What Is PLR?

PLR is short for Private Label Rights.

PLR content consists of eBooks, articles, software, audio and video courses, graphics, and other items that you can resell as your own.

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As the name implies, PLR gives you full private label rights to use this content without any limitations – including rebranding.  

This type of content is valuable for digital marketers, bloggers, and influencers who can use it to generate leads or sell as standalone products.

In fact, PLR marketing tools and products are used by some of the most successful digital marketers in the world.

Table Of Contents

What Can I Do With PLR Content?

Many digital marketers believe that a PLR product is just an eBook that you can resell.

It is. But PLR content, including eBooks, can be used for so much more. In fact, it can literally redefine your online business and drive growth in ways that you’ve never thought of before.

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22 Ways To Use PLR Content In Your Business

  1. As Website Content: Using PLR content is a huge timesaver for anyone who needs content for a website. Long PLR content can be split into hub-related website content.
  2. For Your Blog: The same principle that applies to websites, works here too. If you are short on expertise, PLR content can help you round out your blog.
  3. Social Media Content: Use PLR content on social media platforms that link back to your website properties. This creates easy traffic for very little work.
  4. As Lead Magnets: Give away PLR content such as an ebook, report, or whitepaper in exchange for email addresses to build your list.
  5. Free Downloads: Use your PLR as a free giveaway, premium, or bonus in your promotions. People love free stuff so give them some without doing the work.
  6. Auto Responders: Split up PLR articles or reports to create autoresponder content.
  7. Create Mini-Courses: Use these courses to demonstrate your expertise or as an incentive to join your mailing list. Your mini-course can also be used to link back to your products, services, and affiliate offers.
  8. Business Development: PLR is perfect for research and product development. The work is done for you. All you need to do is apply your own product look and feel and you become the expert.
  9. Guest Posting: Rewrite PLR content using your own style then offer it for guest posts on well-traveled blogs in your niche. This creates valuable backlinks, drives traffic, and promotes you as an authority in your niche.
  10. On Your Sales Pages: Stuck for a sales page for a product or home study course? You can use PLR products sales copy as a basis for your own sales copy. Most sales copy PLR is written by professionals so using these pages can be advantageous to build on.
  11. Branding Reports: One of the most common mistakes when using PLR material is not branding the content as your own. Make sure you add your own links, contact details, logos, graphics, and branding.
  12. Niche Websites: A great way to become an authority in your niche building a niche site around PLR content that leads back to your money website.
  13. Workshops And Webinars: Use PLR content to put together a webinar or workshop. You can use PLR material to help you fill in the gaps in your subject knowledge.
  14. Affiliate Marketing: PLR content is extremely valuable for selling affiliate products or promoting your affiliate links.
  15. Home Study Courses: There is a ton of money being made right now in downloadable home study courses. You can use PLR content to package a nice profitable home study course. This likely will require a sales page and additional work, but the profit will far outweigh the creation expenses.
  16. Training Guides: Offer training on your websites, social media pages, and blogs, to become an authority in your niche. PLR content can help you complete your content in these guides.
  17. Online Training Courses: Similar to webinars, but you don’t need to be live to deliver this option. By adding more content to an already robust package, they can sell for 10x more than conventional reports and eBooks.
  18. Create a Membership Site: Creating a membership site is easy using niche-specific PLR content. You can create a monthly subscription membership site using only PLR material.
  19. Create Multiple Language PLRs: Many new opportunities will open up for you if you convert your PLR content into other languages.
  20. Build A Niche Package: Niche packages are several PLR packages rolled into one large PLR package to create more value.
  21. Create Physical Products: Turn your PLR content into physical products. You can convert reports to physical books or make audio disks.
  22. Use PLR Material As A Research Tool: PLR information can save you time when researching a niche topic. 
  23. Sell It Straight Up: So obvious that I listed this last. Make some money by selling PLR content directly.

Where To Get PLR Content

IDPLR is my first choice for money-generating PLR content.

They have more than 12,590 high-quality PLR products for you to choose from.

They have a ton of great products including:

  • 200,000+ Articles
  • 6,315+ eBooks
  • 1,707+ Videos
  • 604+ Graphics
  • 260+ Audios
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What Is PLR Conclusion

PLR content acts as a time-saving tool that can increase your bottom line profits without putting a lot of extra time and effort to generate it.

Smart marketers use PLR material in their online business in creative ways to maximize their ROI.  

Disclosure: The operator of this website is a 3rd party marketer with a material connection to product and service providers appearing on this site in that we are compensated for sales made through our affiliate links. If you have any questions please contact us.