
Primer :

The deck only has 3 elves/elementals: Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, Quirion Ranger and Fierce empath.

Ashaya and Quirion Ranger allow you to have infinite mana with Nissa in play. Fierce Empath is what enables the win.

The objective is to have Nissa in play as soon as possible and trigger her ability to draw your wincons. Tutors will help you to accelerate since you'll trigger Nissa's ability only once per turn.

Note that with the Ashaya/Nissa/Quirion combo, once you've generated enough mana with the loop, you can bounce Nissa to your hand, replay her, and reset her. That allows you to trigger the landfall abilities of Nissa a second time in the turn to draw Fierce Empath (if you already have Fierce Empath in hand, this play is useless since we don't have other creatures to search for in the deck).

When playing Fierce empath, proceed this way : Search your library for Woodland Bellower. Play Woodland Bellower and search you library for Duskwatch Recruiter. Activate Duskwatch Recruiter's ability until you've drawn all creatures of your deck. Play Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre and destroy one target permanent your opponent controls. Use Ashaya and Quirion Ranger's abilities to bounce Ulamog to your hand and replay him until you've destroyed all of your opponent's permanents.

A random part of the deck is the "ordering draw" of the creatures you're looking for with Nissa's ability. The best is to have Ashaya and Quirion Ranger in the first two and Fierce Empath last. This is because Fierce Empath is almost useless until we have the Ashaya/Nissa/Quirion combo in play. Plus, you can draw Fierce Empath once you have the combo. You'll have to adapt when using your tutors.

Most of cEDH staples are in the maybeboard, but there are easy cuts if you want the deck to be more competitive. I just wanted to build a "base." Easy cuts are cards allowing you to play additional lands on your turn, or cards allowing you to play lands from your graveyard. I don't think those are necessary since the deck can win turn 3/4.


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92% Competitive

Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.48
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Clue, Forest Dryad 1/1 G
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