Wildfire Eternal

Creature — Zombie Jackal

Afflict 4 (Whenever this creature becomes blocked, defending player loses 4 life.)

Whenever Wildfire Eternal attacks and isn't blocked, you may cast an instant or sorcery card from your hand without paying its mana cost.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Barren Glory Storm

1 year ago

Hey psionictemplar! Thanks for the suggestions! I usually don't have trouble getting the mana for Worldfire so my first thought on Wildfire Eternal is that it might not be necessary and a little tough to pull off once the opponent knows what's coming. Although, I've been wrong before, so I'll test it out and see how it goes!

Rift Bolt is a very intriguing as a back up plan, alongside the traditional storm kill. Maybe a little less resilient, but definitely more style! Thanks for pointing it out!

psionictemplar on Barren Glory Storm

1 year ago

Just a couple suggestions to consider. Wildfire Eternal as a cheap way to cast worldfire, and Rift Bolt as an alternative kill for after worldfire.

wallisface on Balaam__

2 years ago

Balaam__ ahh yeah I had missed that combo. The Army of the Damned/Wildfire Eternal is defiately better than trying to hardcast the Army, though it still feels like a lot of hoops/work for the payoff.

You are right that X would have to be 0, so Torment of Hailfire has no chance of being used in this same way

Balaam__ on Balaam__

2 years ago

wallisface I think that Rakdos zombie person is intending to cast Army of the Damned by way of Wildfire Eternal, and that’s actually why I was asking him about how he intends to cast Torment of Hailfire. Correct me if I’m wrong, but would default to if cast that way and render the spell worthless right? I was…hesitant to say that in my comment though in case I was wrong, or if he had some other way to use the spell I wasn’t aware of.

Poly_raptor on EAT THE RICH: Florian EDH

2 years ago

Hey, still been thinking about this build but stopped brewing it myself, I did have an idea though. What about Wildfire Eternal?

It could be a decent include. It’ll dig down 4 more if blocked in combat and if not gives you a free cast of a spell, preferably an instant before you’re Florian trigger, leaving up mana to then cast something that you found with Florian?

Just a thought.

TempestArmor on Praise the Sun

2 years ago

You can ramp quite a bit using artifacts, but you have so many X spells for a Boros deck! They also don't do anything with freebies like Wildfire Eternal (or copy spells, you're pretty unlikely to hit critical mana where they double effectively), so pick a couple good ones and call it a day. Drop a few of the "whenever damage is dealt to this creature, do stuff" like Stormwild Capridor and Truefire Captain... you have enough hoops to jump through as is. Ritual of Rejuvenation, Volcanic Vision, and Horizon Stone need to go. Consider Battlefield Forge and Talisman of Conviction! You'll have life to spare. Another thing. You have all of these "deal a bunch of damage to all creatures" effects, which is great, but you also have a bunch of "prevent noncombat damage that would be dealt to your creatures" effects too, which sorta defeats the purpose of all of your "whenever damage is dealt to this creature, do stuff" creatures. PLEASE listen when I say: pick a strategy and lean into it!

Balaam__ on A Wizened Wizard’s Clerical Error

3 years ago

Thanks for posting, Angel_Zero. Hm, I think it would depend on who you’re playing. I could see Living Lore being fun in a more casual kitchen table setting, but I think its cmc is too high for anything other than that. Not that this deck is particularly competitive per se, but Modern is a fast paced format and Turn 4 is a point of no return for many builds. Everything here is designed to buy enough time to stick Wildfire Eternal Turn 4 and then go off. I’d worry that adding another costly card would broaden the focus too much. But try it out! It’s the only way to know for sure. It may be a big improvement, you never know.

Blackgate on Cheaty Cheaty Ultimatums

4 years ago

Wildfire Eternal is a fun card! I also have it in a deck (red aggro) that tries to cheat out a Hazoret's Undying Fury.

I imagine it works well with all the Ultimatums in your deck. Very cool idea!

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