27th Oct2021

‘The Leprechaun’s Curse’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Bao Tieu, Chrissie Wunna, Sofia Lacey, Stephen Staley, Danielle Ronald, Elspeth Foster, Louisa Warren, Lee Hancock | Written by Louisa Warren, Tom Joliffe | Directed by Louisa Warren

The leprechaun is back! No not THAT leprechaun. I’m talking about Champdog Films’ leprehaun. yes, the company follow up their film The Leprechaun’s Game, released earlier this year, with The Leprechaun’s Curse, aka The Leprechaun’s Rage (the films on-screen title and it’s title on IMDb) which once again stars Bao Tieu as the titular movie monster and this time ups the ante on the humour; making this one more akin to the latter entries in its US namesake…

The Leprechaun’s Curse pretty much jettisons everything seen in the original – the idea that the leprechaun himself stole the gold he seeks has been forgotten and instead we’re presented with a leprechaun hunting gold that has apparently been traded into one of those “cash for gold” companies – the owner of said company being killed by the leprechaun pre-credits, leaving his large manor house, and apparently what’s left of the leprechaun’s gold, to his step-sister, Tilly (Sofia Lacey; Dinosaur Hotel, Bloody Mary); who decides to check out the home with her stepmother (Chrissie Wunna), boyfriend Ben (Stephen Staley) and friends Jane (Danielle Ronald) and Sadie (Elspeth Foster). Oh, and co-writer and director Louisa Warren is back again too as Mischa (who appeared in the original film), who’s apparently now a housekeeper in Tilly’ new home!

Focusing on a mix of laughs and scares is not a bad thing to be honest, especially considering how daft the original concept was – a man-sized leprechaun, a guy in what looks like a bad halloween costume of a leprechaun at that, complete with ill-fitting rubber face mask and out of control wig, running round trying to terrify people (and not have them laugh at him!) It’s ridiculous, it really is, but leaning into the absurdity of it all, focusing on the leprechaun’s twisted sense of humour really works for this sequel. That’s not to say this film doesn’t go for the scares too, with some rather effective gore around the hour mark that stands out amongst the rest of the films more “tame” effects work.

There’s nothing much to this sequel if I’m honest, its literally a stalk and slash format (or in this case stalk and blow green mist) with characters getting picked off one-by-one until Tilly figures out how to defeat the leprechaun – which is THE creepiest solution ever… Snog him?! Really?! Well I guess the whole “mystical pendant” thing had to pay off eventually – it gets mentioned enough throughout the film after all – but I’d never expect our heroine to put it in her mouth and kiss the rubber-faced villain to save the day! Told you this one was leaning into the absurdity of things.

Of course Warren and co. leave The Leprechaun’s Curse on yet ANOTHER cliffhanger, which means Bao Tieu is undoubtedly going to be back for a sequel. Here’s hoping that future film takes a clue from the first film in the series and not this by-the-numbers affair. I did dig the use of four-leaf clovers to try and ward off the titular leprechaun this time round though… maybe add that more to the mythos of a sequel eh?

The Leprechaun’s Curse is available to watch now on the V Horror YouTube Channel.


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