include SMS in automated workflows but is less sophisticated than GoHighLevel.

This feature has no AI intervention, so the SMS sequences will be simple and sometimes dull.

You can use the SMS services for 

  • Notifying people that they have subscribed to something
  • Reminding about a purchase or an event
  • Sending offers and coupon-related messages

GoHighLevel becomes the topper here by making SMS a must for marketing!

Another reason is that by using AI and automation, you don’t have to be active online to reply to a chat.

ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel – Automation


Being a jumbo, GoHighLevel provides countless opportunities in terms of automation, like creating multichannel automated campaigns, assigning administrative tasks to autopilot, and so on.

Automatically send an email when your client downloads a whitepaper, for example.

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Similarly, you can create multiple trigger events using the GoHighLevel’s workflow editor.

Though you might initially feel weird handling the workflow editor, once you become a Pro, 

You can run several campaigns simultaneously, and the results will be marvelous!


Coming to ActiveCampaign,

Their automation feature is mainly focused on email campaigns and contacts.

For example, you can send bulk emails every week or create a detailed workflow for all the admin tasks.

Moreover, with the simple interface in ActiveCampaign and available workflow templates, you can speed up the process of creating recurring tasks.

We also like that there are some prebuilt workflows for everyday purposes so you can add and utilize one.

Even though both ActiveCampaign and GoHighLevel have splendid automation techniques, GoHighLevel is the clear winner, as you can do more and more with it!

ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel – Integration


Fortunately, ActiveCampaign helps you integrate with many third-party apps and lets you fulfill all your business needs.

Some of the apps it integrates with are below

  • Payment – PayPal, Square, Revolut, Stripe
  • Analytics – Zoho, Sumo, Google
  • eCommerce – Shopify, WooCommerce
  • Marketing – Facebook, MailChimp
  • Project management – Trello, Asana

If you cannot see your favorite app in the list, you can use Zapier to connect with it.

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Diving into the other side,

As GoHighLevel is an all-in-one marketing tool, it does not include many integrations with third-party apps like ActiveCampaign integration.

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The list of apps GoHighLevel integrates with is limited, and for any other apps, you can depend on Zapier.

Now, here is the list,

  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • Instagram
  • Quickbooks
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Shopify
  • Zoom
  • Google Analytics

However, most of the essential integrations are covered in GoHighLevel.

There is no doubt that ActiveCampaign stands to be the best in this round, as it gives a fruitful collection (more than 900) of direct integrations.

On top of that, we will give a big thumbs up for its eCommerce integration, which is greatly helpful for online stores.

ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel – Templates


It is delightful to explore the hundreds of templates available in GoHighLevel.

But the worst feeling is that most of them look alike, some outdated, while a few have layout and spelling mistakes.

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The plus is that you will overwrite the text in the layout, so spelling mistakes are not an issue.

Compared to ActiveCampaign, you will find various templates for sales, funnels, and websites in GoHighLevel, which is the only gain out of the pain.

If you want to know the GoHighLevel features in detail, read our GoHighLevel review.


Coming to ActiveCampaign, you will find more templates for emails and landing pages.

But these are essential, one-page templates, and if you are searching for templates to create your entire website, you will be disappointed with ActiveCampaign.

However, note that ActiveCampaign serves your purpose when you need a template for only one web page.

So, in HighLevel Vs ActiveCampaign, when it comes to templates, GoHighLevel is a topper here!

And the reasons are;

  • Although GoHighLevel has some flaws, it comes with an array of templates.
  • Moreover, it is suitable for picking templates for your sales funnels and websites, thus reducing the time to determine the order or bind everything together.

ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel – Courses And Memberships


Using GoHighLevel, you can create engaging and unlimited courses, programs, or membership sites for your customers.

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Plus, you can create these courses from scratch or the available list of templates in GoHighLevel.

You can upload your content in PDFs, docs, videos, audio, web pages, and more formats!

Moreover, you can offer these courses individually or in bundles. 

Or use a membership site, where the members pay for your course on a subscription basis, and thus, you earn by working from home.

We want to give kudos to GoHighLevel as it takes inspiration from Kajabi (an online course-building platform) and implements it on its platform.


Unfortunately, you cannot create an online course or membership site on ActiveCampaign.

But if you are interested, you must create an online course using a different platform and link it to ActiveCampaign through Zapier or third-party integration.

Now, who is the winner here?

Although GoHighLevel is not a dedicated course-building platform, it is simple and comfortable to create, market, and sell digital products inside the platform.

And as there is nothing to say with ActiveCampaign here, obviously, the winner is GoHighLevel.

ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel – Customer Support


GoHighLevel has a dedicated team to provide support when there are technical issues, changes in marketing strategies, and integration setups.

Even the agents will quickly connect with you through a Zoom call to guide you about how to use the tools and features in the platform.

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The support resources of GoHighLevel include;

  • Live chat, where you can interact with a support agent during business hours
  • Community forum, where you are required to join the GoHighLevel community, share your thoughts, ask questions, and gather knowledge from fellow users.
  • Video courses, which GoHighLevel offers for users who like to gain a vast understanding of the features and implement them to grow their businesses.
  • Knowledge base, where you can find a library of tutorials, articles, and blogs covering every detail about the platform


Nothing is less in ActiveCampaign, which provides users a wide range of support and assistance to get the most out of their platform.

From our experience, our conversation was comfortable through email as there were no agents to handle when we opted for a live chat.

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ActiveCampaign offers customer support through the below channels,

  • Live chat, where you can chat with an agent to get immediate help
  • Webinars conducted by ActiveCampaign help you know about the latest features and practices.
  • A community where you can discuss your problems and learn from other’s experiences on the platform
  • Email support, where you can contact a trained professional via email explaining your issue in the platform
  • The help center contains guides and articles about automation, forms, email marketing, etc.

ActiveCampaign and GoHighLevel work hard to provide extensive customer service and support through channels like training, email, community, and live chat.

Hence, in GoHighLevel Vs ActiveCampaign, when it comes to customer support, it is a big TIE!

ActiveCampaign Vs GoHighLevel – Pricing And Affordability


First of all, ActiveCampaign comes with a different pricing strategy. You have to pay a few dollars to access each module.

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For instance, there are four ActiveCampaign pricing plans in Marketing alone, namely,

  • Lite – $29 per month (1 user)
  • Plus – $49 per month (3 users)
  • Professional – $149 per month (5 users)
  • Enterprise – $259 per month (10 users)

Apart from this,

You must pay for a separate plan to use features like sales CRM, bundled CRM, and transactional email services.

However, all these plans in ActiveCampaign restrict the number of users and contacts.


On the other hand, in GoHighLevel, you will pay some fixed dollars for one of the plans and get access to all of its features.

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Now, when you look at the pricing plans of Go High Level,

  • A Starter plan offers unlimited contacts, users, and tools for $97 per month
  • An Unlimited plan provides countless features and subaccounts for $297 monthly.
  • A Pro plan offers unlimited Saas accounts for $497 per month.

Though the Lite plan in ActiveCampaign ($29) initially looks more budget-friendly than GoHighLevel’s starter plan ($97),

Many limitations exist in the number of users (1), contacts (1000), and features.

Even when you go for a Plus plan in ActiveCampaign and increase the number of contacts to 2500, you will get only three users.

Moreover, you will be in a situation where you pay $99 monthly, which is higher than GoHighLevel’s starter plan with unlimited contacts and users.

As a result, you always have to pay more beyond the fixed plan price in ActiveCampaign.

Hence, when you compare these platforms in terms of pricing, GoHighLevel is the winner!

Who Is ActiveCampaign For?

We have encountered many scenarios and reviews that state that, 

ActiveCampaign is a perfect email marketing platform suitable for running automated email campaigns, providing exceptional email experiences, sending personalized messages, and nurturing leads.


ActiveCampaign is ideal for startups and small businesses starting their marketing journey.

Who Is GoHighLevel For?

Above all, GoHighLevel is one such “Software as a Service” product mainly designed to wave goodbye to using multiple software.

The team also states that GoHighLevel will replace software such as ClickFunnels, Mailchimp, Woodpecker, Pipeline, and WordPress.


GoHighLevel is an all-in-one marketing platform that is especially beneficial for marketing agencies and professionals.

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