Andrew Rilstone

About the author

On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and alternate Saturdays, Andrew puts books on shelves in a library. The rest of the time, he sits in cafes writing about his favourite subjects: The Lord of the Rings, Marvel Comics, Star Wars, Doctor Who, English Folk Music, God, etc. He's been blogging since the days when "Blogs" were called "usenet", and has recently started assembling some of his more interesting on-line essays into more durable formats. He doesn't play role-playing games so much nowadays, but he's the co-creator of a very popular card game called Once Upon a Time. He lives in the world-famous Stokes Croft area of Bristol, famous for its artists, cafes, graffiti and riots. He thinks that *Tom Baker was the best Doctor Who *A New Hope was the best Star Wars movie, but the prequels were better than most people think *You should start reading the Narnia series with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe *The Lord of the Rings movies were on the whole a mistake *Matt Smith is really very good indeed *Tony Blair and Richard Dawkins are probably wrong *Jack Kirby created the Marvel Universe *Balrogs do NOT have wings

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