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Community Central

Countdown is an extension that allows users place a countdown ticker on wiki pages.


Name Desc
time The time we are counting down to. Accepts anything that PHP's strtotime function can accept.
name An identifier for this countdown. If not provided, a random string will be generated. (this is just used so multiple countdowns can exist on a page, and you probably don't have a reason to customize it unless you need to reference it in custom javascript)
finishmessage A message to display when the countdown is finished. This text will replace everything inside the countdown tag.


This example will show a countdown to a birthday.

<countdown time="03/26/2055 00:00:00" name="bday" finishmessage="Happy Birthday, Cchunn!">
Cchunn's Birthday is in: 
<D> Days, <H> hours, <M> minutes, <S> seconds.

Use with templates[]

The functionality can be expanded on a bit with the use of templates. Here is an example template used on the Exvious wiki:

<!-- Template:Countdown -->
		{{#expr: ( {{#time: U | now -8 hours}} > {{#time: U | {{{end|01/01/01 00:00:00}}} }} ) }} 
		| '''{{{finished|}}}'''
		| {{#ifexpr: {{#expr: 
						( {{#time: U | now -8 hours}} > {{#time: U | {{{start|01/01/01 00:00:00}}} }} ) 
		| '''{{{text|}}} ends:''' {{#tag: countdown | '''<D> days, <H> hours, <M> minutes, <S> seconds.''' | time="{{{end|01/01/01 00:00:00}}} UTC-0800" }}
		| '''{{{text|}}} starts:''' {{#tag: countdown | '''<D> days, <H> hours, <M> minutes, <S> seconds.''' | time="{{{start|01/01/01 00:00:00}}} UTC-0800" }} }} 

The template can then be called to have a countdown to a "start" and then the countdown to an "end".

|text = Event
|finished = Event has ended.
|start    = 01/27/17 00:00:00
|end      = 02/02/17 23:59:59

Using this template, if you are before the "start" you will see:

Event Starts: ''' 2 Days, 2 Hours, 2 Minutes, 2 Seconds '''

or if you are past the start but before the end:

Event Ends: ''' 2 Days, 2 Hours, 2 Minutes, 2 Seconds '''

or if you are past the end:

Event has ended.