Zetalpa, Primal Dawn
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Zetalpa, Primal Dawn

Legendary Creature — Dinosaur

Flying, double strike, vigilance, trample, indestructible

Recommendations View more recommendations

Hardnessed Snubhorn
Silkenfist Fighter
Imperial Outrider
Alaborn Trooper
Keepers of the Faith
Trokin High Guard

kasprl on Plantlaza's Dino D!ck Enters the Battlefield

7 months ago

Hey. I was just scrolling around to get some ideas to improve my PreCon as well. Because you are open for some suggestions here are my 2 cents on this:

  1. Panharmonicon and all other cards which will copy an effect wont work with Pantlaza. I would cut all cards which double ETBs. A good replacement could be Teleportation Circle. Ur Commander would be a new instance, therefore it works.

  2. In my opinion a CMC of 4.5 is way to high. I would definitely cut some expensive cards like Zetalpa, Primal Dawn, Verdant Sun's Avatar, Earthshaker Dreadmaw or Annoyed Altisaur. The impact of those cards are very low in comparison to their cost.

  3. With Vedalken Orrery u need open Mana at ur Opponents turn. Beside most of ur Dinos cost 5+ Mana u will skip ur entire turn or dont use Vedalken Orrey. One suggestion are Mana Doubler like Mirari's Wake or cards to untap like Seedborn Muse/Wilderness Reclamation

Dazard on Everybody in the Club Gettin' Keywords

10 months ago

I would suggest adding Bassara Tower Archer because it is cheap and it adds the powerful keyword "hexproof" to your graveyard. I play a kathril deck for myself: Who wants some keyword soup? where basically all you need is Buried Alive to put Zetalpa, Primal Dawn, Bassara Tower Archer and Vampire Nighthawk in your graveyard. (if you want to overkill the whole thing, also add Assault Intercessor to make your commander even bigger and less blockable) Now you can summon your commander with 9 (11 with assault intercessor) counters on it, so it becomes an unstoppable beast that usually oneshots your opponents due to commander damage. You don't even need that much creatures with keywords. Focus more on creatures that can tutor creatures into your graveyard like Corpse Connoisseur, Gravebreaker Lamia, Oriq Loremage or Vile Entomber. Add spells like Jarad's Orders or Final Parting and you will get your most valuable keywords in your graveyard easily. Also add some flicker spells (as already mentioned) to maximize your (commander's) etb effect and to give some sort of protection (f.e. spot removal)

cyeRunner on Soulflayer

11 months ago

Zetalpa, Primal Dawn looks like a good choice to me

jdogz32 on Dinosaurs

11 months ago

I love dinosaurs but there's alot of hype since they just printed a bunch of new ones. Your deck has to many 1 of and 2 ofs. You are going to need more 3-4 copies of less different dinos for more consistent game play. Since your deck is based around the enrage ability that is what I will focus on. For starters I'm going to suggest taking these cards out.

Zetalpa, Primal Dawn - too expensive and has no relevance other than being a dinosaur

Wakening Sun's Avatar - too expensive and there's much cheaper board wipes than an 8 Mana dinosaur. This guy is extremely good in commander but not very good for 1v1 60 card decks.

Verdant Sun's Avatar - again he's a good card but there's no relevance to the strategy other than he's a dinosaur and he's a 7 Mana drop.

Rampaging Ferocidon - you are running a creature heavy deck so his ability will hurt you way more than it will your opponent. If you are adding him for the lifefain there's another dinosaur that cost the same but doesn't have that same drawback.

Gishath, Sun's Avatar - extremely good card but he's very expensive for what your trying to build. He will go back down in price eventually but for now I'd suggest taking him out.

Gigantosaurus - he's to Mana expensive. In a 3 color deck trying to get 5 green is going to be more of a challenge than he's worth. If you were running mono green he'd be a great add but for right now I'd take him out.

Bellowing Aegisaur - for 6 Mana the game would gave to continue to go on for a few more turns to get any real value out of him.

Cards you should add more of

Marauding Raptor - one of the best cards in an enrage deck for an immediate activation and makes your dinos cheaper

Ranging Raptors - great for early game and consistent Mana ramp throughout the game.

Raging Regisaur - great for enrage triggers and offers you some removal

Ripjaw Raptor offers consistent card draw which cannot be understated.

Forerunner of the Empire he offers consisten board enrage triggers and you get to search for whichever dino you want

Cards I'd add you don't have listed Drover of the Mighty - offers cheap Mana ramp and is a 3/3

Raptor Hatchling - not very good by himself but when you put him with Forerunner of the Empire he gives you 2 separate counts of enrage.

Last thing is with a deck like this your running too few lands. You need at minimum 23-24 lands for running large creatures that you are hard casting. I know this is alot but I hope this helps.

Optimator on FIGHT ME COWARD!

1 year ago

Conventional wisdom is 36-38 lands is where you wanna be. I almost always do 36.

I would cut Reckless Crew, Rune of Sustenance and Rune of Speed.

One thing I thought of, when putting my list together, is that creatures with doublestrike are extra good because of the damage bonus Bruenor gives. Reyav, Master Smith helps with that, but it's only one card. In the maybeboard of my deck I listed a bunch of doublestrikers. I think Mirran Crusader, Aven Sunstriker, Zetalpa, Primal Dawn, Blade Historian, Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder, Boros Swiftblade, Heavenly Blademaster, Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas, Skyhunter Skirmisher, and Oketra the True are some stand-outs. It's hard to fit them all in but a few might be good.

I really like your selection of creatures though! Got all the good ones. Nice and cheap, too. Swiftblade Vindicator is an excellent inclusion.

Well I'll be a Bearded Gnome is my deck

Crow_Umbra on

1 year ago

You definitely have the beginning of a solid list here. I'd recommend dropping Zetalpa, Primal Dawn, especially if you don't have more Haste anthems. On that note, I do like your inclusion of Hammer of Purphoros. You could also run Fervor or even Emblem of the Warmind as a couple more redundant options. Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei is another potential option that's also on theme.

Sword of the Chosen is okay, but a bit narrow if you wanted to look for a cut. Zeriam, Golden Wind could also be another potential cut; it's narrow since it is your only Griffin in the deck. Tori D'Avenant, Fury Rider anthems up your whole team, and gives pseudo-vigilance for keeping blockers up. Ratadrabik of Urborg, Hofri Ghostforge, and Garna, the Bloodflame can help round out your creature reanimation/recursion options.

I hope some of these suggestions are helpful.

Kaymico on Jurassic Dreadnoughts (Naya dinosaur/ramp)

2 years ago

Heres a list of things that went through my mind looking at the deck. They are not recommended or necessary but should bee seen as different view on your deck. Who knows maybe you'll find something interesting.

Gishath, Sun's Avatar, Etali, Primal Storm and Ghalta, Primal Hunger feel very odd. Those cards only "win more" and dont contribute to the deck the way constructed is playing out. If u can stick Gishath, Sun's Avatar or Carnage Tyrant the game should be over in 2-3 turns anyways. Your damage trigger will best case reduce it to 2 turns consistently. Ghalta, Primal Hunter needs a lot of power already on the board which indicates you're winning already, making it a bit redundant. And Etali, Primal Storm is fun to play with but considering cards commonly played in pioneer wont do much in a duel.

Switch Shifting Ceratops with Zetalpa, Primal Dawn because Zetalpa is the stronger game 1 threat

I would also Remove Otepec Huntmaster and add some protection or land based ramp

if you only use half the amounts of Regisaur Alpha you could include Relentless Raptor if you want more early game

It also would'nt Hurt to include some early Sweepers like Crush the Weak or Cinderclasm against aggro decks

Some very good dinosaurs to consider:

Deathgorge Scavenger;Rampaging Ferocidon;Ripjaw Raptor;Runic Armasaur

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