Financial Advisors… Build Your Authority And Earn Trust With High-Net-Worth Prospects.

We offer lead-generation book ghostwriting services featuring serious copywriting chops.

pensive woman browsing laptop near books


Create opportunities and share your wisdom with a lead-generation book.

We equip financial advisors and financial planners with tools to establish their authority through the written word.

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We help you write a book you will be proud to offer prospects and clients.

macbook pro near white ceramic mug

Ghostwriting Fees

Options to get you started on writing and publishing a lead-generation book.

Writing a book takes focus.

Do It Yourself With The “BOOK It!” Home Study Program

For those who need just a bit of guidance.

Get Leads Fast With The LeadGenX Bundle

All the benefits of a book within a shorter amount of time.

As featured in:


Writing a book has been on my bucket list of career achievements. I have allowed head trash to stop me. After all, where do you start? Mary Rose makes that process simple and not intimidating.

She literally held my hand and gave me the support and confidence to look forward and before I knew it the book was written. I wish I would not have procrastinated all this time!!

Even after warning her of all my inefficiencies, she still took on the challenge. She was so prompt and thorough always thinking one step ahead of me. There was never a time I was confused or stuck. The guidance is well worth having Mary Rose as your coach. Using her experience and avoiding the hurdles she herself has mastered makes her process priceless.

Sam Badgley
Founder & President, Sam Badgley, Inc.

In short, Mary Rose “gets it.”  She’s mastered not only the principles of writing quality copy, but she’s a skilled direct marketer and strategist who can save you from yourself.  I consider her an essential component to my company’s success. We’re very pleased with her book content development and our “Success Stories” copy.

Certified Financial Advisor, Author, Speaker, Founder of Money & Clarity, Advisor Architect

When I asked a well-known financial advisor/coach (who generates tons of content) to recommend someone who could help me write a book, he referred me to Mary Rose Maguire. I reached out to her and after some collaboration, she helped me publish four books at the same time! Using my own articles and short PDF books, Mary Rose worked with me to convert them into four great-looking paperbacks that are now on Amazon. She helped me with everything from the copy and creative covers to the mechanics of getting the books formatted, published, and marketed.

Clients and prospects alike are requesting the books and my email list has evolved into a direct mailing list too. Mary Rose was patient with me and an absolute pleasure to work with from start to finish.

If you’re a financial advisor or a business owner who wants to be seen as an expert, increase sales, and create more marketing opportunities—then you owe it to yourself to contact Mary Rose Maguire. If you can’t find a spot on her busy schedule, she will put you on a waiting list. She’s worth the wait!

Travis Echols, Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor℠ (CRPC®)
Certified Senior Adviser (CSA®)

Owner and Investment Adviser Representative (IAR) of Echols Financial Services


Business owners who have incredible authority in their profession are often hesitant about owning it with a book—which makes it tough to market their services.

You may relate to that. And the biggest obstacle to writing a book is often your perception of your expertise.

My Book, The Maverick Advisor – The New Rules of Marketing for Financial Advisors and Consultants: Get Great Clients, More Respect, and the Fees You Deserve.

My book on amazon

Download sample chapters

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I write about building authority, copywriting, marketing, ghostwriting, brand archetypes, and more.
It’s all about getting your message heard.


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