Community Central
Community Central
This extension is enabled by default on Fandom.

An inputbox allows you to put a box on any page, which has a text field for users to fill out and a customizable button for launching the action.

There are three types: the article creation box, the search box, and the comment box. The default width for all boxes is 50 characters.

Box types[]

Article creation box[]

An article creation box places a box on the page that lets the user create a new page by entering the page title. A new page will be opened at the title the user types in. Page creation is handled by the InputBox extension. It checks if a page already exists and displays an error message if it does. It is also possible to use preloaded templates with the box to simplify the article creation process for editors.

Type this: To make this:

Search box[]

A search box provides an extra box for users to search your community, in addition to the one in the global navigation bar.

Type this: To make this:

Comment box[]

This box adds a section to an existing page (not necessarily the page used in.), which can be helpful in adding a new discussion to a talk page, or new items to a news page.

The text typed in the box is the page where to start a new section header. If you use as type commenttitle instead of comment, the text typed in the box becomes the new section header, and is also used as the edit summary for the addition. In this case, you additionally need to define a pagename with the page parameter.

Type this: To make this:
type = comment
buttonlabel=Post a comment
type = commenttitle
page = Help talk:Inputbox
buttonlabel=Post a comment

Customizing inputboxes[]

There are several parameters you can use to customize the display of the inputboxes.

Background color
Sets the background color using HTML color values. Enter the color value without using quotes. Note that setting a background color that is very light or dark can make the inputbox unreadable on dark or light themes, and should be avoided.
Sets width of input field, where ## is a number of characters. (The default is 50.)
Default text
default=any text
Default text to put in the inputbox before it is changed, such as "enter page title here".
Button label
buttonlabel=any text
This label will be used for the text in the main submit button of the form.
Search button label
searchbuttonlabel=any text
For search forms, this label will be used for the "Search full text" button.
Line break
Removes the default line break between the input box and the button(s), displaying them side by side.
placeholder=any text
Define placeholder text that will display in the input box when it is empty.
Hide Box
Removes the box and automatically goes to the page specified by default=.
Type this: To make this:
placeholder=Type here!
buttonlabel=Click here!
Type this: To make this:
default=Type here!
buttonlabel=Click here!

Using preloaded templates with an article creation box[]

See Help:Preloaded templates for more detail

If you want to use a standard article template, you can specify this in the form. Doing so will pre-load an article with a basic layout in terms of templates and structure, making the process standard for editors.

Preloaded text
For comment and create boxes, the text of the page under pagename will be preloaded (see below) into the blank editbox when a new page is created.
Example: By specifying "preload=Template:New_page", the content of "Template:New page" will be loaded into the edit box for the new article.
Edit introduction
For comment and create boxes, the text of the page under pagename will be added, as instructions, before the submission form for new pages. It is displayed instead of the text of MediaWiki:Newarticletext.
Example: By specifying "editintro=Template:Welcome", the content of Template:Welcome will be shown above the article.
Type this: To make this:

See also[]

Further help and feedback[]