Mr. Nanny (1993) Poster


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Has its odd appeal
guyfromjerzee14 July 2006
I caught this movie on HBO early morning one day, so I decided to give it a look. My opinion of the movie has definitely faltered since I watched it back in grade school, but at the same time it maintained my interest for the entire hour and a half. To be fair, a goofy comedy like this is aimed primarily towards children. That is not "totally" an excuse, but you can't view this movie in the same way you'd view "Citizen Kane." Hulk Hogan is no great actor. He can't even bump his head on a kitchen cabinet convincingly. But as mediocre as his talent is, he is somewhat fun to watch. It wouldn't be as funny to see an actor half his size in a ballerina outfit. But Hulkster doesn't give the worst performance. The film's weakest link is the disgustingly over-the-top performance by Buster Poindexter's David Johansen. It's no mystery why he's box office poison (i.e.: "Car 54, Where Are You," "Freejack"). Sherman Helmsley is completely over-the-top as well, but at least he provides some funny moments. Most of the jokes are lame and predictable, but if you're looking for mindless family fun, you can do a lot worse than "Mr. Nanny." But I enjoyed "Suburban Commando" a lot more. At least in that movie, the Hulkster had a talented actor like Christopher Lloyd to feed off.
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Much Better than I expected.
medrjel12 August 2002
I was expecting a complete bomb with this. I was pleasantly suprised. It actually didn't totally stink! Though, seeing Hulk Hogan in a Tutu is just... just... ***SHUDDER***


That's enough to scare the strongest stomachs.
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Not good, but not that horrible--just plain watchable, that's it
ShadowGal15 August 2004
I was a kid when I watched this one, and even then I knew it was a "just OK" type of movie. Still, it had me laughing. Not long, and not hard, but I laughed all the same. My grandfather was passably amused as well--I think he got a kick out of watching me watching the movie. I rate this a 4 out of 10. Watch it with a ten year old on a rainy day; the kid will laugh, you'll smile at their laughter, and you'll kill some time until something good comes on TV. Oh, and this reminds me--the Hulk can act outside of the ring!

Well, sort of. I'd never want to see him in a serious role, but he pulled off this comedy bit well enough. I just think he should stick to wrestling.

Or retirement. Or whatever.
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Whats wrong with films like this?
jimmycool2001200025 September 2002
It angers me when films like this get such low ratings. I mean if your expecting an oscar winning film with hulk hogan the you can get to mars. This film is enjoyable to watch when your young and quite fun to watch when your a teenager as well as it brings back childhood memories. I was looking at the ratings for another childhood favourite - "ghost dad". i mean why can't people just enjoy the film and if you don't like it then quite simply change the channel!! Its not that hard a thing to do. Hulk Hogan is a funny guy to watch as a wrestler and as an actor and i think it is unfair that films with him in it are rated so low cos a lot of people enjoy his work. So every smart ass reviewer can just take him in the right context or not watch anything by him if they expect him to actto an oscar winning standard. Anyway i've had my little rant, i love films like this!
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Oh brother. Mr. Nanny was truly rough stuff.
ironhorse_iv16 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well let me tell you something dude. If you like being body slam and getting a leg drop, then this family comedy is for you. It's painful to watch. Even without a stupid shiny metal plate. You'll surely get a migraine. The pressure is too much. Directed by Michael Gottlieb, this kid's movie has Hulk Hogan as a fictional version of himself named Sean Armstrong being hired by tech firm CEO Alex Mason (Austin Pendleton) as a bodyguard for his two children Alex Jr. (Robert Gorman) and Kate (Madeline Zima); while Mason developed a new anti-missile system. As it turns out, the two children are highly mischievous psychopaths who vie for their absent father's attention by making their nanny's life a living hell. While the 1990s over the top unrealistic cartoony booty traps slapstick pranks on Sean are play out as laughs. In truth they're quite deadly and sadistic like electrocuting him while he takes a shower or choking him while he was lifting weights. Many of them were so dangerous that whole scenes were censored in VHS versions around the world like the ones in the United Kingdom. These pranks could had cripple or killed Armstrong. I feel bad for him as he really didn't do anything wrong. It's not like he was really physical or sexual abusive with them. While he does hate children, he quickly bonded stereotypical with them by helping the children with their over clichés problems such as poorly dealing with Alex's lunchroom tormentors by allowing him to bring a taser like weapon to school rather than talking to the bully's parents. Plus, he did get all dress up and read stories to Kate even with her over demanding semi demonic nagging. Even with that, in the end when Sean and the family are really getting along, these children are trying to kill him by sabotaging his ride. Tampering with a motor vehicle is a federal offense. They could had killed harmless drivers or pedestrians with that recklessly. Its surely not like 1990 'Home Alone' where the child has to defend themselves from a criminal. Sean was hired to protect them. If anything, the traps should had been left for the over the top hammy 1960s James Bond like villain Tommy Thanatos (David Johansen) and his goons in the climax. Sadly, the action in the end felt like rehash to scenes we saw earlier with electricity. It was not impressive. In summary, these children are just awful unlikeable brats. I really couldn't stand these characters who willing to set an innocent woman on fire. To add onto that the acting from the child performers were not that good. Don't get me wrong Hogan's performance is not any better. Much like his stunt brawling, his acting skills was pretty mellow and standard. Still I really have no clue what the filmmakers were going for with the pro wrestling PTSD nightmares Armstrong was dealing with. It's not he dealt with the kayfabe heels in the ending. It really doesn't go anywhere. Probably also not the best to have a fake concussion angle on a children movie during a time in real life where Hogan faced allegations of steroid use. While the cameos from pro wrestling was kinda cool to witness. It was a bit odd seeing Brutus Beefcake dress up as a Zodiac character, two years earlier before the character debut in WCW. Makes me wonder if he wrestled as him overseas in Japan or something. To add onto that, the whole flashback connection with Armstrong with the villain is very far-fetched. It doesn't really mesh well. Taking about weird surreal cameos. What was the deal with the man in the motorcycle montage background throwing a dog into a body of water!? It really did look like animal cruelty. Disturbing. I wonder if he ever got caught by the police. Anyways, the filmmakers must have took a sick day if they didn't notice that in editing. They really goofed there. Much in the same way they couldn't find a realistic stunt double for Sherman Hemsley in the shooting off the rope scene. Ok acting, but weird that the character Burt Wilson didn't blow his hands off. Still much of his scenes felt like unneeded filler. The running gag of his house getting evicted felt a bit unrelated. Could had been cut in editing. As for the quality of the footage. It really does look like it aged badly on DVD on its own. Even with the Family Double Feature with the other Hogan flick 1991 'Suburban Commando', the footage still looks washed out with a lot of aliasing and shimmering. It was a crappy transfer with such shoddy detail. The old VHS tape are even worst with its tracking issues. A good copy is somewhat hard to find on the internet on streaming services. Another thing that didn't work for this movie is the soundtrack. The songs that singer David Johansen from the New York Dolls & Buster Poindexter's fame made, sounds a little too familiar to other more popular tunes. Not only that, but the lyrics felt repetitive simpleminded over exposition dumps. Not bad, but not worth listening to. Overall: No amount of saying your prayers and taking your vitamins will save you from how awful this children movie was, if you choose to watch it. So just don't. This is one flick I can't recommended even if you're a diehard Hulkamanic. Better to stay away.
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Hogan Knows Best!
namashi_110 March 2015
'Mr. Nanny' rides on the firm shoulders of Legendary Wrestler Turned Actor, Hulk Hogan, who despite being reduced to silliness, plays it sportingly & energetically.

'Mr. Nanny' Synopsis: A former professional wrestler is hired to be the bodyguard/nanny for a couple of bratty kids whose inventor father is being stalked by a rival.

As a film, there is hardly anything remarkable here. Its like watching a low-budgeted version of the Vin Diesel hit The Pacifier, but in totality, this early 1990's flick might appeal to kids. There are a few laughs here, which frankly, are its only appealing moments.

But Hogan is game here. He plays it to the gallery & even though he can't act too well, he still manages to give a sportive turn as Mr. Nanny.

On the whole, Only if you love Hogan, watch it.
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Shows why Hogan should of stuck to the ring
saint40524 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When I rented Mr. Nanny I wanted to see if it's as bad as everybody rants. Well, they're all right.

Hulk Hogan plays Sean Armstrong, a retired wrestler who takes a job as a bodyguard/nanny to protect a couple of spoiled rich kids who belong to a millionaire who is about to solve war with a computer chip. A evil mastermind named Thesanatos finds out about the chip and tries on occasions to kidnap the kids and hold them ransom for the chip. When the kids are captured it's up to Sean to save the day.

First my impression of this movie, crap! I expected this to be a cute little movie with Hulk showing how he can act. Hogan can act but only in the size of a grain of sand. The kids are to annoying to care about and the father is a careless bum. Even the villain is an idiot. What are the odds of the villains head being shattered by the same man who he has to destroy years later when he tries to take over the world? This happens in the film, and it stinks! The villain had his skull crushed by Sean years ago and has it replaced with a metal plate, which by the way looks like tin foil. Now the film is filled with annoying actors, bad plots, stupid practical jokes that could never happen, and horrible villains. If you want your five year olds to be happy, make them watch this. If you want to sleep for an hour, watch this. If you want pure entertainment, watch something else. The only person in this whole film I actually liked was Sherman Hemsley, he had a few good lines but he falls flat playing a retired fight promoter gone cripple. Poor Hulk Hogan, I hope you learn from this mistake you made.
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Have you ever imagined what it would look like if Ed Wood directed a mix between "Home Alone" and "Mr. Mom"?
MovieAddict201626 April 2003
Sometimes you expect a certain something from a film. You expect it to just be good. At least. But the first impression when you hear of "Mr. Nanny" is instant nausea. Now, you might not know why this produces nausea until I lay down the plot for you. Think of image no. 1: Hulk Hogan as a babysitter wearing a tutu. While I freely admit that it doesn't sound promising, it's nevertheless astounding that the production team was able to take this simple idea and create one of the most monstrously agonizing motion pictures to come along this year. Now, here is image no. 2: Hulk Hogan giving a small child weapons training. Image no. 3: The child electrifying the school bully with his newfound weapons interest. Image no. 4: Hogan and Kid celebrating because Kid has electrocuted Bully in an awful manner.

What we have here is good material for a spoof. How funny would it be to see an eight-year-old electrocute his bully in a Farrelly Brothers movie? But it's not a spoof. The problem is that in "Mr. Nanny" it is not played as a spoof, but as the real thing. The kid supposedly electrocutes his school bully (for real), and we are supposed to feel happy because he has beaten the bully at his own game. That has to be the most sappy excuse for an emotional rush I've ever heard. I don't feel like celebrating with this kid, but rather arresting Hogan and ordering a restraining order on him.

Hulk Hogan plays down-on-his-luck ex-wrestler Sean Armstrong (get it, "Armstrong"?). He has long since exited the ring because of recurring nightmares involving violence in the ring. To give Sean something to do, his best buddy and manager, Barney (Sherman Hemsley), gets him a job as a bodyguard for computer genius Alex Mason (Austin Pendleton). Mason has invented a new super chip and a psycho is out to get it, so the engineer needs someone to look after his two motherless children (played by Raymond O'Connor and Madeline Zima). Reluctantly, Sean agrees, but only because they already have a nanny and his job will be strictly protection. No sooner has he arrived, however, than the nanny quits and Armstrong finds himself babysitting two demons.

A film like "Mr. Nanny" is intellectually insulting on all levels. You have to wonder what the producers and filmmakers were thinking when they gave the "OK" to this film. It doesn't have a plot. It doesn't have good acting. It doesn't even have a half-decent script. The only reason for this film, apparently, is so that Hulk Hogan could be shown in a ballet tutu.

Hulk Hogan can't act. His best performance was his three-liner in "Gremlins 2: The New Batch." So you can imagine how awful it is when the testosterone-junkie with the deep voice fills up the majority of screen-time in the film, and tries to teach a father the values of family interaction and why it's good to tell your kids you love them. Perhaps this would be good material for, say, a muscle-man that can act, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but "the Hulk" can't act half as good as Mr. Schwarzenegger, and most likely never will be able to.

Most of the apparent laughs in this film come at the expense of Hogan, and at the expense of every film it has borrowed from. It's a bunch of recycled gags posing as new ones. But it might as well be said that I expected it.

To name some of the recycled gags, here they are: He's hit on the head with bowling balls (see "Uncle Buck"), drenched with water (see "Dennis the Menace"), covered in flour (see "Dennis the Menace" a second time), and electrocuted (see "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York"). Not one of these instances is funny, and it isn't because we've seen it so many times before. And another thing that doesn't help this film at all is the inept direction of Michael Gottlieb. Such comedy, while once amusing in Home Alone, has long since worn out its welcome. Here, it's handled in such a pedestrian manner that it comes across with the audible clunk of a standup comic's joke falling flat. Don't see this movie, whatever you do. If you see it glaring at you in the video store with Hulk Hogan's god-awful smirk on his face, pass it up. Even if it looks like clean family entertainment. It is far from it. It is PG-13 material packaged in a sweet little box. It's not a film. It's merchandising, plain and simple.

There used to be a time when wrestling and Hulk Hogan where what Tony Hawk and skateboarding are today to children. Anything with Hawk sells and, at one time, anything with Hogan sold. Film execs knew this, and played to it. And that's all "Mr. Nanny" is: Marketing, plain and simple. Don't give any more money to these selfish corporations. They can live with what they did. "Mr. Nanny" was a spur-of-the-moment film made for cash-purposes. I'm surprised that all copies weren't burned after Hogan withered away into the recesses of "has-been," because this film stands out as a single merchandising attempt, and its time has long since passed.

No stars (0 out of 5) -

John Ulmer
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Box Office Gold (And By Gold, I Mean Poison)
VonCouch24 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie years back when it first came out. I was a kid and a wrestling fan at the time, and Hulk Hogan in a movie? You're darned right I'm going! My brother, dad and I went the very first week it opened! Good thing we did, because it didn't last to week two.

The movie is basically Hogan as an out of work wrestler. His manager/agent Burt (Sherman Helmsley) can't get him any in ring work because him and Hogan told a promoter they weren't throwing matches. You may say, isn't wrestling scripted like a play? Yeah, but this is 1993. That was still a secret. So anyway, Burt can't put him in the ring so he gets him a job as a body guard for a scientist who just created the chip to some missile or something. Hogan thinks he's golden until he learns that he's not guarding the scientist: he's guarding his kids. The kids are little monsters who have terrorized every nanny they've ever had. Plus one added twist we didn't see coming: HOGAN HATES KIDS!!! So who will have the last laugh, Hogan or the kids? The answer: not the audience.

The kids play cruel jokes on Hogan in order to get him to leave. These include short-sheeting his bed, making his exercise bike go really fast and causing him to fall into a pool of red seaweed. I know. The horror. Hogan sticks in there, though, and gets the kids to like him once he spends time with the daughter Kate and teaches the son Alex how to stick up for himself. Of course the son uses his brains, because violence is never the answer. Especially when an ex pro wrestler is on the job.

The kids finally fall in love with the Hulkster for good when he punishes them. If God were kind it would be by him giving Alex a big boot and dropping the legdrop on Kate. Sadly, he doesn't even give the "YOU!!!" finger. After making them sit on a couch for about an hour, the kids finally respect him and listen. Because their dad never did it and that's why he failed, get it? The movie finally ends when the villain who is trying to steal the chip turns out to be the same wrestling promoter Hogan and Burt told to take a hike years back. That's right: a wrestling promoter turned world-domination villain. Not even Vince Russo could write that piece of gold! The villain, who has a metal skull cap for reasons I don't have the energy to type, is finally vanquished and Hogan isn't needed anymore. But he doesn't leave empty handed. He learns an important lesson about a children's love. Plus he ties Kate's dolly to his motorcycle. And good times are had by all. Except those who have sat through this piece of crapola.

I loved this movie when I was a kid. I watched it over and over (haven't watched it since and I still know the whole story). I laughed my head off every time and wondered why it didn't stay in the theaters longer.

Now? Oh, I'll still watch it. But not because I think it's good.
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This movie made me become a body builder/babysitter
randymcdoozle27 January 2004
What does it take to make a winning movie? A winning combination in that movie. In Mr. Nanny, the combo was prowrestler and a babysitter. This movie should have one an Oscar for most unique concept, or perhaps the worst idea ever. I saw this flick when i was a kid and still thought it sucked. There were too many "what the hell?" moments in it to be good.
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God Awful
MrWonderful17 January 2004
This has to be one of the worst movies of all time, even worse than 'Suburban Commando.'

Hogan may be the most popular wrestler ever, but he's also the worst. The only thing going for him is charisma. Don't get me wrong, this movie would suck with even the greatest of actors in it. Crappy plot, crappy jokes, crappy lead actor, et cetera, do you sense a pattern?

All in all, if you have seen this movie, I feel sorry for you and if you haven't, save yourself a headache and suicidal feelings and keep it that way.
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Hulk can act!
Eraser8112 February 2003
Hulk Hogan isn't an Oscar winner by any means, but he can act. His soft side is evident when he has to kiss the doll and sing corny songs.

Hogan wasn't given much to work with here, so he had to take his money and run. Sherman Helmsley will drive you up a wall in this film, as will the spoiled rich kids.

David Johanson (Buster Poindexter) makes an appearance as a weirdo trying to steal a chip worth millions from Austin Pendleton, the childrens father.

A step down from No Holds Barred and Suburban Commando, but still watchable.

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Number 47 on the bottom 100 list?
sportskid116419 June 2003
Number 47 on the bottom 100 list? It only got about 3.0/10! It deserves at least 5.9/10!! This was a good, clever family film with plenty of laugh out loud scenes. Hulk Hogan is good with younger kids. It's funny to see the way they get along with eachother. Good, Clean Family Fun!

7/10 stars
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What You Would Expect.
Ggconte16 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let's face it, if you're one of the ten people who saw this in theaters, you weren't going for an Oscar contender. It's a Hulk Hogan film, you were going to, at the very least, be entertained. Question is, does the film accomplish that? Well, I'll get to that.

Directed and written by Michael Gottlieb, Mr. Nanny follows the character of Sean Armstrong, a wrestler turned bodyguard, who is put in charge of guarding an inventor and his children. The inventor is the creator of an anti-missile project and holder of the computer chip, which holds its data that is worth millions of dollars.

The kids are not the best behaved to say the least and give Sean a lot of trouble by pulling multiple Home Alone-like pranks. All the while, an evil man is trying to get ahold of the chip and happens to be a former promoter that Sean wrestled for and disobeyed. Needless to say, the family gets kidnapped and Sean has to save them.

Let's get the obvious out of the way, the story is garbage. It makes no sense and the characters lack any sort of common sense. The computer chip angle was nothing new for the late 80s and early 90s. No one knew any better and many just assumed that's how computer chips worked.

The comedy is a juggling act. The Home Alone humor I'm sure sounded good in the script, but comes across as a cheap parody. The comedy is at its best with Sherman Hemsley, and Mother Love. They do their absolute best to work with the material that they have.

The rest of the performances are equally as uneven. Austin Pendleton just looks and sounds bored throughout the entire thing. David Johansen, on the other hand, is having the time of his life. He's one of those over the top villains that you just can't help but be entertained by. Robert Gorman and future television star Madeline Zima are actually fairly decent in the film.

Then there is Hulk Hogan. His performance is exactly what you would anticipate it would be. It's not absolutely horrendous, but not too far above that. I'll give him this, he does clearly try to deliver a good performance. However, that still doesn't earn him a pass in my book.

The film isn't helped by its look either. It's a film on a budget and it shows. The filmmaking is not crisp and some scenes just look like they were shot in one take.

So overall, it's mildly, entertaining, and doesn't offend anybody. Don't get me wrong, it's not a good movie, but not one that's going to hurt to watch once.
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i laughed twice
jaws!20 June 1999
mr. nanny is another hulk hogen movie. which means it's gonna be bad. but it's not a very,very bad movie. i laughed twice in this movie. at parts i thought was funny not bad parts. but this is a perfect movie to make fun of,and laugh a lot at things that are not meant to be funny,and it's not hogen's worst movie. i give mr. nanny ** out of ****
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Mr. Bargain Bin
talllwoood135 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you think of this, this is like if Mrs Doubtfire and Home Alone had a baby where the kids hated the nanny and wanted to kill her. It's too goofy and silly to be a horror movie with just about the same amount of awful casting and poorly written script. However there is more potential to this than some movies the Hulkster has been in.

The introduction is so poorly edited when Hulk Hogan is getting beaten up by mostly jobbers which if you don't know wrestling lingo are wrestlers who their job is to make others look good. What kills me is he's in the ring with his silly fishing attire on. The movie is off to such a bad start because why can't it be that some of it impacts the story where there's some redemption. Then again this is a kids movie. Who cares. Of course Mr. Jefferson I mean Bert wants Hulk Hogan to be a body guard. Hulk doesn't at first and feels like he owes Bert.

Everyone in the fathers office has a bad accent. As if they are all trying to talk like Harley Quinn the one all those 14 year old girls romanticize about. I'm sure if Harley was there to see the hulkster beat all the security guards up to a really poorly choreographed pulp she would get flash backs of her and Mr. J. Alright enough Batman references. Seriously for a second I thought Ron Jeremy was one of the security guards. The one who got his head put through a wall. I love how the guy who hires him sees Hulk beat all these people up and goes he's hired! Then the second in command keeps saying oh no no.. don't hire him multiple times.

The psychotic" criminal genius" named. Tommy Thanatos which Thanatos is.the Greek god of death is so horrible of an actor. Seriously the Actor" should have stuck to singing in the New York Dolls. Maybe he hit his head for real. His first dastardly deed to "convince" the father in the movie to give him this chip called the "peace maker" is by putting a tiny bomb in his desk. He is given 24 hours to surrender the chip. The chip from my brief bit of attention to the beginning of the movie is that it will stop any missile. Wow.. riveting! Because of this Hulk Hogan is instead ordered to watch after his kids and grr.. he hates kids. The kids make such a great introduction. Their nanny runs out with her head on fire. Seriously, don't they put kids in juvie for stuff like that? At this point I realized how short and dirty the dad looked. Seriously you're going to be in a multi million dollar budged movie. He didn't have a haircut or anything. Was this some rich guys passion project to fund this nonsense.

What kills me is if the cook is so tough why doesn't she look after all the kids. They would be terrified of her with her infinite amounts of sass where she gives no one respect. She seems like one of those "woke" people who think everything is racist when she doesn't get her way.

What the heck is the father holding, it's like a really colorful calculator that prints faxes portability. He has the money for that but not a comb, hair spray, gel or a barber. The mom seemed to have kept them together. The father is that always busy cliche and only this steroid monster who constantly cheated on his wife and could fill that swimming pool with the alcohol or drugs he's ingested is giving advice?

The bad guy in this movie Tommy Thanatos is so over the top. I almost like how silly he is. He is like if Raul Julia in Street Fighter the movie didn't know when to calm down. The actor is so ugly and really only got the role for his voice. He has this metal bowl on his head. I guess he had his work done in some third world country for his injury I wonder if he had to turn to a life of crime to pay those crippling medical bills in America. Oh a splinter in your foot that'll be $999,999. Back to the movie How he got injured was he went head first off a building and into an empty pool when Hulk Hogan tossed him off as there was a gun involved and his ugly afro looking hair saved the man from dying apparently. I feel film theory (MatPat) should do a video how much human hair it would take to keep someone from dying. His "thing" besides over acting is he allegedly gets headaches and miagranes too easily. He clutches his head and whines. Yet.. he headbutts people? That makes absolutely no sense. He also enjoys having his head buffed a bit too much. His quirks besides belittling everyone hitting children.

The boys room is pretty sweet especially when he starts smoking pot. He has enough black lights, LED and so forth to make David Gilmour of Pink Floyd want to rehearse there.

If I didn't mention this already this movie is full of cliches.

Why is the bodyguard allowed to be in the class. This is almost as bad as when Detective John Kimble a police officer is allowed to be a kindergarten teacher in the movie Kindergarten Cop. Which I'll probably regret but this movie is better than. I don't know why the cheapskate father doesn't want to hire a second body guard as in a next scene you see these sociopathic boys mug the boy in front of Hulk like he can't do nothing. Either that or those two boys really need some glasses. The principal of that school looks like he's on some sort of watch list and shouldn't be allowed near children. Got to love show business right Bill Cosby.

The kids mercilessly mess with Hulk, with these really watered down pranks where even Kevin from Home Alone would say they are weak. From trying to trip him down the stairs to diving into a pool and getting red like a lobster. The stuff in the gym is probably my favorite. I doubt magnets are that strong with his little device that looks like something the kids mother would enjoy instead and then the bicycle smoking is probably not the smokiest place Hulk was that day. I thought for sure Blind Fury with Rutger Hauer.would be the most insultingly dumb slapstick movie but gosh darn. The stuff is just cruel, no charm, character or anything. Just mean kids. I wouldn't have laughed at this if I was their age when this atrocity came out. Home Alone 1 did a much better job.

The dad is such a bad actor, yet he's won some awards and is quite accomplished. He's so little, he delivers his lines so poorly. He lies to himself he's raising the kids alone. No he isn't that is like the rapper Drake trying to say he grew up in the ghetto when his mom was working at a school and his house had a pool. You guys are learning so much for those who are actually reading all my nonsense.

The scene where we cut to these people breaking into a safe with dollar store Steven Seagal and he manages to break into a safe with just his bare hands was silly. Either that or the dad is skimping on more than just hair cuts.

It isn't until Hulk screams at the kids that they grow to like him. How did the kids not know Shawn (Hulk) was a wrestler. I mean they are the ideal demographic to believe his nonsense.

What kills me is they are after a chip. I know the writers and all were not engineers but why don't they steal the schematic. Why would they want a useless chip that they would have to reverse engineer. That isn't cheap either. They end up putting the chip in the doll for safe keeping. Maybe this is where The Blacklist got the idea for the fulcrum.

Why does the limo have an ejector seat

In some ways Hulk Hogan and the gun in the dressing room is inspired by a real life event. However no one got shot.

By the looks of it when Mr. Jefferson is giving the rich kid all the weapons he really wants the kid expelled. Oh no, not the brass knuckles, here have a blackjack, a lead pipe. What's next a 22 caliber pistol? Columbine wasn't for another few years so what the heck.

Hulk dressed as a a ballarine is not the worst thing I've seen this month. Kurt Russel in drag in "Tango And Cash" with Sylvester Stallone was much worst and came out around then.

Just about every stereotype tries to grab the kids. Was the stereotype goons store having a special? We got an Asian who just happens to know karate. We got a super tall almost bullet proof European man. The European man looks so greasy.

The black woman is so mean, yet, she tries to lie near the end of the movie, oh i had a gut feeling you'd stick around. This woman isn't nice to anyone.

The boat fight near the end was really poorly lit. It's like it was one of the last scenes in the movie and they ran out of money.

Alright the last bit of nitpicking Why does Hulk have an AK47, they take it away and Mr Jefferson holds it with his feet in such a way you'd think he was going to end it all. I'd make a Kurt Cobain joke but Kurt was still alive when this happened. I don't think in a million years that Mr. Jefferson could have shot the rope off his hands with 15 or so bullets. No I think his whole wrists and or hands would have been gone.

The father goes back to being a cheap skate he gets Mr. Jefferson to be their nanny when Hulk takes a vacation. I hope the boy or father make a chip to make Mr. Jefferson walk normally again.

After seeing this trash it really makes it obvious how or why Hulk wasn't in very many movies afterwards. I mean when was the last time Dave Batista, John Cena or the worlds most over rated actor right now The Rock were in a wrestling ring? Oh well what do I know.

Ways this could improve a better script more tasteful "pranks" a better director some better casting the dad especially.
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Very hilarious Hulk Hogan film
Catherine_Grace_Zeh27 November 2005
MR. NANNY, in my opinion, is a very hilarious Hulk Hogan film. One of the best things about it is when he suffers all that torture. It's hard for me to say which part of the torture was the most hilarious. When Sean (Michael Keaton) met the kids, things really did get hilarious. Even though I thought that the kids (Robert Hy Gorman and Madeline Zima) were absolute brats at first, I still enjoyed their performances. Before I wrap this up, I must say that the performances were top grade and the cast was perfectly chosen. Now, in conclusion, if you are a fan of Hulk Hogan, you're in for a good time and lots of laughs, so see this movie today.
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This is way better than 3.8 stars.
barrylsmith23 July 2021
This is a pretty good 90's kid movie. Mr. Nanny shows Hulk Hogan doing a pretty good job acting. I don't understand why this movie only has 3.8 stars.
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"I'm the nacho cheese man myself"
The__Watcher19 August 2001
One hell of a funny movie! This movie is so funny, and Hulk Hogan is a crack up. I love that scene where Burt tells the story of how he saved Sean, the music in that scene is so kool and it's funny. One of the funniest family movies out there. If you want laughs, watch this. 5/5
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Another Childhood Favorite!!!
Pumpkin_Man30 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since I was a kid, I've loved this movie! Hulk Hogan is awesome and hilarious as Sean Armstrong, who is an ex-wrestler who is soon hired by Alex Mason, Sr to protect his kids. Mr. Mason is developing a new anti-missile system and a man by the name of Tommy Thanatos is after the microchip that has the information. Mason's kids; Alex and Kate make Sean's job harder because they want to get rid of him by setting up 'Home Alone' style traps so Sean will leave. Sean doesn't back down and the kids slowly begin to like him. After the Mason family is kidnapped, Sean does whatever it takes to get them back. I highly recommend MR. NANNY!!!
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This movie takes a lot of risks, but still has the fundamentals
psycho_charlie6667 February 2003
Wow! I recently saw this movie on TV, and even though it's 10 years after release, the power of this film is undiminished. Hogan has never been known for making conservative films, but Mr.Nanny breaks all the rules. It shatters boundaries and takes the audience places I didn't know a movie could. It may be quite experimental, and thus not for everyone's tastes, but it features a tour-de-force performance by Hulk Hogan reminisent of his unforgettable RIP Thomas. Probably the most mind blowing thing for me was reading that a lot of the Hulkster's on screen time was adlibbed, and that some of the most poignant lines in the film weren't actually in the script. A true modern classic.
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Fun for kids and adults who are in touch with their inner child
mezi30427 March 2006
I used to hire this movie every time I went to the video store with my mum when i was eight years old. I used to think 'the Pit of Blood' who be fun to swim in and the magnetic weights were funny. I did not know hulk Hogan I just thought he was a really really big man. But I loved it when I was little, even the villain was funny to an extent.

But now eleven years later I watched it again. Funny how you remember what the lines were and the music lyrics in that long time. It brought back memories but sadly I now saw how weak it was in some areas; especially the stunts. How ever if you do not watch it critically and enjoy the humour I think anyone can enjoy it.

What really amazed me was little Madeline Zima's acting; she was not excellent but I thought she gave a great effort in fact she reminded me of me when I was a little girl. How many times had I screamed at my brother to get what I want.

Overall it is a weak movie but keep an open mind, it was made in the early nineties, also what Hulk Hogan gets up to with Madeline I think is priceless. How often do you see a wrestler in a tutu with curly hair in ribbons.
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Way Too Low of a Rating = Cynics Who Likely Never Watched it
The_Athlete9 March 2023
I wonder how many people who rated this actually watched it?

I guess it's cool to be a cynic and think Hulk Hogan as a nanny, well that's just stupid. But the movie is good. The actors are all good, everyone does a great job in their role. The music in the movie is great. "Rough Stuff" and "I don't wanna go to school" are great tunes. Judge the movie for what it's trying to be. The movie is just trying to be a silly little comedy with some decent action and gags, and it succeeds at that.

Austin Pendleton, David Johansen, Sherman Hemsley, Raymond O'Conner and Mother Love all deliver big in the movie. You'll likely recognize them from other things.
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