15th Mar2020

‘NXT UK’ Review (March 12th 2020)

by Nathan Favel

Welcome to this week’s NXT UK review, right here on Nerdly. I’m Nathan Favel and Jim Jarmusch is a happy weirdo. Ghost Dog, damn it! Well, like Stephen Lang in f—me pumps, let’s cross our eyes and squeal, because it’s wrestling time. Also, wash your hands, don’t touch your face and you’ll be fine. The coronavirus is no reason to panic…AIDS is though…wear a condom.


Match #1: Pretty Deadly def. Dan Moloney & Dereiss Gordon

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Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley used a mix of undeniable beauty, high-octane tag team precision and unyielding grit to pick up the dominant win over Dan Moloney & Dereiss Gordon with Deadly Pretty.

My Opinion: 2.4 out of 5 – This was a fun opener that was nothing special, but it twern’t nuttin’ either. There were some moves and some holds, but I wouldn’t predict that the next big thing is in here…maybe. Pretty Deadly…that’s a cool name. Moloney…is that the first name for the bologna or the second? Dereiss…who the hell names their kid something like that? Any-way, Jim gave me the whole script and it all ends badly…all I’ve done for that guy…what a dick.

Match #2: Noam Dar def. Ligero

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The tenured Ligero fell short in his attempt to silence the outspoken Noam Dar. For in the height of their fast-paced showdown, The Scottish Supernova hit his masked adversary with the Nova Roller to pick up the three-count.

My Opinion: 3.3 out of 5 – This was pretty cool for a six minute match. I bet Ty Cobb liked this. I don’t know what that’s got to do with any-thing. Dar and Ligero make a fine pair. Why can’t we have them together more often? There’s plenty of good wrestling in here that was worth watching, like Eve’s Bayou.

Match #3: Dani Luna vs. Amale (No Contest)

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Dani Luna’s match against Amale was suddenly interrupted by NXT UK Women’s Champion Kay Lee Ray. Wasting little time taking out both competitors, she addressed the WWE Universe and made it clear that the NXT UK’s women’s division belongs to her. When Dani reengaged, the titleholder put the exclamation point on her statement by hitting her with the Gory Bomb.

My Opinion: 2.1 out of 5 – I’d rather get sick on a cruise ship than watch this two minute suck-fest again.

Match #4: (Main Event) Finn Bálor def. Alexander Wolfe

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Following the fireworks earlier in the night, Alexander Wolfe asked to represent Imperium in a match with Finn Bálor in the main event of the evening. In the midst of the action, Imperium attempted to interfere and the official wasted little time kicking them to the curb. This paved the way for the explosive matchup to continue and, in the final moments of the absolute slugfest, The Prince emerged victorious when he took out the Hatchet Man with 1916.

My Opinion: 3.3 out of 5 – This was a lot of fun for a main event that lasted less than ten minutes. Finn is still one of the best and is able to bring his star-power to any card he shows-up on. Wolfe made for a good opponent to Finn’s stoic fighter persona. This won’t be the match of the year, but it will be a nice reminder of why Finn has become one of the top stars in wrestling.

Final Verdict: 2.9/5

There’s some nice wrestling here and there, but this was just World Of Sport-lite running at half-speed.


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