Yedora, Grave Gardener

Legendary Creature — Treefolk Druid

Whenever another nontoken creature you control dies, you may return it to the battlefield face down under its owner's control. It's a Forest land. (It has no other types of abilities.)

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MinMori7021 on Crouching Kadena, Hidden Phage [MH3]

4 months ago

I love the use of flash in Kadena! I am almost tempted to buy new cards again because of Yedora, Grave Gardener. Good job on this! +1

Gidgetimer on Genju of the Cedars + …

5 months ago

Third Gatherer ruling on Yedora, Grave Gardener reads "If one of these Forests is turned face up, the effect making it a Forest land will expire. The face-up permanent will again have its printed name, type line, mana cost, abilities, and so on."

This ruling stems from the fact that Yedora only specifies the characteristics of the card as it exists in the face-down state. If it is turned face-up the printed characteristics take over. This means that unless the front face is a forest Genju of the Cedars will be put into the graveyard for enchanting an illegal permanent.

Since the permanent never left the battlefield and Genju's type changing ability lasts until EoT; it will still be a 4/4 spirit (not sure where the trample was coming from in your question, so can't confirm if it still applies). It will still be the original creature though and Genju's effect just changes type, color, and and sets P/T. So all other characteristics, including abilities, are based on the printed card. In your Akki Underminer example it still has the combat damage trigger.

Mave on Genju of the Cedars + …

5 months ago

Sorry I often forgett how to use the syntax to create card links so it is hard if I don't have the text field buttons. I know that there is a combo with Yedora, Grave Gardener and Genju of the Cedars where you basicly activate the effect of the Genju on any Face down card that is a forest to turn it into a 4/4 creature sacrifice it and the creature returns as a face down forest again while Genju is returned to your hand. There are also combos where a Morph creature can be turned face up after Yedora, Grave Gardener returned it to the battlefield as a face down forest and then sacrificed to return as a face down forest again. The issue for me is that I don't know how much the effect of the Genju affects the face down card.

wallisface on Genju of the Cedars + …

5 months ago

Posting the card links here to help whoever answers this.

Genju of the Cedars

Yedora, Grave Gardener

Kaust, Eyes of the Glade

Ixidor, Reality Sculptor

The “it’s a forest land” text makes me skeptical that turning the card face-up will change anything, but i’m not confident enough to say either-way.

legendofa on Are Yedora's Forests basic?

5 months ago

Are the Forests created by Yedora, Grave Gardener's ability basic or nonbasic? Specifically, how do they interact with Blood Moon?

Gidgetimer on Forest Tribal, LoL

7 months ago

Adding a type to a non-token land (like what is happening with animating lands) doesn't suddenly make it a token. Tokens by definition are by definition permanents not represented by a card. The land creatures are still non-token creatures and will be returned by Yedora, Grave Gardener

CR 111.1. Some effects put tokens onto the battlefield. A token is a marker used to represent any permanent that isn’t represented by a card.

CHAREDot9 on Crouching Kadena, Hidden Phage [MH3]

10 months ago

Is Lotus Cobra something you could consider for early game ramp paired with Yedora, Grave Gardener Combo power? Could be a cute idea, I thought about it and it is kinda just win-more with the stuff your already doing.

Elven Chorus Seems good, its a solid card for when you board ends up super wide and also pairs well with Lightning Greaves

Primordial Mist Gets mentioned in your archives a bit. Maybe it does not align with the decks goals perfectly. Personally I think it could be too good to look past. 1. Passive value just by existing on the board 2. Mana sink options (With CMDR, and the Beast Whisperer draw doodads The card also can combo off with the right amount of cost-reduction and in general creates a lot of value. I realize this list does its thing in a pretty streamlined manor and probably benefits from staying on task. Final argument: Mists feels good on an empty board or a full one, it can do sneaky back end things like offering a way protect morphs if you have flash available.

It may also be worth noting that while Ugin, the Ineffable is expensive at 6 mana it makes your rocks and combo pieces cheaper and offers some removal and a body.

I LOVE what you have done with the deck btw.

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