30th Sep2022

What Big TV Events Have Been The Most Popular?

by James Smith

Television has long since been a staple part of our everyday lives and as such TV broadcast companies are well used to the fact that they need to battle it out in order to get audience ratings. Whilst everyone knows that TV audience numbers are super important you might be surprised to learn just how popular some TV events have been. Online slots provider Betway recently put together some interesting stats on TV events and how many people watched them; you might be surprised to see what events come out top of the list.

Live 8

When you consider that Live 8 was 10 concerts taking place at the same time across 10 cities, it really is no surprise that it commanded just large viewing figures. However, what people may not have predicted at the time is that it would actually attract the biggest television audience of all time. It is thought that 31% of the population watched the concerts take place, which is a figure impressive enough all on its own. However, when you realise that 31% equates to 2 billion people, it’s a figure that’s really hard to get your head around. It raised awareness of global poverty and is thought to have encouraged up to an extra $50bn from world leaders following the event.

Live Aid

Live 8 may have been impressive, but the original event that took place 20 years before this didn’t do badly either. Live Aid took place in 1985 at both Wembley Stadium and John F Kennedy – in fact, Phil Collins managed to time his performances so he could fly between the two cities and be at both. The concert had a large percentage of the population watch – with 39% of the world’s population catching the show. This meant that 1.9 billion people watched the likes of Queen give breath-taking performances whilst raising much-needed funds for the relief of the Ethiopian famine.

Harry and Meghan Get Married

It might not have been such a charitable event, but when Prince Harry and Meghan tied the knot it was an event that people all over the world were interested in. They got married at Windsor Castle in front of 6000 people but is the TV audience that tuned in that is really impressive. Not only did nearly 30 million people watch from the USA (it was the middle of the night there so truly impressive) but in total 1.9 billion people across the world watched.

Barak Gets Inaugurated

Barak Obama getting sworn in as the first-ever black President of the United States was always going to be an event that gained attention. It is estimated that 1 in 14 people on the planet tuned in to watch the event live – an impressive 1 billion people. Without a doubt, it was a life-changing event for many people, which is why it may come as no surprise to read that 14% of the world’s population tuned in to watch it happen.


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