Aselia Wiki
This article is based on information from Japanese-only media.
The following content has not been released in the English language, so details are subject to change at any given time.
Chloe Icon (TotR)

The following is a list of all artes available to Chloe Valens in Tales of the Rays. Due to the mobile, online nature of the game, this page may not be complete due to limited edition items or items added in future releases. Upgrades to the artes are unlocked at the weapon shop in exchange for Anima Orbs of the corresponding arte type.

Jutsuwaza (術技 - "Artes")[]

Arte Name Enabled Effects Elemental Attributes Power Max Hits Arte Type Casting Time (seconds) CC Cost Weapon
(New Moon Blade)
- Dark 220 2 Slash - 3 Dragon Tooth L (★3)
ドラゴントゥース・L (★3)
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.1 seconds
  2. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 2
  3. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.1 seconds
  4. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 2
  5. increases Mirrage Gauge gain by 10%
  6. increases knockback power by 30%
(Phantom Blade)
- Earth 255
3 Slash - 4 Ether Sword L (★3)
エーテルソード・L (★3)
  • Upgrades:
  1. heals HP by 8% of damage dealt
  2. increases area of effect by 10%
  3. heals HP by 8% of damage dealt
  4. increases damage dealt by 10%
  5. heals HP by 8% of damage dealt
  6. increases movement distance by 30%
- - 290
2 Slash - 4 Broadsword L (★3)
ブロードソード・L (★3)
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases damage dealt by 10%
  2. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.1 seconds
  3. increases damage dealt by 10%
  4. increases Mirrage Gauge gain by 10%
  5. increases damage dealt by 10%
  6. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.2 seconds
(Shining Storm)
- Wind 310
5 Slash - 5 ??? (★5)
帯剣なき騎士 クロエ (★5)
  • alters into Shoubu Jinpuusen when used as the sixth or later action in a chain
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases power to blow enemies away by 15%
  2. increases damage dealt by 10%
  3. increases power to blow enemies away by 15%
  4. increases Mirrage Gauge gain by 10%
  5. increases power to blow enemies away by 15%
  6. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.2 seconds
(Sword Rain: Omega)
- Water 375 9 Slash - 6 Onore no Shinnen wo Tsuranukumono Chloe (★5)
己の信念を貫く者 クロエ (★5)
"Enforcing Own Beliefs Chloe (★5)"
  • alters into Shuu'u Genshouken when used as the sixth or later action in a chain
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases damage dealt by 10%
  2. heals HP by 8% of damage dealt
  3. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 2
  4. decreases CC cost by 1
  5. adds the Earth element
  6. heals HP by 12% of damage dealt
(Alpha Tempest)
- Wind 385 5 Slash - 6
??? (★5)
過去と今に揺れる騎士 クロエ (★5)
  1. increases master arte area of effect by 10%
  2. increases Mirrage Gauge gain by 10%
  3. decreases CC cost by 1
  4. increases Mirrage Gauge gain by 10%
  5. increases master arte area of effect by 10%
  6. heals HP to self based on current HP amount on execution
(New Moon Rising)
Stand Up
Dark 385 5 Slash - 5 Last Fencer (★4)
ラストフェンサー (★4)
  • this item is acquired via event shop
  • Upgrades:
  1. enables a chance to inflict Terror
  2. cures the user of Terror
  3. increases chance to inflict status ailments by 2%
  4. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 2
  5. increases effectiveness of inflicted status ailments by 1 stage
  6. increases stagger duration inflicted by 2 seconds after breaking enemy Iron Stance
Majinken Shunga
(Demon Fang Fury)
- - 485
4 Shot - 6 Puchiure Sword (★4)
プチウレスソード (★4)
(Mini-Gelures Sword (★4))
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases damage dealt by 10%
  2. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.1 seconds
  3. increases damage dealt by 10%
  4. increases Mirrage Gauge gain by 10%
  5. increases damage dealt by 10%
  6. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.2 seconds
(Tiger Blade)
Aerial - 520 3 Slash - 7 ??? (★5)
騎士の誇りを胸に クロエ (★5)
  1. enables aerial use
  2. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.1 seconds
  3. increases damage dealt by 10%
  4. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.1 seconds
  5. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.1 seconds
  6. enables linking to a normal attack once per chain
Yougeki no Kamae
Counter Stance - 0 - Slash - 7 Grim Sword L (★4)
グリムソード・L (★4)
  • assumes a stance during which incoming attacks are countered with Kyouma Retsuyougeki
  • Upgrades:
  1. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 2
  2. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.1 seconds
  3. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 2
  4. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.1 seconds
  5. decreases number of hits needed to break enemy Iron Stance by 2
  6. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.2 seconds
Kyouma Retsuyougeki
? - ? 8 - - -

Higi (秘技 - "Master Artes")[]

Arte Name Enabled Effects Elemental Attributes Power Max Hits Casting Time (seconds) CC Cost Requirements
Jin'ei Kuuretsuzan
Stand Up Wind 625 6 - 16
Shoubu Jinpuusen
(Shining Storm Rising)
Stand Up Wind 1055
12 - 15
  • use Jinpuusen as the sixth or later action in a chain
Shuu'u Genshouken
(Sword Rain Phantom)
Stand Up Water 1150
16 - 16
  • use Kirisazame as the sixth or later action in a chain
Koga Kuuretsuzan
(Tiger Tempest)
Stand Up
- 1400
9 - 17

Makyougi (魔鏡技 - "Mirrage Artes")[]

Arte Name Type Enabled Effects Elemental Attributes Power Max Hits MG Cost Mirrage
Jinyoku Shouretsuzan
Reward ? Wind 700 8 100 Isekisen no Kishi
"Knight of the Legacy"
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5%
  2. heals 10% of max HP to self
  3. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.1 seconds
  4. heals 10% of max HP to self
  5. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5%
Kokuyougenbu Zetsuga
Normal Knockdown Dark 1300 17 100 Kako to no Kecchaku
"Settling with the Past"
  • Auto Activation: spend 90 seconds in battle, decreases to 45 seconds at max limit break
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5~8%
  2. heals 10~15% of max HP to self
  3. increases stagger duration inflicted by 0.1~0.15 seconds
  4. heals 10~15% of max HP to self
  5. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5~8%
Giyuu Enjousen
Battle Knockdown
Light 1460
13 130 ???
  • Auto Activation: deal 20,000 points of damage in a combo, decreases to 10,000 at max limit break
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases damage dealt by 10~15%
  2. heals 10~15% of max HP to self
  3. increases damage dealt by 10~15%
  4. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5~8%
  5. increases damage dealt by 10~15%
Keigi Nyuutouzan
Seasonal Knockdown Earth 1105
4 110 Atatakana Shukufuku
  • heals a minor amount of HP
  • Auto Activation: spend 200 CC, decreases to 140 CC at max limit break
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases the amount of healed HP by 10~15%
  2. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5~8%
  3. increases the amount of healed HP by 10~15%
  4. increases damage dealt by 10~15%
  5. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5~8%
Shiden Getsueijin
(New Moon Lightning)
Seasonal P.ATK Up Dark 1060
5 80 Kousoku no Pangeki
  • alters to Shiden Pan'eijin if Chloe has the Bread Blade equipped
  • Auto Activation: defeat 30 enemies, decreases to 18 enemies at max limit break
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases damage dealt by 10~15%
  2. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5~8%
  3. increases the amount of healed HP by 10~15%
  4. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5~8%
  5. fully restores CC on execution
Shiden Pan'eijin
(New Moon Bread)
- P.ATK Up Dark 1060
5 80

Crossover Makyougi (クロスオーバー魔鏡技 - "Crossover Mirrage Artes")[]

Arte Name Enabled Effects Elemental Attributes Power Max Hits Partner MG Cost Mirrage
Hien Soutenkyaku
(Twin Heavenly Swallow)
Knockdown Wind
7 Law 100 ???
  • Auto Activation: combo exceeds 100 hits or more, decreases to 50 hits at max limit break
  • Upgrades:
  1. increases damage dealt by 10~15%
  2. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5~8%
  3. increases damage dealt by 10~15%
  4. increases Mirrage Ratio by 5~8%
  5. increases damage dealt by 10~15%

