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Community Central
This extension is enabled by default on Fandom.

Fandom has been thoroughly pleased to announce the EmbedVideo feature, a "new" way to embed videos onto pages originally used on Gamepedia wikis, which is now available across all of Fandom.

Rather than "uploading" a video via the video embed tool and needing to maintain File: pages for each video, this tool allows for videos to be embedded onto pages using a simple wikitext parser function.


  • Confirm that the video or audio file you wish to use is on the list of supported services — over 30 are supported, including all of the services supported by the original video embed tool.
  • Use the table to find the service name and the individual video's ID. With the exception of SoundCloud, the video ID is a piece of the URL where the video is located. For example, in the YouTube URLs or, the ID would be Vois0RMtPHE. The table will help you identify the video ID from a given video service.
  • With the service name and ID in hand, use this syntax to make an unformatted video embed: {{#ev:service|id}}

For our YouTube example, our parser function would be written as {{#ev:youtube|Vois0RMtPHE}}, which looks like what you see below:

SoundCloud exception[]

For SoundCloud embeds, the entire URL is the video ID, so if you wished to embed the same video using SoundCloud's player, you would use this:


Which produces this:

As a note, Fandom's previous SoundCloud extension used the <soundcloud> tag rather than EmbedVideo, so that tag is far more commonplace than the #ev parser function — as such, specific usage-instructions for that parser tag have been included in Help:Audio, the <soundcloud> tag has been feature of the EmbedVideo extension since version 2.7.0, so either method will produce the same embed.

Formatting your videos[]

All formatting settings that can currently be accomplished with the video embed tool can be accomplished with EmbedVideo too! This is the syntax:

  • dimensions is the width of your video, e.g. {{#ev:youtube|Vois0RMtPHE|200}} for 200px-wide, or {{#ev:youtube|Vois0RMtPHE|200x400}} for 200px-wide, 400px-tall.
  • alignment declares the embed alignment, either left, right, center, or inline — if undefined, the default is left-alignment without float — explicitly defining "left" or "right" will cause text to flow around the video. Example: {{#ev:youtube|Vois0RMtPHE||center}}
  • description is the caption of your video! It accepts generic wikitext, e.g. {{#ev:youtube|Vois0RMtPHE|||Hello ''world''!}}
Hello world!


The EmbedVideo parser function expects to be called in any of the following ways:

#ev - Classic parser tag[]

  • {{#ev:service|id}}
  • {{#ev:service|id|dimensions}}
  • {{#ev:service|id|dimensions|alignment}}
  • {{#ev:service|id|dimensions|alignment|description}}
  • {{#ev:service|id|dimensions|alignment|description|container}}
  • {{#ev:service|id|dimensions|alignment|description|container|urlargs}}
  • {{#ev:service|id|dimensions|alignment|description|container|urlargs|autoresize}}
  • {{#ev:service|id|dimensions|alignment|description|container|urlargs|autoresize|valignment}}

However, if needed optional arguments may be left blank by not putting anything between the pipes:

  • {{#ev:service|id|||description}}

<embedvideo> - Tag hook[]

<embedvideo service="service">id</embedvideo>

Attributes for parser tags[]

Attribute Required Default Description
service=" (see supported services)" yes The video service to call.
id="[id|url]" yes The raw ID of the video or URL from the player page.
dimensions="[width|widthxheight|xheight]" no 640 Dimensions in pixels to size the embed container. The standard format is width x height where either can be omitted, but the x must proceed height to indicate it as the height.
Examples: 480, 480x320, x320.
If the height is not provided it will be calculated automatically from the width and service default ratio.
Some services such as Gfycat do not have standard heights and should be specified for each embed.
$wgEmbedVideoDefaultWidth can be set in LocalSettings.php to override the default width.
alignment="[left|center|right|inline]" no none Align the placement of the video either to the left, centered, or to the right. Inline will allow multiple videos to display side by side without forced line breaks.
description="[wikitext]" no none Display a description under the embed container. For line breaks use &#10; (see
container="[frame]" no none Specifies the container type to use for the embed.
frame — Wrap the video player in a Mediawiki thumbnail box.
urlargs="modestbranding=1&version=3" no none Allows extra URL arguments to be appended to the generated embed URL. This is useful for obscure options only supported on one service.
autoresize="false" no true Automatically resize videos when their size will cause them to break outside of their container element.
valignment="[top|middle|bottom|baseline]" no none Align the vertical placement of the video either to the top, middle, bottom, or baseline of the parent element. Using this parameter forces the alignment parameter to be inline.

Support for VideoLink tags[]

Support for the unmaintained VideoLink extension's tags has been added since version 2.5. Originally, it was a standalone extension used and built for Wowpedia.

From the original extension documentation:

The VideoLink extension allows embedding of YouTube videos in articles; allowing for multiple linked videos to be played in a single embedded video player, first shown when a user clicks on a video link.

The <vplayer /> specifies where the player should appear within the page, and the {{#vlink}} parser function allows creation of links that load a specific video.

<evlplayer> - Tag hook for video container[]

Note that the use of the <vplayer> tag is also acceptable here for backwards compatibility.

This evlplayer tag is used to position the video player container within the page.

<evlplayer id="player id" w="width" h="height" class="class" style="style">default content</evlplayer>

A default video can be set to fill the container by default instead of default content as well.

<evlplayer id="player1" w="480" h="360" service="youtube" defaultid="pSsYTj9kCHE" />
Attributes Required Default Description
id no default An optional unique identifier for this container
w no 800 Width to send to the embedded player when its generated
h no achieve 16:9 from width Height to send to the embedded player when its generated
class no Additional CSS class to add to the container div
style no Additional in-line CSS to apply to the container div
defaultid no Video ID of default video, if you want a default video.
service no Service of default video, if you want a default video.

An important caveat to make note of, is that the w and h attributes only effect the video that is being included into the container div, and not the actual container. For styling of the container, please use the class or style attributes.

#evl - Parser function for video links[]

Note that the use of the {{#vlink}} parser function is also acceptable here for backwards compatibility.

{{#evl:<video id>|<Link text>|service=youtube|player=<player id>}}

In addition to all of the attributes supported by the #evt tag, these specific attributes apply to the #evl (and #vlink) tags. To maintain backwards compatibility, if you do not define a service then youtube is assumed.

Attributes Required Default Description
video id yes none The ID of the video you would like to play. Please note that the use of multiple video IDs separated by a semicolon is now deprecated. Please use the proper service for playlists if you would like to play multiple videos from a single link
link text yes none The text to display inside the link
player no ‘default’ Player container to load video in. Note that the ID ‘default’ will only exist if you’ve defined a player with no ID.
initial video deprecated In the original VideoLink, this would define what video to play first if multiple videos were defined. Please see notes about in video id and start.
start deprecated 0:00 In the original VideoLink, this defined the start time of a video. Since we support multiple video services, this feature can now be replicated with the urlargs parameter. For backwards compatibility, this attribute will be respect on videos with the service youtube.


The full breadth of this feature's capabilities is beyond the scope of this article, and can be viewed here. You can learn how to use #evt for embedding videos in templates, #evu to let EmbedVideo detect the service of your video for you, urlargs in the #ev function that let you control at what point in the video the player starts, and even parser tag alternative syntaxes such as <embedvideo service="youtube">ID</embedvideo> or <soundcloud url=""/>.

Next pages[]

Further help and feedback[]