Wheel of Torture


At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, Wheel of Torture deals 1 damage to that player for each card fewer than three in their hand.

FormOverFunction on Commanders you have built in …

2 years ago

I was looking at my decks, thinking “I’ll be able to share a ton of stuff on this thread!” but it’s looking more like I’m actually only barely utilizing my commanders, mainly picking them for aesthetic value and color matching. I guess the closest I can get is that the only wheel in my Nekusar Torture! deck is a Wheel of Torture.. does that count? LOL

Romer on Tinybones Leaves You with Nothing

3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions KayneMarco! I've now added Words of Waste but I'm holding off on Nezumi Shortfang  Flip - it fits perfectly, but I already have cards with similar effects (like Wheel of Torture) and it's so hard to fit more cards in.

Glad you appreciate how terribly evil this is, megaquazoid ;)

bradtheimpaler13: I aim for discard effects that impact only opponents where possible but a lot of my discard impacts everyone. Still, that means in a rotation around the table, my opponents combined do more discarding than I do so while Bone Miser would net me some advantage, it's not as much as some other effects I have like Waste Not, Asylum Visitor or Noetic Scales.

DemMeowsephs, Necrogen Spellbomb absolutely fits thematically but using a whole card to make a single opponent discard 1 feels like a bad trade. I prefer to find permanents with ongoing discard effects, or that make all opponents/players discard. It's also tough finding room considering all the new discard effects lately... which is a good problem to have, really.

grennpowerhouse on Tergrid's Asylum

3 years ago

I would seriously recommend considering Professor Onyx and Braids, Cabal Minion

As for what to cut I would say Asylum Visitor , Syphon Mind (it's good but for 4 mana it doesn't seem worth it), I hate to say this but maybe Sensei's Divining Top , Temple Bell (It does give you card advantage but it also gives everyone else card advantage), Wheel of Torture (At best it can only deal 2 damage).

That's all I have time for now but I will try to recommend more later

FormOverFunction on None

3 years ago

They Didn’t Even Ask Any Questions Scalding Tongs , Thumbscrews , Iron Maiden , Wheel of Torture , and Razor Pendulum . Really cement that line between kids/Pokémon and M:tG/high schoolers+. I’d be interested in what art they would choose (though I love most of those cards already) and I could do without WOT’s corny flavor text.

discipleofgary73 on I've got a very tiny bone to pick with you

3 years ago

I love everything about this deck! I have some fond/hate-filled memories of running up against some old discard decks that took advantage of The Rack and Wheel of Torture . Not sure if you find you're able to consistently keep multiple opponents under 3 cards in hand, but I figure I'd give them a shout-out. Since you're not running cabal coffers, Contamination might be incredibly rude in this provided you can maintain the upkeep cost.

DreadKhan on

3 years ago

Just saw a vid that pointed out that Mimic Vat works rather well with the Plaguecrafter types. Not sure if it's a fit, but you do run several of those creatures.

If you want to play salty in black, it's hard to argue against Opposition Agent , it's a really, really bad time for many decks. I had to rebuild my cEDH deck to deal with that card, and it's still very much a work in progress. Toss in something like Maralen of the Mornsong and you have some very salty enemies.

Wheel of Torture is probably better than The Rack in a multiplayer game, but I'd expect it to get nuked quickly. Not sure if Necrogen Mists or Bottomless Pit would fit your plan, but they do play nicely if you can get one out. BP can be back breaking.

You have 2 copies of Mire in Misery btw?

FormOverFunction on Bringing Mana Burn Back

3 years ago

If you’ve got Scalding Tongs and Wheel of Torture in a deck then it might be worth looking through my Torture! deck. Maybe a Viseling?

joeexotic on Do I decide what order …

3 years ago

I have Bottomless Pit, Noetic Scales, and Wheel of Torture all out at the same time. Each of them has a "during upkeep" trigger. Since I control the cards, do I get to decide what order they trigger for my opponent? So can I make sure that he discards a card first, then takes damage, and then returns creatures to his hand?

Thank you!

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