Aselia Wiki
Appearance Tales of Zestiria
Hometown Elysia
Age 17[1]
Height 5'5" / 165 cm
Race Seraph
Occupation Sub Lord
Weapon Staff
Japanese Voice Actor Ryouta Oosaka
English Voice Actor •Michael Johnston (ToZ)[2]
•Philip Lamont (ToZtX)
Character Designer Mutsumi Inomata

Mikleo (ミクリオ Mikurio?) is the deuteragonist and a Water seraph in Tales of Zestiria. Because he is a seraph, Mikleo is invisible to most humans. He is the childhood best friend of Sorey. He is a calm and composed individual, though has been known to get flustered easily. Alisha Diphda is the first human outside of Sorey that Mikleo has met. His true name is Luzrov Rulay (ルズローシヴ=レレイ Ruzurooshivu Rerei?), meaning "Mikleo the Enforcer".


Mikleo was originally born as a human to Muse and an unknown man. Not long after his birth, the village of Camlann was raided by Hyland soldiers, and Mikleo became separated from his mother. Michael, a former Shepherd and the boy's uncle, attempted to rescue the baby, only to find that he'd been mortally wounded[3]. Enraged, Michael sacrificed his nephew to the hellionized Maotelus in order to place a curse on Heldalf, who had abandoned Camlann in its time of need. In a miracle brought about by Muse's love, Mikleo was reborn as a seraph. When Zenrus, the leader of the Elysia seraphim, arrived to check on Camlann, Muse asked him to take in her son, as she would stay behind to seal away the evil brought about by Maotelus' hellionization. Zenrus took both Mikleo and an orphaned human baby, whom the seraphim would name Sorey, to Elysia, in hopes that they would become both Sub Lord and Shepherd, and bridge the gap between humans and seraphim.

Appearance and Personality[]

Mikleo Status (ToZ)

Status image in Tales of Zestiria.

Mikleo has lavender eyes, and very light blue hair, almost silver, which saturates at the tips of his bangs. He wears a blue shirt and cape with white and gold embellishments. Beneath his bangs, he wears a golden circlet with a green gem in the middle, which matches the one belonging to his mother, Muse. His pants are white, apart from the ends, which are blue. In his future form, he has longer, curlier hair and sports a black undershirt and brown gloves, together with an altered version of his earlier clothing.

Mikleo is analytical and notably calmer than Sorey, thinking things through before taking action, but is quick to aid his friend whenever necessary. He thinks of Sorey as both his rival and his best friend, often competing with him to locate ruins, and frequently engaging in lengthy discussions and debates regarding ancient history, which the two are passionate about. Their other companions observe that Mikleo is much more likely to get fired up if Sorey is involved because of how much he cares for him.

Being both hard working and determined, Mikleo constantly practices to make up for the fact that all of the other seraphim have decades to centuries of experience over him. He has a tendency to be annoyed by Edna's frequent teasing, especially when she calls him "Meebo" (ミボ Mibo?), but will exchange minor insults with her. Mikleo is also talented at preparing food, with his specialty being ice cream. According to Sorey, Mikleo's behavior is due to Zenrus' strict etiquette classes.

Like Sorey, Mikleo's dream is to see a world where both humans and seraphim can coexist.

Fighting Style[]

Mikleo Cut-in (ToZ)

Cut-in image for Tales of Zestiria.

Mikleo is a mid-ranged fighter who wields Water-elemental artes. His weapon is a long staff, which he wields like a quarterstaff rather than a typical magician's wand. A seraph from Elysia confirms that he took up the weapon in response to Sorey's larger build so he could have a longer reach, though Mikleo denies this when both Alisha and Dezel guess. Edna comments that, for seraphic artes, a weapon of the seraph's subordinate element aids them. Mikleo's staff, however, is of the Earth element, which the Water element is subordinate to. Normally, this choice means that his weapon should hamper him, but Edna says that it could also be seen as training due to the increased difficulty.

His martial artes often involve lobbing blasts of water or ice at a target from a slight distance as well as spinning physical strikes with his staff, while his seraphic artes utilize water in all forms, and his healing artes specialize in high powered, single-target heals. As part of the game's pre-order bonuses, Mikleo can acquire the mystic arte, Final Player, which originates from Tales of Destiny 2 and is associated with Loni Dunamis.

Other Appearances[]

Tales of Asteria[]

Destiny of the Twin Stars[]
Mikleo Arc 6 (ToAsteria)

Adult Mikleo in Tales of Asteria.

In a Fractured Dimension, the seraphim inexplicably became visible to humans, and war breaks out when humans blame the seraphim for a series of disasters coinciding with their appearance. Sorey becomes affected by a mysterious black mist, and Mikleo seals him away at Sorey's request. Mikleo then seeks a cure for Sorey's affliction, but gradually loses hope, especially when the seal breaks and Sorey escapes, becoming the new Lord of Calamity intent on killing all humans to save the seraphim. Having no solution to Sorey's corruption, Mikleo resolves to kill Sorey as a mercy.[4]

Tales of the Rays[]

Mikleo is a playable character in Tales of the Rays, and can be unlocked by completing the Sweetopia Ruins & Cake of the Gods event, or by obtaining one of his Mirrage Artes or Master Artes. Mikleo armatizes with Sorey in the latter's Overray Mirrage.

Tales of Crestoria[]

Mikleo appears as a playable character in Tales of Crestoria, and can be unlocked by obtaining either of his SSR Stones. He is a seraph traveling with Sorey.

The Present of Her Dreams[]

Mikleo accompanies Sorey while his friend attempts to deliver presents to the children of the region, as part of Port Sparking's Christmas tradition. While originally a group effort, Sorey was the only volunteer who did not suffer food poisoning, resulting in him taking on more than he can handle. After colliding with Kanata Hjuger, Sorey explains his situation to the transgressors, who then volunteer to aid in the delivery.

On the road outside the city, Mikleo reproaches Sorey for so easily trusting strangers, as well as forgetting that others cannot see him as Sorey can, as Sorey mistakenly referenced the seraph in front of the transgressors. Sorey considers the situation of the seraphim, reminiscing on Gramps' teachings of how some seraphim who have entered the human world have since been able to live everyday lives, though Mikleo remains invisible.

The pair come across Leon Magnus and Stahn Aileron, who are arguing on the road. Sorey attempts to break up their fight, only to realize that Leon and Stahn are able to see Mikleo, and that Sorey and Mikleo are able to see the true form of Stahn, who has been turned into a Swordian. Mikleo hypothesizes that Leon's resonance may be temporarily heightened due to traveling with Stahn, who has become a being similar to a spirit, and that Sorey's naturally high resonance is allowing him to see Stahn for who he is. Mikleo also considers that Christmas may be a factor, as the resonance in the area feels unusually high.

Stahn explains the reason for his and Leon's arguing; Stahn wants to return home to throw their little sister, Lilith Aileron, a Christmas party like they do every year, however Leon refuses due to the state that Stahn is in. Eventually, Stahn is able to convince Leon to not only visit Lilith, but to help Sorey in his delivery duties. Sorey hands the duo Santa costumes for the occasion, saying that dressing up is in the rules and that he and Mikleo will be in costume as well, despite Mikleo's protests as he cannot be seen anyway.

Sorey and Mikleo arrive in Stahn's hometown later that night, and, using a technique that seraphim use to communicate with humans, Sorey is able to let Stahn speak with his sleeping sister. The next morning, Sorey and Mikleo part ways with Leon and Stahn and return to their training.


Main article: Mikleo/Gallery


  • It is shown multiple times that Mikleo has a fear of dogs.
  • Despite being a Water seraph, Mikleo cannot swim, a trend that has been shown in Tales of HR, and Tales of Crestoria.
  • In his cut-in image, Mikleo uses the Ancient Staff, which appears as his default weapon in his crossover appearances.
    • As an adult, Mikleo uses a different staff.

Notes and References[]

  1. Perfect Guide translations: The Beginning of Calamity Mikleo's age is not explicitly stated, but an official timeline places an event that coincides with Mikleo's rebirth as a seraph at seventeen years prior to the game.
  2. Christopher Niosi (Kirbopher15). (2015-10-20). A Tale about Zestiria - Kirblog 10/20/15
  3. Perfect Guide Translation Fates Tied to the Shepherd
  4. Tales of Asteria Chapter 6 Translation by mallowkey

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