How many websites use WooCommerce? Usage stats + infographic 2024

How many websites use WooCommerce

I'm writing this post to give you the latest WooCommerce stats for 2024. It's not easy to find out how many websites use WooCommerce, as most usage stats are out of date. I've done the research to provide the very latest data on the number of websites using WooCommerce.

I've also provided stats on the WooCommerce market share compared to other e-commerce platforms and WordPress e-commerce plugins. The results are fascinating!

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WooCommerce stats infographic

How Many Websites Use WooCommerce? Usage Stats 2024

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How many websites use WooCommerce?

It depends where you look!

Based on this, I think we can reliably say that more than 5 million websites worldwide use WooCommerce 🤯

While the number of websites using WooCommerce is interesting, I find it more interesting to look at the % of e-commerce websites that use WooCommerce. The percentage is where WooCommerce really starts to stand out in the stats. We have found this each year since we started publishing this post, including 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, and now 2024.

What is the market share of WooCommerce?

Now, this is where I got really confused when researching the WooCommerce market share in 2024.

First, I looked at Built With. This suggests that he current 2024 market share for WooCommerce is 16% of the top 1 million sites using e-commerce technologies:

I was quite worried by this because it's significantly less than its ??? market share in 2023, and also suggests that Shopify took over WooCommerce as market leader between 2023 and 2024. I even tweeted about it, which led to a lively discussion with members of the WordPress community:

I then looked at data from Store Leads, which paints a much more positive picture of WooCommerce's market share in 2024:

Store With WooCommerce Market Share

This suggests that WooCommerce is still the market leader over Shopify by a long way.

The main difference between BuiltWith and Store With seems to be that it tracks 12 million websites, whereas Built With tracks the top 10,000, 100,000, million sites plus the whole internet. Maybe that explains the difference in the market share stats for WooCommerce.

Whether or not WooCommerce is the current market leader, it's clear that Shopify is a strong competitor. The WordPress and WooCommerce communities need to make sure that WooCommerce remains competitive against Shopify in particular.

Where are the other WordPress e-commerce plugins?

You'll notice that no other WordPress plugins appear in the list at all. These are obviously covered by the big 'Other' category, but no other WordPress plugin makes the top 10 e-commerce platforms. It may feel as if plugins such as Easy Digital Downloads are very popular, but they're not even in the top 20.

How many WooCommerce themes are there?

It's impossible to know how many dedicated WordPress themes are available which include support and styling for WooCommerce. This is because many WooCommerce-ready themes are sold on independent websites and smaller marketplaces. Here are some WooCommerce stats for the bigger theme providers, as of January 2024:

This brings us to over 3,091 just from 2 big players. The total number will be much higher when you include other theme marketplaces and independent theme companies. Clearly, there's no shortage of choice in choosing a WooCommerce theme for a website design!

Our friends at ThemeIsle have some good WooCommerce themes if you are looking, or here are some free themes.

And how many WooCommerce plugins are there?

As with themes, it's impossible to provide an exact number of how many WooCommerce plugins there are. Here's what I discovered:

The real total for this stat will be much higher as a huge number of websites sell e-commerce plugins independently or via smaller marketplaces. For example, we sell our own WooCommerce add-ons via our own website, so popular plugins such as WooCommerce Product Table aren't even included in this figure.

How many new websites are installing WooCommerce?

It's easy to get the latest figures on the number of websites that are newly installing WooCommerce if you know where to look. An up to date figure for this WooCommerce stat is available at all times on the WooCommerce page in the WordPress plugin directory.

At the time of writing (January 2024), WooCommerce has been downloaded 635,619 times in the last week. That's pretty incredible and shows how quickly WooCommerce is growing.

What is the future of WooCommerce

I don't think I'm alone in predicting that WooCommerce will continue gaining market share in the future.

It has already reached a tipping point. With such a huge ecosystem of WooCommerce experts, themes, plugins, and hosting to choose from, choosing WooCommerce provides an immediate advantage for any e-commerce website compared to other platforms. WordPress is the world's biggest CMS with a huge 63.1% market share. As the main WordPress e-commerce platform, that's an enormous market.

If you haven't started making money with WooCommerce yet, there are plenty of excellent WooCommerce tutorials on how to get started with WooCommerce in 2024, such as this one from Moosend.

This puts lots of exciting new developments in the pipeline such as the likelihood that WooCommerce will become available on This will bring it to a whole new market, increasing market share even further in 2024 and beyond.

With all this in mind, I'm pretty sure that WooCommerce isn't going anywhere - or at least not for many years.


  1. Finally, I found an article on the internet that was not stuffed full of waffle to game search engines for advertising on the target site.

    Your analysis sounds about right. Appreciated.

    • Hi, Jake. Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you found the content of our article helpful and not merely fluff to game search engine results. Cheers.

  2. Thanks for the information on WooCommerce usage stats and the huge number of themes and plugins available. I'm currently using Easy Digital Downloads for a few of my stores and my next project is due to use Woo. It's good to know the suport base is large.

    • Hello, Peter Thanks for your comment. I'm glad the WooCommerce usage statistics are helpful. All the best in your website projects that will be using WooCommerce!

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