To make an impact AI can't be limited to a user prompt

The AI care companion robot for older adults

95% reduction
in loneliness

Speech bubble
Good morning, how did you sleep?

90% improved health and wellness

Speech bubble
How about some light stretching for your back pain?

56% improvement in social connectedness

Speech bubble
Let’s send the painting we drew to your daughter
ring of dots

Infusing AI with empathy

Our proprietary relationship orchestrator, integrates with multiple LLMs (including our own) to build a relationship that is empathetic, contextual and ongoing.

Based on goals and context, ElliQ determines the right time and interaction that is most likely to delight and activate, building ongoing engagement and driving outcomes.

What turns AI into an entity?

The Relationship Orchestrator℠ is built to create relationships between humans and machines. Mimics the theory of mind - the way humans build relationships with each other - to create one between humans and AIs. by leveraging:


ElliQ extracts memories from every conversation with the user and classifies them based on importance and relevance, injecting context into future conversation. It also continuously scores the estimated emotional state and availability in order to inform proactive decision making.

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Leveraging HRI research ElliQ uses a combination of speech, body language, text, images, lights and sounds to interact with users in a natural and familiar way. This is particularly important when serving the aging population that may encounter certain impairments and challenges.

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ElliQ decision making algorithm is multi-goal based. Each goal has a number of related tasks that the algorithm is rewarded for by their completion, such as hydration or cognitive training. Goals can be set by the user, the care team, and by our team following principles of healthy aging.

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ElliQ uses context to generate an experience that is tailored to the user. With every interaction ElliQ expands the memory-net turning her into a more personalized and effective companion.

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Just like a friend, ElliQ doesn't just wait to be prompted, ElliQ proactively initiates conversations and suggestions at the right time in the right manner based on user goals, availability and probability for success.

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where you work?
Contact bubble
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do at the office?
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