Aselia Wiki

Concept arts[]

I've found few concept arts for characters: Ickx Neve and Mileena Weiss.—Kaimi (999,999 CP/5 TP) ∙ 19:32, February 28, 2017 (UTC)

Feel free to upload them.

Arosia (talk) 20:45, February 28, 2017 (UTC)


Since the localization has been confirmed and the game already has a site (here), I suggest moving certain articles to their localized names. I think doing it preemptively won't do any harm to us.—Kaimi (999,999 CP/5 TP) ∙ 19:21, July 3, 2017 (UTC)

We typically wait until release, but I don't mind relaxing that policy on character/world-type pages and terms. I'd still rather wait for official localization before moving artes, because of Destruction Field. Lanate (talk) 01:19, July 4, 2017 (UTC)

Character Anima[]

Is there a reason why we call character Anima files after elements? I haven't seen the game to name character Anima after elements, and I checked the Help files.—Kaimi (999,999 CP/5 TP) ∙ 18:16, August 30, 2017 (UTC)

Isn't that what each of them represents? I've never played the game, so no clue.

Arosia (talk) 02:11, August 31, 2017 (UTC)

While it's true that Anima Orbs (the ones used to upgrade artes) are named after elements, the game doesn't give specific names to character Anima.—Kaimi (999,999 CP/5 TP) ∙ 11:00, August 31, 2017 (UTC)

Sigh. Lanate?

Arosia (talk) 00:53, September 1, 2017 (UTC)

I can't find any mention of what the particular anima types are called, so perhaps change them to colors? Lanate (talk) 05:56, September 1, 2017 (UTC)

Done. We called the universal one "Rainbow", not "All", so I guess colors do fall more in line. Also, I'm just going to say it. Literal translations have gotten out of hand, to the point that some are ridiculously unnecessary. Dunno how you want to address this, but I'm leaving it to you since arte pages are yours. What is wrong with just the best literal translation being used?

Arosia (talk) 08:38, September 1, 2017 (UTC)

It bothers me to see multiple translations, all of which has their correctness being a source of opinion. If we can stick to one, that'd be great, and if the sourced translation changes, the source should be removed as well, otherwise we're doing wrongful citation. Lanate (talk) 01:38, September 5, 2017 (UTC)


Since there will be a new story arc it inevitably means more chapters and events and in my opinion this page is getting rather long. I'd like to suggest to maybe move content relating to the first arc until the new one is released to a subpage. Maybe we could even go with two subpages one for "Main Quest" where chapters for each arc are detailed and the other for "Events" where events for each arc are detailed.—Kaimi (999,999 CP/5 TP) ∙ 16:04, January 3, 2018 (UTC)

I think all questlines could easily be put into subpages, to be honest. Lanate (talk) 04:19, January 4, 2018 (UTC)
Now that I think about it what do you say to "TotR - Main Quests" or "TotR - Chapters" and "TotR - Events"? Wouldn't that be okay? Also, by "all questlines could easily be put into subpages" do you mean every chapter and event should have its own subpage? I think that the fun-run Wiki for TotR does pretty good job with that IMO.—Kaimi (999,999 CP/5 TP) ∙ 17:24, January 4, 2018 (UTC)
The former. Lanate (talk) 21:23, January 4, 2018 (UTC)
The page was getting a little long, so I split it. Lanate (talk) 03:09, January 10, 2018 (UTC)

Playable antagonist characters[]

So here's a tweet regarding antagonists when they join the player party. Might be a good idea to include this information somewhere in this article, I think.—Kaimi (999,999 CP/5 TP) ∙ 18:30, February 27, 2018 (UTC)

Feel free to do so yourself.

Arosia (talk) 00:09, February 28, 2018 (UTC)

Returning Characters[]

I know I'm technically the one who added the returning characters list in the first place, but now it's gotten to the point where it's easier to name the characters not in the game. Plus every character who's ever been playable in past games is practically confirmed at this point unless Rays ends service before they're added. And the developers are teasing things like potentially playable Morrison and Vaclav and bringing back the Mobile series' original casts. Would it be better to condense the list to just the crossover characters or remove it altogether? TimeFactor (talk) 01:26, May 18, 2019 (UTC)

I'm of the opinion that they should be listed somewhere, but they could instead be placed on a subpage, like Tales of the Rays/Returning characters. Lanate (talk) 03:00, May 19, 2019 (UTC)

Japanese Terms[]

Since the Twitter decided to post images with term explanation as part of the preparations before launching the fourth arc I decided to gather terms' Japanese names; please note that there might be errors in Japanese and translated texts:

  • Devil's Airspace (魔の空域 Ma no Kuuiki?) - unlocalized src
  • Spirit Sealstone (精霊の封印地 Seirei no Fuuinchi?, "Spirit Sealplace") - unlocalized src
  • Dana (ダーナ Daana?) - unlocalized src
  • Dana's Heart Core (ダーナの心核 Daana no Shinkaku?) - unlocalized src
  • Dana's Cradle (ダーナの揺り籠 Daana no Yurikago?) - unlocalized src
  • Nieves Family (ネーヴェ家 Neeve-ka?) - localized src
  • Demon Eye (魔眼 Mame?) - unlocalized src
  • Overray (オーバーレイ Oobaarei?) - localized src
  • Pure Crystal Mirror (浄玻璃鏡 Seiharikyou?) - unlocalized src
  • Spirit Gear (精霊装 Seireishou?) - unlocalized src
  • Light Demon (光魔 Kouma?) - unlocalized src
  • Dead Mirrite (死鏡精 Shikyousei?, "Dead Mirror Spirit") - unlocalized src
  • Void (虚無 Kyoumu?, "Nothingness") - unlocalized src
  • Voidstorm (死の砂嵐 Shi no Sunaarashi?, "Dead Sandstorm") - localized? src
  • Nexus (鏡映点 Kyoueiten?, "Reflection Point") - localized src
  • Omega Nexus (特異鏡映点 Tokui Kyoueiten?, "Unique Reflection Point") - localized src
  • Salvation Front (救世軍 Kyuuseigun?, "Salvation Army") - localized src
  • Heimdallr (ケリュケイオン Keryukeion?, "Caduceus") - localized src
  • Living Doll (リビングドール Ribingudooru?) - unlocalized src
  • Anima (アニマ Anima?) - localized src
  • Heart Core (心核 Shinkaku?) - unlocalized src
  • Kaleidoscope (カレイドスコープ Kareidosukoopu?) - localized src
  • Exoflection (具現化 Gugenka?, "Embodiment") - localized src
  • Encoding (エンコード Enkoodo?, "Encode") - unlocalized src
  • Layered Layered Processing (レイヤード・レイヤード処理 Reiyaado Reiyaado Shori?) - unlocalized src
  • Mirrist (鏡士 Kagamishi?) - localized src
  • Mirror Essence (鏡精 Kagashou?) - unlocalized src
  • Mirrage (魔鏡 Makyou?, "Magic Mirror") - localized src
  • Bique (ビクエ Bikue?) - localized src

Kaimi (999,999 CP/5 TP) ∙ 16:28, 22 October 2020 (UTC)
