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Imagine A King Who Fights His Own Battles, EDH Ed.

Commander / EDH Creatureless Enchantment



"Imagine a king who fights his own battles. Wouldn't that be a sight?" - Achilles, Troy (2004)

Inspired by that film quote and the important role the Greek gods had during the War of Troy, I bring you a delightful creatureless deck to bring to an EDH pod.

"But you got God creatures on the list!" you exclaim. I sure do. When you go into battle with the favor of the gods, your chances of winning go up. That's just basic math.

So with that intro out of the way, let me break down what my idea for this deck is: In short, I was inspired by the cards Form of the Dragon and Form of the Dinosaur and I wanted the feeling of being a planeswalker who'd rather fight than summon creatures to fight for them. Unfortunately, i just could not find a way to make either of those cards work without serious risk of a loss. I went with a high Enchantment count to make sure I could impact the board across multiple turns as opposed to the "1 of" effects of Instants/Sorceries.

The deck primarily wins by casting X spells like Hurricane, Molten Disaster or Torment of Hailfire to clear the board and do massive damage with the amount of ramp present in the deck. If you managed to draw into it, Angel's Grace + Hurricane or Angel's Grace + Molten Disaster can outright win a game with enough mana pumped into the combo. Alternatively, Crackle with Power can do some major damage late game when our ramp has done its thing and most of our mana is available.

Now to address the elephant in the room; yes, technically this does have creatures in the form of the Theros gods. However, since I'm running all colors and the enchantments are all over the place, I don't see their Devotion clause to be relevant. They have very useful effects on their own and are prime targets for the real commander of the deck The Prismatic Bridge  . Them becoming creatures is great but it's not the focus. Catch my drift?

Now with no creatures comes the very real possibility that I'd be wide-open for an opponent's attack. To combat this, I've also loaded up on single-target removal and board wipes but most importantly all the pillow fort enchantments I could find like Ghostly Prison, Propaganda, Smoke, Elephant Grass and Sphere of Safety. And to top it off I also included the Energy Field + Rest in Peace combo that makes me impervious to any kind of damage until Energy Field leaves the battlefield.

All in all, I'm kinda happy with this build but I've yet to test it and I've never done a creatureless EDH build before so if you have any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns please let me know. I'd love to bring this in to my playgroup and maybe pull out a win with my bare hands.


For those more lore-inclined I've devised a story to fit within the MTG universe: Once a mage from Kaldheim, a devastating attack on their village from unknown forces ignited their spark ascending them to the title of Planeswalker and suddenly found themselves on a plane known as Theros. Guided by Esika, God of the Tree  's wisdom, the new Planeswalker sought out Theros' gods to find a way back home. In their journey to Explore this new land, the Planeswalker learned about their new abilities, culminating in their mastery of mana.

Finally reaching the gods of Theros, some were impressed by the Planeswalker's reluctance to call on creatures of the land to aid them in battle while others scoffed at the very idea of fighting alone. Although only gathering the favor of six gods, the Planeswalker could feel themselves Crakle with Power as the gods decreed their command, "We BESTOW upon you our power and through your acts of DEVOTION we shall aid you in your quest. Go now and let your enemies learn our names."

An Iridian Maelstrom formed around the Planswalker and in its wake stood The Prismatic Bridge   now fully tethered to Theros and the Planeswalker. They smiled. With this kind of power they did not need an army. In fact, they could now take on armies all on their own.


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99% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 11 months
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.61
Tokens Manifest 2/2 C
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