

Deck Primer: Hammer Time

Overview: Hammer Time, is a fast and aggressive Modern deck focused on equipping powerful artifacts like Colossus Hammer onto evasive creatures to deal massive amounts of damage quickly. It combines efficient creatures, equipment tutors, and synergistic artifacts to create explosive turns that can end the game in just a few swings.

Key Cards:

Colossus Hammer: The centerpiece of the deck, turning any creature into a formidable threat with its massive power boost. Equipping this for just one mana with the help of Puresteel Paladin or Sigarda's Aid can lead to overwhelming damage output.

Puresteel Paladin: Enables the deck's explosiveness by allowing you to draw cards whenever you equip an artifact to a creature. This card draw engine keeps your hand full of threats and answers.

Stoneforge Mystic: A versatile tutor that fetches key equipment pieces like Colossus Hammer, providing consistency and allowing you to adapt to different matchups.

Sigarda's Aid: Allows you to equip your artifacts at instant speed, catching opponents off guard and bypassing their sorcery-speed removal.

Inkmoth Nexus: Acts as an alternative win condition by becoming a flying infect threat when equipped with Colossus Hammer, providing a different angle of attack against opponents.

Game Plan:

Early Game: Deploy cheap artifacts such as Ornithopter and Springleaf Drum to set up your board quickly. Use Stoneforge Mystic to fetch Colossus Hammer or other key pieces from your deck.

Mid Game: Begin equipping your creatures with Colossus Hammer. Puresteel Paladin's ability to draw cards on equipment attachment helps you dig deeper into your deck and find additional threats or protection.

Late Game: Aim to close out the game swiftly once you've assembled your combo. Utilize Inkmoth Nexus or other creatures equipped with Colossus Hammer to swing for lethal damage, either through regular combat or infect.

Sideboard Strategy:

Drannith Magistrate: Effective against decks that rely on casting spells from sources other than their hand, such as Cascade or Storm decks.

Grafdigger's Cage: Helps shut down graveyard-based strategies and prevents creatures from entering the battlefield from libraries.

Sanctifier en-Vec: Provides protection against red and black decks by exiling their graveyard and preventing them from targeting your key creatures.

Surge of Salvation: Offers protection against specific color matchups, helping your creatures survive targeted removal or win races against aggressive opponents.


Aggro Decks: Aim to race them with your explosive starts and powerful equipment. Your ability to swing for lethal damage early can often outpace other aggressive strategies.

Control Decks: Use Sigarda's Aid and instant-speed equips to disrupt control players' plans, making it difficult for them to counter or remove your threats effectively.

Combo Decks: Sideboard in cards like Drannith Magistrate or Grafdigger's Cage to disrupt their game plan. Meanwhile, maintain your aggressive strategy to close out the game before combo decks can stabilize.

Overall, Hammer Time excels at leveraging its speed and surprise factor to overwhelm opponents quickly. By combining efficient creatures, potent equipment, and clever sideboard options, the deck remains a formidable force in Modern, capable of seizing victory in just a few decisive turns.


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90% Competitive

Revision 44 See all

(3 hours ago)

+3 Consign to Memory side
-1 Damping Sphere side
+2 Delighted Halfling main
-2 Drannith Magistrate side
-2 Ornithopter main
-1 Solitude side
+2 Suncleanser side
-1 Vexing Bauble side
Date added 9 months
Last updated 3 hours
Splash colors UG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 2 Mythic Rares

42 - 10 Rares

12 - 3 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.37
Tokens Construct 0/0 C
Folders Go-Bag, Other Players’ Decks, Other Decks
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