30th Sep2022

‘Impact Wrestling’ Review (Sep 29th 2022)

by Phil Wheat

Welcome to this week’s review of Impact Wrestling, which this week opens with a Before the Impact match that saw Yuya Uemura defeat Jason Hotch! Let’s get into the review…

Match #1: Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) def. Trey Miguel & Laredo Kid

The following is courtesy of impactwrestling.com:

The young guns of the Bullet Club look to continue their momentum against the team of Trey Miguel and Laredo Kid. Austin gets sent to the outside but just as Kid is about to fly, Bey cuts him off. Austin capitalizes off the distraction with a back suplex. Bey hits a double foot stomp to the back of Kid for two. Kid creates separation with a Hurricanrana to Bey, then makes the tag to Miguel. The pace quickens as Miguel explodes into the match with a flurry of offense. Bey gets two for one as he takes out both of his opponents with a flatliner neckbreaker combo. Austin almost puts Kid away with a springboard kick. Bey attempts The Art of Finesse on Kid but Miguel saves his partner. Kid dives through the ropes, taking out Austin on the floor. Kid and Miguel hit a springboard sunset flip powerbomb on Bey but it’s not enough. Kid gets dumped to the outside as Miguel gets caught with The Art of Finesse, followed by The Fold for three.

My Score: 4 out of 5

Match #2: Digital Media Championship – Brian Myers def. Crazzy Steve

The following is courtesy of impactwrestling.com:

Brian Myers puts the Digital Media Title on the line against the unpredictable Crazzy Steve! It doesn’t take long before Steve tries to bite Myers. Luckily for Myers, he quickly counters and hangs up Steve on the top rope. Steve builds momentum with a series of strikes, followed by a cannonball in the corner. Myers hits an Enzuigiri, then connects with the Implant DDT for two. Steve successfully bites Myers and does some serious damage with the Upside Down. Myers distracts the referee, allowing him to deliver a thumb to the eye of Steve. Myers follows up with the Roster Cut clothesline to win.

My Score: 2.5 out of 5

Match #3: Black Taurus def. Delirious

The following is courtesy of impactwrestling.com:

Black Taurus locks horns with Ring of Honor standout Delirious! The bell rings and Delirious charges towards Taurus with a burst of speed. Taurus takes him of his feet with a shoulder tackle, followed by a powerslam moments later. Delirious hits the ropes and continuously changes direction to keep Taurus guessing. Delirious hits ten running leg drops but Taurus wisely retreats to the outside. Taurus turns the tide with a pop-up Samoan Drop but Taurus quickly regains control. Taurus spikes him wtih Destination Hellhole to win!

My Score: 3.5 out of 5

Match #4: Rich Swann & Heath def. Honor No More (PCO & Vincent)

The following is courtesy of impactwrestling.com:

The fight continues as PCO and Vincent battle Rich Swann and Heath in their scheduled tag team matchup! PCO hits a Codebreaker out of the corner, followed by a draping DDT to Swann. PCO soars with a leg drop off the second rope. Swann uses his quickness to create separation with an Enzuigiri to Vincent. Swann makes the tag to Heath as he goes on the attack. Heath hits Vincent with a powerslam for two. Heath attempts the Wake Up Call but PCO protects his partner from the apron. PCO is sent over the top as his hand gets caught in the ropes. Swann hits the Phoenix Splash on Vincent to score the victory.

My Score: 3 out of 5

Match #5: Monster’s Ball Match – Masha Slamovich def. Allie Katch

The following is courtesy of impactwrestling.com:

Just eight nights before their Knockouts World Title showdown, Jordynne Grace handpicks the opponent for Masha Slamovich in Monster’s Ball – Allie Katch! After being locked in a room for 24 hours with no food, no water and no light, Slamovich and Katch are unleashed in this match with no disqualifications and no count outs. Katch gains the early advantage with a trash can lid assault. Slamovich turns it around with a German suplex, then chokes Katch with a steel chain. Slamovich hits an Air Raid Crash into the corner turnbuckles. During the break, Katch sends her into the steel steps, then busts her open with the sharp edge of a soda can. Slamovich fights back with a suplex on the exposed ramp. Back in the ring, Slamovich hits a snap suplex onto a chair. Moments later, Slamovich kicks her in the back of the head, then connects with a Death Valley Driver into another chair. Katch kicks out and sends Slamovich through a door with her own Death Valley Driver. Both Knockouts are sent flying off the apron, through a table on the floor. Slamovich empties a back of thumbtacks on the mat. Katch piledrives her into the tacks but somehow, someway, Slamovich kicks out at two. Cut soda cans are added to the pile of thumbtacks as Slamovich hits the Snowplow to win!

My Score: 4 out of 5

Final Verdict: 3.5/5

Another solid episode of Impact, which featured a fantastic opening match and a just-as-good closing match but was seriously let down by that ridiculous boredom-inducing in-ring Victory Road Victory Celebration – almost as bad as the JAS promo on Dynamite this week! It really ground the show to a halt mid-way through the show… Which it didn’t need to do as we got a decent Impact/ROH “fight” between Black Taurus and Delirious WITHOUT all the ridiculous talking and promos. Great to see a women’s Monsters Ball match as the main event – one that solidified that the way Impact have built Masha Slamovich was the right way (even if all those squash matches felt ridiculous at the time!)


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