30th Nov2022

‘Freeze’ Review

by Jim Morazzini

Stars: Rory Wilton, Johnny Vivash, Jake Watkins, David Lenik, Ricardo Freitas, Beatrice Barrilà | Written and Directed by Charlie Steeds Freeze, the new film from writer/director Charlie Steeds (The Barge People, The Haunting of the Tower of London) tells of the good ship Innsmouth, it’s Captain Mortimer (Rory Wilton; An English Haunting, Sacrilege) and a […]

29th Nov2022

‘Demonic Plastic Surgeon M.D.’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Danielle Scott, Aimee Marie Higham, Sofia Lacey, Chrissie Wunna, Jo Barker, Ricardo Freitas, Alessia Pontiero, Stephen Staley | Written by Scott Jeffrey | Directed by Louisa Warren Doctor Carver 2, Conjuring the Plastic Surgeon 2, Demonic Plastic Surgeon M.D., can we make our mind up just what this film is actually called please? Yes, […]

29th Mar2022

‘Jurassic Island’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Sarah T. Cohen, Tony Goodall, Nicola Wright, Alistair Stoneman, Jamila Wingett, Ray Whelan, Ricardo Freitas | Written by Dominic Ellis, Tom Joliffe | Directed by Dominic Ellis What a shocker, another Scott Jeffrey produced horror getting reviewed on Nerdly… I think we must have reviewed at least 80% of Jeffrey’s output across the handful […]

25th Jan2022

‘Werewolf Castle’ DVD Review

by Jim Morazzini

Stars: Reece Connolly, Peter Lofsgard, Greg Draven, Derek Nelson, Tim Cartwright, Jay O’Connell, Ricardo Freitas, Emma Spurgin Hussey | Written and Directed by Charlie Steeds We’re not five minutes into Charlie Steeds’ (Cannibal Farm, An English Haunting) new film, Werewolf Castle when he unleashes Wolfstan (Reece Connolly; A Werewolf in England) and his horde of […]

28th Oct2021

‘Doctor Carver’ VOD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Chelsea Greenwood, Zuza Tehanu, Mia Blackman, Ricardo Freitas, Sofia Lacey, Julia Quayle, Andrea Richardson, Danielle Scott, Amanda-Jade Tyler, Tom Jeffrey, Shawn C. Phillips | Written by Louisa Warren, Shannon Holiday | Directed by Louisa Warren Doctor Carver, Conjuring the Plastic Surgeon, Conjuring the Demon Surgeon… it seems no-one can decide on a title for […]

28th Oct2021

‘The Mutation’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Ricardo Freitas, Amanda-Jade Tyler, Abi Casson Thompson, James Robertson, Megan Purvis, Sarah T Cohen, Derek Nelson, Andrew Rolfe, Allis Smith, Zoe Purdy, Jodie Bennet, Kathi DeCouto, Brendan Jones | Written and Directed by Scott Jeffrey The Mutation follows the aftermath of a deadly experiment on a rat which goes horribly wrong… The scientist behind […]

16th Jul2021

‘Bats’ VOD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Megan Purvis, Georgia Conlan, Amanda-Jade Tyler, Ricardo Freitas, Kate Sandison, Venetia Cook, Marek Lichtenberg, Nicole Nabi, Mat Sibal, Ellis Tustin | Written by Scott Jeffrey | Directed by Scott Jeffrey, Rebecca Matthews What’s that? ANOTHER Scott Jeffrey film getting reviewed on Nerdly… anyone would think we’re fanboys over here! Well, to be fair, I […]

15th Jul2021

‘Hatched’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Megan Purvis, Nicola Wright, Amanda-Jade Tyler, Derek Nelson, Georgie Banks, Nicole Nabi, Thomas Loone, Marshall Hawkes, Richard Kovacs, Ricardo Freitas, David Castleford | Written by Scott Jeffrey, Craig McLearie | Directed by Scott Jeffrey, Rebecca Matthews The second dinosaur-themed movie from producer/director Scott Jeffrey in the space of two weeks (the first being Dinosaur […]

24th May2021

‘Tooth Fairy: The Last Extraction’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Andrew Rolfe, Annie Knox, Jo Barker, Evangelina Burton, Rob Drake, Ricardo Freitas, Lee Hancock, Lewis Hudson, Anthony Howes, Lucinda Nicole | Written by Tom Jolliffe | Directed by Louisa Warren Ah the laws of diminishing returns… Tooth Fairy: The Last Extraction is the second sequel the less-than-stellar original film, which was pretty bad – […]

11th Feb2021

‘Hellkat’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Sarah T. Cohen, Ryan Davies, Adrian Bouchet, Abi Casson Thompson, Frances Katz, Ricardo Freitas, Vaani K Sharma, Michael Hoad, Serhat Metin, Harvey McDonald | Written by Michele Pacitti | Directed by Scott Jeffery, Rebecca Matthews We’ve covered quite a few films from UK production outfit Proportion Productions, who have become almost factory-like in their […]
