The goal of this website is twofold:

  1. Keeping you up to speed on the most effective tools and strategies that are working today to help you maximize your affiliate conversions & earnings and increase your overall efficiency
  2. Helping you understand as much as you can about the environment where affiliate marketing takes place – the internet. Yes that wonderful mercurial place that evolves at lightning speed

As an internet entrepreneur, it’s critical to be juiced in to the constant changes that are occurring in our marketplace. If you’re not up to date you’ll simply be dusted by those of us who are. New affiliate tools will continue to be added to this site on a daily basis. Please bookmark this page and come back often to stay ahead of your competition.

It’s our goal here to help you understand what’s working today in affiliate marketing, what’s no longer working and where we are heading in the future. Here are just a few of the many factors that will determine our course:

  • Changing search engine algorithms
  • Emerging technologies
  • Net Neutrality
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Changes in social media platform rules
  • Online privacy
  • Augment reality integration
  • Big data
  • Conversational user interfaces
  • New digital platforms
  • The continued evolution of mobile
  • Data analysis
  • Contextual targeting strategies
  • Bot technologies
  • The changing online customer experience
  • Ad blocking changes
  • Native advertising evolution

This is far from a complete list and new factors are emerging on a near daily basis in this rapidly evolving business.

What makes affiliate marketing such a lucrative business model is the availability of automation tools that allow us to leverage and scale our businesses without having to do more work or hire in-house subordinates. In fact, most of the super-affiliates I personally know have scaled back their hours as their income has skyrocketed. They’re able to accomplish this by outsourcing many of the tasks they use to do themselves and through the use of the best affiliate marketing tools – which this site is all about.