Cloud Mining Bitcoin

If you got a taste of this website, you probably already know a bit about Bitcoin mining and Bitcoin mining software.

But what if you still don’t know how to do it, or you simply don’t have the time/will?

Then cloud mining Bitcoin may be the perfect solution for you.

What is Cloud Mining?

Simply said, cloud mining is a way to mine Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in the cloud.

Instead of using How to Setup a Bitcoin Mining Computer or ASIC, you just sign up for a contract, pay the fee and rent the mining equipment, running 24/7 for you, without any action needed from your side.

There are certain things to consider though, like:

Is Bitcoin Cloud Mining a scam?

The unfortunate truth from the last bullet on the list above should always be on your mind.

Everything in crypto is possible, and when something sounds too good to be true- it’s often a scam.

If some cloud mining provider offers you 3, 4 x time returns on your capital, he’s probably going to take your money.

Cloud mining is for those who believe in crypto potential, yet they wanna do it as an investor and don’t wanna bother with the actual mining process, equipment, etc.

This is especially true for larger investors, who prefer investing money over hard work, which is perfectly fine.

But it also works fine for small investors, who can invest proportionally less and earn almost proportionally the same.

A sign of a good cloud provider(among other things) is the price that gets you on a zero in the moment of making a contract, a small projected profit, or even a small loss.

This is because real companies won’t offer you something they can’t fulfill.

You rent their equipment and infrastructure, based on their expenses and profit, and they have their calculations in place.

But you on the other hand get paid in cryptocurrency.

This means no one can guarantee you a profit.

You may get rich over 1-2 years, but you may also lose your investment.

What are the Cloud Mining benefits?

I’ve already mentioned the main benefit of cloud mining compared to mining with your PC(s)- you need less knowledge and less work invested.

But behind that, certain things make cloud mining adorable:

I’m in, how to start Cloud Mining?

If you understand that cloud mining can be risky but also lucrative, and want to proceed, a natural next step will be to pick the best cloud mining provider.

When picking the best cloud mining provider, I like to take a look at several things:

Armored with the wisdom I just shared, here are some top choices to get you started:

Cloud Mining Contracts Worth Checking

cloud mining with

This is a company connected to investor Roger Ver and is among the most recognizable brands connected to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general. Besides cloud mining, they are an organization that provides Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash wallets, mining pools, and many other things related to Bitcoin. If you search Google for “Bitcoin”, will show up within the first few results.

All this, backed up with ease of use and a 100% server uptime makes them my very best choice for cloud mining. Some notable contract properties:

Genesis Mining

Genesis Mining - Cloud mining company

They are the second on my list only because comes with such a reputation. But when it comes to cloud mining, Genesis Mining is even longer in the business.

They started their mining operation in 2014, and being up and running after 8 years in crypto is speaking for itself.

If not before, most shady companies lost their heads after the latest crypto crash in 2018, and even though new ones are popping up often- we can be certain that Genesis Mining isn’t one of them.

I can personally vouch for them, and since I’ve been working with them for some time, you can use this coupon to get a 3% discount on any of their offers- “KvI5iz”.

Before doing so, here are a few things about Genesis Mining:

cloud mining with Hashing24

Hashing 24 is a newer player in the cloud mining field, yet it does look promising and realistic, and its first snapshot on goes back to 2016.

The company is based in Dublin, Ireland, and seems to have worked fine since then(not marked as scam).

Let’s have a look at how it works with them:

Final thoughts on mining Bitcoin with cloud

I like the cloud mining concept, and believe it’s an amazing concept to scale your mining business.

Furthermore, the amount of effort and difficulty to start mining this way is extremely close to zero.

Still, cloud mining does not offer you any security in case things go very badly.

If prices suddenly drop a lot, you may lose a lot of money as you end up with coins that aren’t worthy anymore.

On other hand, mining with your hardware is security itself- you’ll always be able to sell your mining equipment that can be used for gaming or ordinary PC work.

Cloud Mining Bitcoin

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