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EAP wiki

Seal of the President of the Earth Alliance

The President of the Earth Alliance serves as the head of state, chief ambassador, commander-in-chief of Earth's military forces and head of Earthgov's executive branch. Elected by popular vote every 5 years, the new President takes office in February of the 3rd and 8th year of each decade.

In the event that the President is incapacitated or killed, the Vice President takes over and is sworn in for the remainder of the current term, after which the former Vice President must stand for re-election.[1]

This took place not once, but twice in the 2258 - 2262 term when President Luis Santiago, who beat challenger Marie Crane in the 2258 election, was killed when Earthforce One exploded near Io shortly after New Years 2259. After Santiago's death, Vice President William Morgan Clark was sworn in and served until November 2nd, 2261 at which point he committed suicide rather than face trial and impeachment for arranging Santiago's assassination and the ordering of numerous war crimes. Susanna Luchenko of the Russian Consortium was then elected by the Senate to serve out the remainder of the term of Presidents Santiago and Clark until she was re-elected by popular vote in February 2262.

During President Clark's regime, sweeping changes were instituted across the Earth Alliance government, including increasing the judicial powers of the Psi Corps and the creation of several new organizations that shifted the balance of power dramatically in his favor, causing the Alliance to gradually slide into a totalitarian dictatorship. Among the new institutions were the Ministry of Peace and it's infamous Nightwatch Division (a volunteer paramilitary organization which became the secret police of Clark's New Order), the Ministry of Truth and the Ministry of Information, which eventually became Clark's propaganda arm, fronted by ISN, which had been forcibly put under government control shortly after Proxima III and Orion VII's declarations of independence.[2][3][4][5] This was the culmination of a string of events that began with an incident which involved John Sheridan and an alien ship at Ganymede.

Following Clark's suicide at the close of the Earth Alliance Civil War, many of his changes were reversed, though some of the involved parties managed to remain in government.[6][7]

Notable EA Presidents[]

President Entered Office Left Office
Elizabeth Robinson
Elizabeth Robinson
Uncertain (2148 at the latest) February 9, 2163[8]
Elizabeth Levy
Elizabeth Levy
Uncertain (2243 at the latest)[9] February 9, 2253
Luis Santiago
Luis Santiago
February 9, 2253 January 1, 2259
William Morgan Clark
William Morgan Clark
January 1, 2259 November 2, 2261
Susanna Luchenko
Susanna Luchenko
November 2, 2261[10] Incumbent (as of 2267)[11]

See Also[]

