Mohit Bhargav
Mohit Bhargav
Hi, I’m Mohit Bhargav, founder of Accurate Blogger. It’s great to be finally here. If you want to start your own blogging business, which involves affiliate marketing, email marketing, and other passive income sources, but you do not know where to start, this page is for you.
I strongly believe in creating an easy and interesting learning environment, where everyone who wants to fly can set their own standard and achieve the best possible results. That’s what I’m all about, and that’s what Accurate Blogger is all about.

The Ab Definition

What Does Blogging Actually Mean?

In simple term, blogging is all about you, your dreams and your passion. It’s a platform that allows you to showcase your knowledge, experience, and skills, and find an audience that is looking for someone like you to assist, inform and educate them.

Are you curious about blogging and want to make it your best living career option?? If your answer is yes, then, first of all, A Big Congratulation!

Accurate Blogger is the one-stop destination for everyone who wants to learn profitable blogging, affiliate marketing, email marketing, and all other passive income sources. At Accurate Blogger, you’ll get smart, actionable and proven strategies to accelerate your online business’s growth.

You would be surprised to know that in 2020, there’s too much competition in the online industry and it’s continually increasing day by day.

If you want to stick on this, you need to work on some robust strategies which will work for you all the time. Don’t worry; I am always here to help you with this.

Who is Mohit Bhargav?

And How Does I Know About This Stuff?

Hey, Mohit Bhargav here, A professional blogger, android app developer and digital marketer from Yamunanagar, India. I have recently launched this blog called Accurate Blogger in March 2020.

I’m a postgraduate in business management from SCDL, Pune, India. After completing my post-graduation, I worked for different sales and marketing sector, including Banking, Stock-Broking, and Insurance. I was thriving in my career and had no plans to leave it—but there are some parts of life we can’t control in any way.

Here I am going to share the bitter truth of my life. I never satisfied with my 9 to 5 jobs, just because the learning and earning potentials were minimal.

But suddenly, the downturn in the situations hit my career hard. In 2014, circumstances became such that I had to leave my job.

Now there were only a few questions left on my mind. What about my future? What about the dreams of my family? But with the support of my family and friends I got my all answers in one word, why shouldn’t work for myself? and then finally, I came to know about passive income sources and started working as an Android Application Developer as well as started learning other sources of passive income.

How 'Accurate Blogger' Begins

A Little Story About A Big Dream

The real power I had found during that time was that I could take control of my future. An online business built around passive income allowed me to spend more time with family and friends.

I got all the passion and motivation to start Accurate Blogger after seeing the success of some of the leading blogs in blogging and make money online niches like SmartBloggerProBloggerShoutMeLoud and SmartPassiveIncome.

When I started researching online business in 2014, my goal was simple and specific: learn all the technical aspects in a logical way that would be beneficial for me as well as all of you.

Since then, it has become remarkably easy to find information on the internet and start an online business, but what has become more difficult now is to find ethical information that adequately tested.

Accurate Blogger is here to provide you with the appropriate A to Z knowledge regarding the blog, affiliate marketing, and all other passive income sources, where you can start earning passive income and also build a full-time career.

How to generate passive income?

How Can This Blog help You

I feel that every day is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yes, everything is beautiful.

The main objective of Accurate Blogger is to help everyone to generate passive income from their blogs and other online sources. Making money with blogs is not easy and needs proper guidance to fly.

If you haven’t started an online blogging business yet, don’t worry, you’re not alone, and it’s not too late. Spend some time exploring this website, as well as the other bloggers’ site and try to learn something new every day.

Here, I will always try my best to help you with all possible sources so that you can reach your goals quickly.

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