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20+ More Bloggers to Watch: The Readers’ Choice

It’s been nearly a month since Bloggers to Watch in 2013 was published. We had a fantastic response, including some compelling recommendations via the comments section and around the web.


Image courtesy stock.xchng user saavem

This post presents all the bloggers that people have highlighted over the past few weeks.

Mark Richards

If you want to read a genuinely very funny Dad blogger then you can’t beat Mark Richards.  The blog has only been live for about three months but it is fast getting a strong following in the UK. It’s a mix of current posts (Mark’s kids are all teenagers now) and flashbacks to when they were younger and the only thing he had to worry about was whether they’d eat their carrots. Highly recommended to all parents.

via Charlie Plunkett

Matthew Woodward

Jacob King loved Matthew Woodward.  He said:

Guy is a beast. Teaching so much about link building some of his stuff I don’t even want to share.

What do you guys think? Have you ever come across a blog so good that you wanted to keep it a secret?

Tsh Oxenrider

I’d also include Tsh Oxenrider of Simple Mom. She’s been around a while, but I’m always eager to see where she goes next.

from Tara Ziegmont

Wellness Mama

One blogger I really enjoy is Katie from Wellness Mama. She’s a health and nutrition blogger, but does a great job of getting readers involved with her posts.

via Shea

Christopher Foster

“An older blogger who is an accomplished and wise writer. He blogs regularly at The Happy Seeker. I highly recommend checking him out!”

via Dave Rowley

Bianca Jade

She’s a fitness fashion trend expert and women’s active lifestyle blogger. Bianca is the creator of where people can find fitness fashion and health & wellness news. She’s truly inspirational and empowers women to work out, feel sexy and how to live an active, and strong life.

via Emily

More suggestions

Alison Elissa Horner had some great suggestions:

I really like Brooke Castillo’s blog. She doesn’t post super regularly, but her simple, direct posts remind me of this quote.

“In a room where
people unanimously maintain
a conspiracy of silence,
one word of truth
sounds like a pistol shot.” -Czeslaw Milosz

I’m also a fan of Jenny Shih’s blog.  She has thoughtful posts and tips for being an entrepreneur. She’s an excellent teacher because she walks you through new ideas step by step.

Mara made the following recommendation:

Three women, including myself, were asked to speak as we’ve each had great success in less than two years. We’d love for you to check us out:

Therese from the Unlost had a couple of interesting ideas:

She highlighted her move-lah concept has an idea to encourage people to take action: “All my products are payable– in full or in part– with “Move-lah,” the world’s newest form of currency, which is designed to help people move and take action on the concepts they’re learning.”

She also recommended Nicole Antoinette as a “smart, witty, and, well, funny” blogger.

Eden Riley, one of this year’s bloggers to watch, recommended we keep an eye on Karen. She said that the blog was:

one of the best and beautiful blogs ever, written by buddhist monk and mother Karen Maezen Miller. Run to her words—I did.

R Siemienowicz recommended that we check out…

…the visual diary of photographer, illustrator and author Garance Doré. He said she has “the best and most genuinely arresting voice among #fashion bloggers.”

I recommend you read her recent article where she explains the philosphy behind her blog.

More lists

There were also three useful blog posts curating interesting bloggers:

Over to you

No list post can ever cover all niches and communities. Bloggers vary widely in age, race, and gender. Having said that, there were two types of bloggers that people sought recommendations of:

  • examples of Asian bloggers
  • bloggers aged over 60.

Do you know of any interesting bloggers in the above demographics? Or do you know of a niche/community that you feel isn’t represented enough in the wider blogging community?

Let me know in the comments. It will help shape the type of bloggers that I feature here throughout this year.

About Jade Craven
Jade Craven is a regular Problogger contributor. She wrote the Bloggers To Watch column for four years and currently manages the DPS Pinterest boards. She writes about bloggers doing amazing things at her new project, Bloggers To Watch.
  1. Rick Healey says: 02/16/2013 at 12:28 am

    Your Blogs To Bookmark link at the end of this post is a broken link.

  2. Thanks for the quick round up! Now its time to make a good relation with these people :)

    Thanks again!

  3. very nice post!!! thanks for giving such nice collection of blog we want us..
    and last links are broken..

  4. Great list of bloggers to follow. Been adding more and more to my rss feed to stay up to date on what they our published. Just curious too, what two would you pick if you had to follow them? I know as well that could depend on your niche.

    • I honestly don’t know. These are the readers recommendations, so I don’t know the blogs intimately enough to make a proper recommendation.

      I’d recommend that you clink on the links and briefly check out the blogs. Read a couple of posts and check out the design. See if there are any techniques they are using that you’d like to emulate. That way you can learn from them, but don’t have to follow a blog that doesn’t interest you.

    • Did I manage to get a subscription ^^

  5. Hello Jade,
    Oh yes I read a couple of post on Mark Richard’s blog. He is a real entertainer. I know of Tech in Asia. It is a blog but more of a website about technology news. And maybe you might want to check Beijing Cream, I read it sometimes. Not bad at all.

  6. One thing to remember about “bloggers over 60” is that they are not as comment chatty as the younger generation. Many don’t have typing skills that make it conducive to writing long comments. They also don’t get caught up in the drama, so they save their breath. I love my older readers. They are very wise and offer wonderful advice. I think I’m an old soul anyways. LOL

  7. Excellent list. I am enjoying the posts of Matthew woodward now :)

  8. Do I qualify as Asian blogger, if I’m from India and live in the US?

    My niche is Higher Education targeted towards International students studying and planning to study in USA.

  9. A bit of self-promotion here but I’m a Vietnamese college student with a blog that I think has genuinely good content. Too bad I don’t hit that over 60 mark too or I’d be golden for this!

  10. Nice list Jade of bloggers to watch out for. Hopefully Scopegater will be there one of these fine days.

  11. Thank you kindly for the mention =D

    Happy to answer any questions on this post!

  12. I highly recommend Alden Tan, a young blogger on an interesting journey. Although young enough to be my son, he gives me a lot of insight into today’s youth and from an international perspective.

  13. Thanks for the list of up-and-coming blogs. It’s always fun to explore the variety of blogs out there. Maybe someday I’ll make the list. Better yet, the NY Times Bestseller’s List. Keep up the good work.

  14. Regarding blogs by people over 60, I am in the process of launching one. There’s not much there yet, but I have high hopes. I am struggling a little bit with WordPress. The “Press This” function doesn’t seem to work for me, so I haven’t been able to develop content around other information I find on the internet. But I’m determined to see this through. I am 68, BTW. ProBlogger has been a major resource and inspiration for me. Thanks for that.

  15. Hey Jade, love you new roundup. Thanks for including my recommendations!


  16. I fit the over 60 category. Retired and trying to keep my brain active while observing and experiencing this aging process with all the other baby boomers. Writing the blog from my personal persepctive and knowledge base. Am still figuring it out (the blog and the aging process), and I’m enjoying the jouney. Love that I’ve found so many others in my age group who are blogging with passion. I’ll be checking out your list to add to my favorites.

  17. Thanks for the mention!

  18. I recommend Logan Lo’s blog “On (or close to) Schedule” at for the Asian blogger category. He’s been blogging regularly for years and his posts are thoughtful and witty takes on relationships, the New York City scene, and life in general.

  19. Awesome list, already added some of them to my RSS reader :-) Guess I’m addicted!

  20. WOOW Big thanks for you and the site about fitness was VERY helpful for me. thanks for your effort to put that info for us.

  21. Hi Jade,

    I noticed Tom Ewer on your other post and he is a blogger to watch out for this year!

    This second list is fine too.

    Thanks for putting it together. :)

    Maybe my blog will be included in one of your lists.

    You never know. :)

  22. An interesting list of bloggers. Can you share with us what is the criteria for choosing these bloggers as the ones to watch out for this year? Appreciate the effort.

  23. I’m not sure if I count, but I am half Korean and I blog! Also my sister blogs as well.

    My site is about my life and personal finance and the link is I also talk a lot about financial freedom from my $38,000 of student loan debt and making extra money from my side hustles.

    My sister’s site is It’s all about being fit (she has lost a lot of weight and is an inspiration) and I’m trying to teach her about being more personal finance savvy, so she will be posting about that too as she learns.

  24. A couple of weeks ago, I also wrote a post on the “Top 10 bloggers to watch in 2013”. Would love to see my post mentioned here, Darren.

  25. Excellent. It’s always good to check more bloggers out!

  26. Hi Jade,

    Nice list of the bloggers to look out for. I am from a tiny Country in Asia called Singapore (I am sure not many people know this little red dot country in the overall map ;-)).

    I am a parttime blogger and focusing on a few niche but would like to shamelessly share one of my preferred blog (focusing on inspiration and motivational stuff) here…

    Cheers and let’s Inspire It Forward!

  27. Thanks for the great information! I am already subscribed to some of them but I didn’t know there are lot more interesting bloggers out there. Thanks!

  28. The list is pretty impressive. I’ve checked each and every blog.

    I like the first one Mark Richards – the better dad I can be.

    This is awesome I think one should check out this blog.

  29. Thanks for sharing this awesome list, I love checking out new blogs I haven’t visited. The one I’ve seen before is Modern Parents, Messy Kids, love the name – very unique. Quite a round list too.

  30. Wow… what a list!! I hope someday I can be one of these famous bloggers!!
    I am working on it! But for now, I think is good to know good writers and get inspired!
    Thanks for the list!!

  31. Thanks for sharing Jade,

    I would add to the list the #IBCT – International Blogger Championship Tournament.

    Problogger was nominated for the second year in a row.

    The #IBCT is all about learning from the best bloggers on earth.

  32. Here is a blogger who is older than the normal but has a wonderful blog about marketing I have been following them for months

  33. and me, and me! what about me?! ;)

    Thanks for sharing, it is great list!

  34. I have been blogging since a couple of years now, and it is amazing how easy it is to miss out on such wonderful bloggers. It is the sheer number of blogs that makes one go dizzy. I will surely visit each one and follow them around and stalk them until i befriend them :-) Thanks for the share.

  35. A blog for the category Asian bloggers:

  36. Love Wellness Mama… much great information without a bunch of hype.

  37. How about a category for blogs that you want to hear MORE from. It might spur those to continue to write. I deployed in 08/09 with the best intention of continuing my blog after I returned from Afghanistan, but my civilian career, and life, just caught back up to me. So how about a category for – coulda’ been a contenda’ ?

  38. So many blogs, so little time! I typically only follow blogs of a certain niche for the sake of learning for my career but I might follow some of these to learn something about good blogging.

  39. Great post.

    I always wanted to know how these posts were established. Is it based off of popularity or opinion?

    Would you agree that blog commenting may serve as a way to be recognized?


    • Most of them came from the comments section. Every year, people ask how they can get on the list. The best way is to give an honest comment talking about the reasons why their blog is worth watching. It’s a lot better then saying “maybe next year you’ll include me”

      During the research phase, I need to know quickly what makes a blogger unique. Giving this information puts it in your favour

  40. OK, Is it all right if I nominate myself? I’m definitely over sixty, must I tell you how old I am? Doest being a grandmother help you in the age thing?

    I’m an artist, that decided I wanted to reach out to the world. So I started blogging, not knowing where it would take me. My blog is at

    I blog about my experience hanging out with a pack of wolves, how I became a actress in commercials, why I wear red lipstick so no one will notice the scars on my face from basel cell cancer surgery, how my husband was honored by the Los Angeles Police Department’s Shootin’ Newton Division, best recipe in the world for potato pancakes, how to eat pie when you have a flat tire, and more. My blog is only a few months old. I’m an old lady newbie.

  41. I’ve been looking for a good comprehensive list. I’m new to blogging and will definitely benefit from following these, thanks.

  42. I’d love to see a follow-up post at the end of the year to see which bloggers stick with it. Showing up and producing valuable content on a consistent basis is not an easy thing to do . If it was everyone would be doing it. As Seth Godin says: “A successful blog is not launched. It is built.”

    • I’ve written the yearly roundup for 4 years and it’s very interesting to see which bloggers are still around. So many people in the 2010 and 2011 editions just stopped blogging, which is why I don’t really feature marketing blogs anymore.

      I consider those early lists to be an embarrassment for that reason.

  43. It is wonderful to see recommendations of blogs not focused on blogging/SEO/social/marketing etc… Of course, we need those blogs too (love the info at problogger!). This list is inspiring, entertaining and opened my eyes to topics I might not have found on my own.

  44. Being featured always is a bonus for any blogger from any business or niche. It adds to the quality of blogs in general. ProBlogger is one of the resources I turn to for some good, heavy duty advice on blogging questions. Heck I ‘steal’ a subject once in a while – if it;s really good…

  45. Congratulations to all who were chosen to be in the list.

  46. I would love to see the 40+ community featured more! To get you started finding fabulous 40+ women bloggers over 40, I created a 40+ community page which can be found at:

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