28th Jul2013

‘Halloween III’ Blu-ray Review [Scream Factory]

by Nathan Smith

Stars: Tom Atkins, Stacey Nelkin, Dan O’Herlihy | Written by Tommy Lee Wallace, Nigel Kneale | Directed by Tommy Lee Wallace I really hate the bad rap that Halloween III gets. I mean, it’s a stinker reputation. People are either supremely dismissive or they appreciate it for what it is – a completely underrated film […]

18th May2013

‘The Stone Tape’ Review

by Mark Allen

Stars: Jane Asher, Michael Bryant, Ian Cuthbertson, Michael Bates, Reginald Marsh, Tom Chadbon, John Forgeham, Philip Trewinnard, James Cosmo | Written by Nigel Kneale | Directed by Peter Sasdy  I’ve never been a huge fan of ghost stories, largely because most of them feel (if you’ll excuse the pun) insubstantial and are more often than not resolved cheaply and […]
