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Manage achievements

An admin view of Special:ManageAchievements.

Disambig This article is about the Achievements system used on Gamepedia. For the Achievements system used on Fandom, see w:Help:Achievements.

Administrators have the ability to create custom achievements and edit or delete the default non-global achievements on their wikis. Global achievements are ones that do not have a delete or edit button on the right. Management of achievements is available through the Manage Achievements special page. It is accessible through Special pages or by clicking the button on the Achievements page. Manage Achievements is only accessible by administrators or wiki guardians.

Creating and editing achievements[]

File:Add achievement.png

The window to create an achievement.

Clicking the Add button at the top right or the Edit button to the right of an achievement in Special:ManageAchievements will open the editing interface. When editing or creating an achievement, a live preview is provided at the top of the screen.

There are 3 main parts to each achievement: Achievement display, Criteria, and Required achievements.

Achievement display[]

Most of the fields in the achievement display are fairly self-explanatory and mousing over the ? provides tooltip help information.

  • Display Name — This is the main title of the achievement.
  • Short Description - This is a brief description of what the achievement is awarded for.
  • Category — For ease of navigation, each achievement must be assigned to a category. Where possible, it is recommended to add it to an existing category, but a new category can be created by being manually entered into this field.
  • Image Name — If the image you wish to use is already uploaded to the wiki, or available on the Commons, you can type its filename here (e.g. File:AchievementImage1.jpg). If not, an image can be uploaded to the local wiki by either clicking on the box or dragging and dropping a file to the box, which will then automatically be uploaded to the wiki and the URL added to the appropriate field. Images should be square and at least 120x120px in size. All regularly supported file types are accepted. The default Achievement images are available on the Hydra Commons.
  • Points Awarded — This is the number of bonus Wiki Points that are given to the user for earning this achievement. It is suggested that admins carefully consider the number of points being awarded so they are in line with the difficulty of the achievement.
  • Secret — If checked, this achievement will not be displayed to non-admin users until it is earned.

In addition to these categories, Fandom staff also has the ability to create global achievements or alter the "Mega" achievement for a wiki. If you have a suggestion for a new global achievement or need to edit your wiki's Mega achievement, please reach out to the Gamepedia team.


Criteria is seemingly the most complex part of the achievement creation interface, but it is not as tricky as it appears! There are two parts to any completion rules, along with some additional options: Stats and Combined Stats Value Increment. A Stat is an action tracked by the achievements system. Each time that trigger is activated, the increment will increase by 1. Once the specified number is reached, the achievement will be awarded (provided any meta requirements are also met).

If multiple stats are selected, they will all increment the same counter. For instance, if you set up the article_edit and admin_patrol stats with an increment of 10, then each time a user either edited an article OR patrolled a page, the counter would increase by one until it reached 10 at which point the achievement would be triggered. Therefore, a user could edit 10 pages, patrol 10 pages, or any combination of those two actions.

Streak is a set of options that allows you to create achievements linked to repeating actions or completing certain actions within a given timeframe.

Required achievements[]

The Required achievements box displays a list of all achievements existing on the local wiki. Any achievement that is checked in this list will be added as a prerequisite for earning the achievement currently being edited.

Deleting achievements[]

To delete an achievement, simply click the corresponding button for that achievement. Achievements can be deleted by an admin, but they can also be restored as well. Therefore, the delete function more accurately serves to hide the achievement and prevent it from being awarded by the system. As a note, anyone who has previously earned that achievement will retain it on their profile page. It is still possible to remove the achievement using Award or Unaward Achievements page. Likewise, the achievement can be manually awarded even after deletion.

Customizing achievement images[]

All achievement images reside on the Hydra Commons. Each wiki can customize the achievement images seen on their wiki. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Edit the achievement in Special:ManageAchievements and change the Image Name to a different image.
  2. Upload an image using the same file name as the default image. This is the only way to locally customize global achievement images.
    • Example: Upload a local version of File:Ac_edit_1.png for the Going Down In History achievement.

Mega achievement icons can be changed by Gamepedia staff at the request of the local admin team. Please reach out to your Wiki Representative if you are an admin who would like to change the Mega Achievement for your wiki. Mega achievement icons must be 120x120px in size.