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Valorant: Best Sage Icebox Setups and Wall Lineups

Valorant’s Icebox is not for the faint-hearted. A brilliant strategy is the key to winning here, especially if you’re playing with Sage. Her Slow Orbs and Barrier Orbs can make or break the game for your team. It can be hard to figure out how to put her skills to use on a map like Icebox but I will take you through the best Sage Icebox setups and wall lineups. 

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What are the Best Sage Icebox Setups and Wall Lineups?

Below are the best Sage Icebox setups and wall lineups. 

B Tube

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

You can start the round by walling off the B tube. It creates an obstacle for your enemies since they will have to tear down each wall to move forward. Once you have walled off the tube, you can use the door on your right to hold off enemies. 

B Site

If your enemy is stirring up trouble at the B site, you can rotate through B halls until you reach the site. Aim your Slow Orb at the bottom right corner. However, if your enemy has made it past the yellow container, you want to move toward the left and aim at the grey bar in the distance. 

A site

For A site, I like to make these shots consecutively. Use the halls to make your way to A site. Once you’re there aim a Slow Orb at the roof and release. For your second shot, aim your Slow Orb at the top of the light on the roof. Both Orbs together should take care of enemies at A.

B Site

When I start off at the B site, I like to simply block off the two entrances on either side of the container. Sometimes, I like to switch things up by using the wall to boost myself and hiding behind the container for a sneaky kill. 

Related: Valorant: Best Killjoy Icebox Setups

B Container

For this one, simply step inside B container and give yourself a wall boost. You can use this position to catch some really nice angles. You can also step forward to take out enemies under the tube. 

A Site Barrels

Image: Attack of the Fanboy

Go stand on top of the barrels and wall yourself up. You will have a crazy offangle to take out opponents at the start of the match.  


You can get control of Ramp pretty easily with this lineup. Simply go stand in the left corner of the container. Aim your crosshair at the top right side of the shadow. Jump and release the Slow Orb at its peak. This will essentially stop enemies from peaking from the Ramp since they wouldn’t be able to make an escape.

You can also use a wall boost to get on top of Tube and double down on enemies on Ramp from there. 

Remember perfecting these moves will take some time. So make sure to practice, practice, and practice. 

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