Zurgo Bellstriker

Legendary Creature — Orc Warrior

Zurgo Bellstriker can't block creatures with power 2 or greater.

Dash (You may cast this spell for its dash cost. If you do, it gains haste, and it's returned from the battlefield to its owners hand at the beginning of the next end step.)

TheOfficialCreator on How is Ragavan Remotely Balanced?

1 year ago

I'm not sure. In most cases the cards that end up breaking the game are the ones that are perfectly fine card theory-wise, but end up having some brutal interaction with normal play. Ragavan does not fit that bill.

Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer is a 2/1 for one mana (already good), with dash (already an almost strictly better Zurgo Bellstriker), that has the Sticky Fingers trigger, and that steals your opponent's cards.

So just on its own, even as a mythic it should have been all around, even for the Dash cost.

That's not to mention that it bridges gaps that really shouldn't be and combines multiple efficient gameplay patterns into one card. It's mana-fixing, aggro, and (in some cases) control all at once, and plays well into 4-5 color stacks, enabling an already dominant gameplay strategy.

Jett2112 on Tulzidi Caravan

1 year ago

Reinforced Ronin is good for helping with metalcraft too, good rec! I might keep Zurgo Bellstriker in too for a density of 1 drops.

Containment Construct also good for metalcraft and it's a 2/2 with card advantage so yeah another perfect rec for this deck.

Valakut Awakening  Flip I took out a while ago because too often it just is 3 mana draw a card. so its a low impact spell or a tapped land. It's better for combo or control decks.

Efreet Flamepainter Maybe one day if there gets to be more instants and sorceries but now I don't think theres enough spell density at 9.

Deflecting Swat is good when I activate Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner's ability discarding my hand then somebody casts removal before my 2 power guys can deal damage.

Smuggler's Copter has been in there because if all opponents have blockers it's a way to fly over for damage and card advantage. I Think you are right tho and it's low impact compared to some other recs.

Possibility Storm the angle is that it will prevent just about any combo from being cast. Additionaly I can be pretty sure that when I cast a 2 power creature I will get a 2 power creature while my opponents playing combo and control sit with most of their hand dead. My assault combo can actually be assembled piece by piece during a Possibility Storm whereas most combos involving instants and sorceries such as the dreaded Tainted Pact, Demonic Consultation, Natural Order or Brain Freeze cannot play around the chaos.

Dolmen Gate is useful when opponents have too many blockers. In my current meta however the "creature power 2 or less can't be blocked" ability on Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner is enough to make sure key creatures can attack while not dying to blockers.

Harmonic Prodigy and Savage Beating... good points. plus Harmonic Prodigy adds triggers to Immolation Shaman, Prophetic Flamespeaker and Seasoned Pyromancer...

SufferFromEDHD on Tulzidi Caravan

1 year ago

Reinforced Ronin is a clear upgrade to Zurgo Bellstriker.

Containment Construct = Conspiracy Theorist #2 if necessary.

Dwarven Mine and Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance create bodies efficiently.

I know you aren't a fan of etb lands but... would Valakut Awakening  Flip be worth a spot? Instant speed card filter/draw is nifty.

Deflecting Swat needs to be in the main. Your deck relies on your commander and this effect protects the fragile synergy. Unless you know something I don't Smuggler's Copter does not belong in this list. It cost an attacker and it does not utilize Subria's ability.

Efreet Flamepainter I'm not sure if you are running enough to justify this but the few that you are would be brutal if they were doubled. This deck can guarantee combat damage.

Possibility Storm what's your angle with this card in this strategy? Are you able to weather the chaotic storm better than other strategies?

Would Dolmen Gate be overkill or useful to the strategy?

Not suggesting this but more an observation... Harmonic Prodigy grants double triggers. If it interacted with more than just the commander it might be worth a spot but as of now it's just a fun fact. Perhaps Savage Beating for double triggers and a potential game ender?

Wuzibo on Questioning the Iona Banning

2 years ago

Zurgo Bellstriker voltron flies under stax and control. you can play ramp turn 2 and cast little equipment like Lizard Blades or something before most people have played more than ramp. Then your stuff is on the board. Equip and cast more turn 3. Even a turn 2 Winter Orb doesn't stop that.

mrweaselman on War Champs

2 years ago

Take out Garna, the Bloodflame, Gatekeeper of Malakir, Rushblade Commander, and Intimidation Bolt and this deck is pioneer legal. Some of them aren't all that good here anyways and they're not worth being in a much higher power format.

Cards that are also not very good: Chief of the Scale, Goma Fada Vanguard, and Pacifism. Cut Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants if you have trouble finding space for other cards.

Your best creatures would probably be Blood-Chin Rager and Chief of the Edge, so run 4 each.

Since you have Herald of Dromoka, you can do some pretty cool things with exert creatures. Brave the Sands also has this effect. Ahn-Crop Crasher, Combat Celebrant, Devoted Crop-Mate, and Glory-Bound Initiate are all really good warriors when paired with vigilance. Resolute Survivors too if you want to commit this route, although Brutal Hordechief is probably better. Path of Mettle  Flip is an interesting one too for grindy matches, maybe more of a sideboard card.

If you want more wide aggro, run Bloodsoaked Champion and either Gutterbones or Zurgo Bellstriker, take out vigilance or toughness effects, and work to increase power. You can win with a couple Arashin Foremost, Brutal Hordechief, and more Secure the Wastes.

Fatal Push is probably the best pioneer removal spell, but if you find larger CMC creatures in your meta Cast Down or Heartless Act will hit almost anything.

For mana base, Battlefield Forge and Caves of Koilos are better budget dual options than anything that comes in tapped. Secluded Courtyard and Unclaimed Territory are almost auto includes for tribal.

zapyourtumor on Rush’И’Attack!

2 years ago

Maybe Zurgo Bellstriker? Obviously doesn't compare to monkey but more one drops.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

I am seeing Azorius and Selesnya. Given that these colors do not really "punish", I'm going to skip them. Also, I started it off with Rakdos, so yeah.

Mardu Activations sounds far too fun to pass up, but I'll toss the challenge(s) back up at the end for anyone else who may want to finish it up.

I'm going to take Faux_Faux's suggestion of Gods of Tarkir (God that set name is awesome) from the original timeline. Going to go (In depiction, not in subtype) Orc, to elude to Zurgo Helmsmasher being a descendant from said God, which all the more humiliates him when the timeline is reset and he becomes the cowardly and weak Zurgo Bellstriker.

Zagol, Nomadic Blood-God

Legendary Creature - Berserker God

All creatures you control have and haste and must attack each turn if able.

, : Choose target creature. Whenever that creature is dealt damage this turn, it deals that much damage to each other creature and each player.

, : Creatures you control get +2/+1 until end of turn. Warrior creatures you control gain lifelink until end of turn.

, : Crackling Doom deals 2 damage to each opponent. Each opponent sacrifices a creature with the greatest power among creatures that player controls.


I wanted so much to give Zagol vigilance, but I think I rather like the idea of him sitting back and letting everyone else die under his reign, while he uses powerful magic to shape the tides of war in the background. On the one hand, it appears to suggest potential cowardice. On the other hand, it supports a tactical genius. So it can really go either way.

With that being said, you have an option:

  • Create an Azorius Punishment card using the templates above
  • Create a Selesnya Punishment card using the templates above
  • Create an Azorius Commander with an attack trigger

psionictemplar on B/R Ponza

3 years ago

All right, some of this may seem weird, but hear me out.

One of the biggest advantages land destruction has going for it is the ability to disrupt an opponents mana before they can properly set up. With that being said, you have way too many cards that cost 3 mana and no way to play them early. What I'm going to suggest is trying to remove a few of those cards in favor of cards that will accelerate your remaining land destruction spells. What's coming to mind worth trying is 4 copies of Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer .

Here's why. This can give you an early play that can potentially set up a 3 mana spell on turn 2 (assuming played t1) for you if it can connect. Not only that, but being a legendary creature, you have the option of potentially adding Mox Amber as an additional mana source. Now, you'll probably want more legendary creatures to properly make use of the mox's which is where something like Zurgo Bellstriker could also help with being aggressive and progressing you plan.

The other main thing I'm going to suggest is adding a couple more lands (swamps probably). The reasoning being that if you do happen to land a blood moon/magus of the moon, then you may very easily lock yourself out of black mana. One thing to keep in mind is that if you don't have enough mana, then you can't stop theirs.

My final consideration for you is to possibly add white to your deck to access the Flagstones of Trokair and Boom / Bust combination. Not only that, but you'd have access to Vindicate as well.

Here's the tl:dr of what I'm going to suggest: Add: 4 ragavan, 2 zurgo, 3 mox amber, 2 swamps. Cut: 4 brainstone (when will you have time to use this?), 3 harness the storm (I really can't see you having enough mana to make use of it), 4 fulminator mage (betting on Cursed Totem seeing play, making this unable to do the 1 job it has.)

These changes should not only speed your deck up, but allow you to put on some early pressure to your opponents life total.

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