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Declare your AIndependence: block AI bots, scrapers and crawlers with a single click


To help preserve a safe Internet for content creators, we’ve just launched a brand new “easy button” to block all AI bots. It’s available for all customers, including those on our free tier...

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Declare your AIndependence: block AI bots, scrapers and crawlers with a single click

Cloudflare incident on June 27, 2024


On June 27, 2024, a small number of users globally may have noticed that was unreachable or degraded. The root cause was a mix of BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) hijacking and a route leak...

First round of French election: party attacks and a modest traffic dip


Cloudflare RadarInternet TrafficTrendsDDoSElectionsElection Security

How Cloudflare mitigated DDoS attacks targeting French political parties during the 2024 legislative elections, as detailed in our ongoing election coverage...

How the first 2024 US presidential debate influenced Internet traffic and security trends


Cloudflare RadarElectionsUSAElection Security

See how the first 2024 US presidential debate between Biden and Trump influenced Internet traffic patterns, email trends, and heightened cybersecurity concerns across digital platforms...

Supporting Postgres Named Prepared Statements in Hyperdrive


Developer PlatformCloudflare WorkersHyperdrivePostgresSQLMessage ProtocolPrepared Statements

Hyperdrive (Cloudflare’s globally distributed SQL connection pooler and cache) recently added support for Postgres protocol-level named prepared statements across pooled connections. We dive deep on what it took to add this feature...

Cloudflare incident on June 20, 2024


Post MortemOutage

A new DDoS rule resulted in an increase in error responses and latency for Cloudflare customers. Here’s how it went wrong, and what we’ve learned...

How the UEFA Euro 2024 football games are impacting local Internet traffic


Cloudflare RadarTrendsDDoSInternet Traffic

Discover how UEFA Euro 2024 is shifting Internet traffic patterns during games across Europe with insights into traffic drops and cybersecurity concerns during national team games...

Exam-ining recent Internet shutdowns in Syria, Iraq, and Algeria


Cloudflare RadarInternet TrafficOutageInternet ShutdownBGPConsumer Services

Similar to actions taken over the last several years, governments in Syria, Iraq, and Algeria have again disrupted Internet connectivity nationwide in an attempt to prevent cheating on exams. We investigate how these disruptions were implemented, and their impact...

Introducing Stream Generated Captions, powered by Workers AI


Developer PlatformDevelopersWorkers AIAIProduct NewsCloudflare Stream

With one click, users can now generate video captions effortlessly using Stream’s newest feature: AI-generated captions for on-demand videos and recordings of live streams...

Celebrating 10 years of Project Galileo


Project GalileoCloudflare HistoryApplication Services

Ten years ago today, Cloudflare launched Project Galileo, a program which today provides security services, at no cost, to more than 2,600 independent journalists and nonprofit organizations around the world supporting human rights, democracy, and local communities...

Exploring the 2024 EU Election: Internet traffic trends and cybersecurity insights


Cloudflare RadarTrendsElectionsElection SecurityDDoSInsights

The 2024 EU Parliament election caused declines in Internet traffic during voting and spikes during results announcements, with persistent cyber threats targeting government sites...

Internet insights on 2024 elections in the Netherlands, South Africa, Iceland, India, and Mexico


Cloudflare RadarInsightsTrendsElection SecurityElections

2024 brings a global increase in election activity. Here, we highlight traffic and cyberattack trends witnessed in countries like the Netherlands, South Africa, Iceland, India, and Mexico. Additionally, we provide an up-to-date 2024 Election Insights report on Cloudflare Radar...

Adopting OpenTelemetry for our logging pipeline



Recently, Cloudflare's Observability team undertook an effort to migrate our existing syslog-ng backed logging infrastructure to instead being backed by OpenTelemetry Collectors. In this post, we detail the process that we undertook, and the difficulties we faced along the way...

Disrupting FlyingYeti's campaign targeting Ukraine


Cloud Email SecurityCloudflare WorkersCloudforce OneCVEExploitGitHubIntrusion DetectionMalwareMicrosoftPhishingRemote Browser IsolationRussiaServerlessThreat DataThreat IntelligenceThreat OperationsUkraineVulnerabilities

In April and May 2024, Cloudforce One employed proactive defense measures to successfully prevent Russia-aligned threat actor FlyingYeti from launching their latest phishing campaign targeting Ukraine...

Cloudflare acquires BastionZero to extend Zero Trust access to IT infrastructure


AcquisitionsZero TrustSASESecurityCloudflare AccessProduct NewsCloudflare OneConnectivity Cloud

We’re excited to announce that BastionZero, a Zero Trust infrastructure access platform, has joined Cloudflare. This acquisition extends our Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) flows with native access management for infrastructure like servers, Kubernetes clusters, and databases...

Expanding Regional Services configuration flexibility for customers


Data Localization

Today we're happy to announce expanded capabilities that will allow you to configure Regional Services for an increased set of defined regions to help you meet your specific requirements for being able to control where your traffic is handled...

AI Gateway is generally available: a unified interface for managing and scaling your generative AI workloads


Developer PlatformDevelopersOpen SourceWorkers AIConnectivity CloudAI GatewayAI

AI Gateway is an AI ops platform that provides speed, reliability, and observability for your AI applications. With a single line of code, you can unlock powerful features including rate limiting, custom caching, real-time logs, and aggregated analytics across multiple providers...

Reclaiming CPU for free with Go's Profile Guided Optimization



Golang 1.20 introduced support for Profile Guided Optimization (PGO) to the go compiler. This post covers the process we created for experimenting with PGO at Cloudflare, and measuring the CPU savings...

East African Internet connectivity again impacted by submarine cable cuts


Cloudflare RadarInternet TrafficOutage

On Sunday, May 12, issues with the EASSy and Seacom submarine cables again disrupted connectivity to East Africa, impacting a number of countries previously affected by a set of cable cuts that occurred nearly three months earlier...

Using Fortran on Cloudflare Workers


FortranDeveloper PlatformDevelopersCloudflare Workers

Work on LLVM has enabled Fortran to compile to WebAssembly. So, today, we’re writing about running Fortran code on Cloudflare Workers...